Space creation?

When they heard of such abilities, Marco and Peach Rabbit couldn’t help but break out in a cold sweat at the same time.

What a powerful ability.

Among some demon fruits, some superhuman fruits can indeed be shaped into an alien space out of thin air.

But the space that was shaped was only used to imprison enemies or to rest.

For example, Bruno of cp9 is the fruit of the Huimen Gate, he can open a door to a different space out of thin air, and then enter a part of the opponent’s body into that space, making it ineffective.

There is also one of the five emperors, one of the aunts, one of Sherlock Lingling’s daughters also has the ability of the mirror fruit, she can use her ability to create an area that can travel to the mirror space, which connects to any mirror in the world.

There is also one of the great aunts of Emperor Wu, a son of Sherlock Lingling, who has the ability to seal the book fruit of the book, and he can seal the opponent in the island book and use it to imprison the enemy forever, and he will not be able to come out for the rest of his life.

This spatial ability is extremely rare in the Demon Fruit ability, and it is the ability to have super control.

Once an opponent is attacked by this spatial ability, it will be difficult to effectively escape.

It’s all about turning the tide of battle.

But if the opponent is specifically using space shaping to fight.

Then this ability of his is extremely troublesome.

White Night also hesitated slightly, and he also felt the horror of this ability.

Because of the loss of White Night’s ability to network his heart, it was most likely because the spatial shaping ability of the female He Guan made it impossible for her to be seen through.

Perhaps it is because the body that created this space is already very far away from the rain.

White Night pondered slightly, and then he said, “If she is the ability to shape space, then the whole rain is illusory?” Is it all an illusion created by that woman? ”

Kosha nodded and admitted, “That’s right, that’s the horror of that woman, you can’t know if the space you’re in is real or if you’re in a state of being in your opponent’s trap.” ”

Marco asked, “So how do you know?” Her ability to shape that space. ”

Kosha groaned for a second and said, “Because we’ve given too much and experienced too much, even now our whole of Alabastan is completely in that woman’s hallucination.” ”

“We in Alabastan are going to be ruined by that woman.”

Peach Rabbit hesitated and asked, “Do you mean that something has happened to you?” ”

Kosha nodded and said, “The king of Alabastan has expelled his daughter from the country, and now she has been banished in the desert of this Alabastani. ”

Peach Rabbit said slowly, “But you should have already looked for Princess Weiwei, have you found it?” ”

Kosha replied slowly, “We did find it.” ”

“But it also paid a terrible price.” Behind the line came the voice of a young girl.

The crowd turned around and saw a young girl wearing a hood and a gray scarf around her neck standing up slowly.

She said: “Yes, we paid a very painful price, the woman will be a small space constantly around me, if someone is close to me, it will completely suck the person who is close to me, know that the space that was shaped by the space I completely changed, the person who was shaped is very violent.” 」 ”

“The humans portrayed by that woman directly killed the troops we went to support Princess Weiwei.”

Kosha groaned for a moment and said, as if he didn’t want to mention the massacre.

After such a long time, the scene of Princess Wei Wei slaughtering her companions was vividly remembered, and it could not be forgotten from his mind for a long time.

The princess who escaped from the palace, under the protection of the Kosha Tuan, was inexplicably changed by the woman to escape the space.

What was originally a desert has become a void city without wind and sand but without a person.

And in that city, a replica of Princess Wei Wei is in that space.

That woman can use her spatial creation ability to create a new space where everyone in that space will slaughter the guys who break into their space.

There is no mercy left at all to be directly erased.

Kosha rubbed his eyes, and the deep scar at the corner of his eye was due to that day.

On that day, he led the Kosha regiment to implement Princess Weiwei’s escape plan.

Unexpectedly, they were completely attacked by the enemy, creating a new space, and their companions became enemies.

In the end, Kosha killed all her companions in the creation space, and also killed the fake Princess Wei at the same time.

But the fake princess stabbed her in the face with a sword.

Kosha groaned for a moment, then said to the white night.

“This time you know, you destroyed only a ruin, but you yourself saw that the ruins were real.”

“However, in my opinion, you are just hitting people out of thin air, and the opponent does not exist at all.”

Marco stood up in amazement, he couldn’t believe that what he had heard was true.

He looked at Kosha and said, “The people I have hit really feel that the other person has indeed been burned to death by me with flames.” ”

Kosha shook his head, his voice still low, “I believe what you said, I know that you have indeed fought the enemy, but this is only an illusion of creating space, but the so-called illusion is real.” ”

“You are deep in that space, whether it’s fighting with others or the emotions you carry with you are real, that’s the terrible thing about creating space, everything there is real…”

Kosha suddenly stopped talking, as if he had been thinking about something all along, and then he said slowly.

“Of course, I also killed Princess Weiwei.”

It was at this time.

The woman who had just interjected suddenly stood up, she said.

“Kosha, no matter how many times I tell you it’s useless, I’m standing here alive, it’s just that I’m dead in that space, but that space is false. It was shaped by that woman, and if you don’t kill me and get out of that space, you can’t get out of that space. ”

White Night, Marco, and Peach Rabbit Royal Garden looked at the woman who had just spoken.

The woman took off her hood and put her scarf aside.

A long light blue hair poured out of the hood, the hair was unusually soft, and a pair of eyes revealed an incomparably tough look.

She said to White Night, “You’re right, I’m the Desert Nation, Princess Wei of Alabastan.” ”

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