The ranks of ten thousand rebel troops marched rapidly through the desert.

Princess Vivi and White Night rode in front of the fast running ducks, most of the large troops behind them rode horses, and some of them rode camels.

Almost no one is on foot.

Because Yuba has the largest domestication breeding base in the whole of Alabastan.

A large number of camels are bred and bred in the new oasis city of Jupa.

So there are so many horses and camels here that they are enough to equip the team of ten thousand people.

The cadres of the Kosha regiment rode fast running ducks to examine their teams.

They weave back and forth between the teams they are responsible for.

I was afraid that one would not pay attention and let myself fall into the attack trap of the person who created the space.

Then they had their soldiers carry a sharp weapon, cutting their fingers at all times to discern whether they were trapped in the creative space.

This concern is not superfluous.

The Kosha Regiment, a lightly armed combat unit, brought almost no food, only a small amount of water.

They had to run quickly to the city of Alabastan and then let the Assassin forces into Alabastan.

So it is necessary to strike a fatal blow without the other party making a defense!

This method of warfare is most afraid of letting soldiers fall into the creation of space.

Fortunately, however, the female subordinate of the road bully did not lay traps on this road.

So they soon saw the capital of Alabastan.

In the distance, the white walls stand tall.

Above those exotic domes hang flags representing the nation of Alabastan.

And there are no merchants around the country.

Perhaps the Kosha team had scared all the merchants away.

At this time, under the city of Alabastan.

There were constant footsteps coming slowly.

In an instant.

A large number of royal armies had already appeared under the city.

It was at the beginning of the confrontation between the two armies that the two armies began.

White Night slapped the running duck twice.

Then he greeted his two companions, Marco and Peach Rabbit.

Then he turned to Princess Vivi beside him and said.

“The outside of the city will be handed over to you, and you can rest assured of the battle inside the city.”

Princess Vivi nodded gratefully, and then Kosha walked over to him.

He said to the White Night, “I will definitely protect Princess Vivi outside the city, but at the same time I hope that you will keep your promise.” ”

White Night looked at Kosha with a smile and said, “I never renege on my word in White Night.” ”

Having said that, he drove the Running Ducks away from the flanks of the line with Marco and the Peach Rabbit.

Running ducks are several times faster than camels and horses.

Two thick thighs are enough for them to roam the vast expanse of desert.

They carried the three men of the White Night away from the flanks and came in a large circle to the back of the capital of Alabastan.

Then they found out that there were no guards here.

It turned out that all the guards were at the main gate to meet the enemy.

It seems that Lu Ba has also made up his mind to use the entire kingdom army to fight the rebels.

Wait until the three fast running ducks carry the three people of White Night, Peach Rabbit, and Marko.

They gradually approached the city walls.

Suddenly, there was a violent tremor at this hard wall.

The ensuing roar reached the ears of several of them.

Immediately afterward, a huge gap was inexplicably broken in the thick walls of Alabastan.

Then, in a moment of astonishment, they found that from the gap, a stone ladder appeared.

Stone stairs lead to the interior of Alabastan.

Marco also thought it was a new trick of Lord White Night.

Still amazed at the abilities of Lord White Night.

White Night sensed Marko’s thoughts with his heart net, a little speechless.

Then Bai Ye groaned for two seconds and said, “I didn’t make this passage. ”

Peach Rabbit Royal Garden interjected at this time, “Is it that woman’s creative space?” ”

Bai Ye nodded and said, “It seems that this is all I can think about.” ”

Then White Night looked again at the passage where the stone steps came out and said.

“It seems that this is the method that the woman used to welcome us.” It seems that we have to fight. ”

Marco snapped his hands and shot out two blue firebirds.

The firebird screamed twice, and the cry cut through the sky and rushed directly into the stairs.

Only to see the firebird enter the perimeter of the wall, the firebird actually disappeared.

He was silent for half a second and said, “Lord White Night is right, there is indeed creative space there. ”

Peach Rabbit asked, “Next, what do we do?” ”

Bai Ye smiled and looked at the other party and said, “Of course, it is a trick, since the other party welcomes us to enter, then we will enter.” ”

Then the white night drove the fast running ducks to rush through them.

Marco and Peach Rabbit were not afraid, and they then drove the fast running ducks to rush up.

Then White Night descended the fast duck at the door of the stone staircase, and then rushed into the stairs.

Marco and Peach Rabbit did the same, and they told the fast running ducks to wait at the door and never go in.

Then the three of them strode into the stairs.

Inside the stairs, it was as if everything was in plain sight.

On the walls of the stone steps, there are quaint hanging paintings, which do not look like they are in the city wall at all.

It’s more like they walked into an inn.

In the middle of those hanging paintings, there is a door with a closed face.

From those gates came the sound of some people walking.

White Night, Marco, and Peach Rabbit already knew that this was the space created by the Able.

To escape from this space you must kill!

Immediately afterward, the sound of violent footsteps from those gates kept coming.

Then, the door opened and countless people in the creation space rushed out.

White Night drew out his Dark Fire Sword and swung it forward.

The sword was wrapped in the power of thunder and lightning, and the dark shadows everywhere they went, destroyed everything.

Marco also burned his hands, instantly summoning a huge blue firebird from his hand.

The firebird then burns the black shadows on the left and right sides to death.

Moreover, the blue flames dropped by the firebirds have the property of immortality, burning the corpses that burn to death without interruption.

Block those dark shadows from advancing.

And the peach rabbit also pulled out his sword, wrapping the armed and domineering sword body.

Coupled with her graceful posture, she constantly moves behind enemy lines.

Everywhere you go, there is a constant sound of killing.

They fought for a long time, but even if the number of kills was up to standard.

After the space is destroyed, they will also be trapped in a new space.

White Night wants to catalyze the maximum attribute to attack.

But he was stopped by Peach Rabbit.

Peach Rabbit said, “Lord White Night, at present we don’t know what the ability of that road lord has, they are a total of three people, and we are also three people.” ”

“Why don’t we fight them one-on-one, and I want to share the hard work for you.”

Then Peach Rabbit’s eyes were like a gathering and said, “And this is made by that female He Guan, and I am also a woman.” So, I think it would be more convenient for me to attack her. “_

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