“Tick… Tick…”

Drops of blood ran down Dusty’s arm and landed on the sword.

As the sword body spread, it dripped lightly to the ground.

With the help of the cover of smoke and dust after another fight.

Dusty had a few seconds to rest and adjust.


Lu Feng tried his best to transmit spiritual power and support Dusty’s state.

Now Dusty has gradually understood.

The advantage that has just been achieved with the blessing of the white holy light.

It has been slowly eliminated and receded.

Cavendish is strong!

It is so strong that it is not something that the current self can be hostile to.

Obviously, at the level of the sword, the shadow sword should be more aggressive and fierce.

However, because of his ability to act, Lu Feng lost at the starting line.

“Practice is not enough… It’s really useless…”

“Don’t want to lose to any swordsman… I don’t want you to lose to any famous sword…”

Dusty was filled with indignation in her heart, and the hand holding the hilt of the sword was trembling.

“You’re just young, let me help you!”

Lu Feng felt Dusty’s will and took the initiative to launch a new skill “Bloodthirsty Attack”.


Dusty felt a flash of information in her head.

A series of flickering memories were directly imprinted in my mind.

After using the sword skills in the system for the first time.

The flow of information will be directly transmitted to the memory of the sword owner and shared directly with the sword owner.

And so it goes.

In subsequent battles, if the sword owner wants to start it on his own, he also masters the use of skills.

Immediately followed.

The dripping blood stopped abruptly.

The blood stains on Lu Feng’s body were quickly imprinted into the sword body.

The intricate printed sword pattern gradually dyed from the original maroon to blood red.

The sword pattern continued to amplify and spread.

From the hilt of the sword to the palm of Dusty’s hand.

It was printed into the body along the palm of the hand and continued to spread.

Arms, neck, side face….

The sword pattern like a spell mark looks very enchanting against the background of the ghostly dazzling blood red.

The sinuous and rotating lines on the side of Dusty’s face seemed to be a blood rose with a tattoo like skin.

It adds a bit of feminine flavor.


The corner of Dusty’s eyes closed.

The black pupils were stained with blood.

“It’s tough!”

Cavendish did not add any other wounds.

But when the battle line is lengthened, it also consumes a lot of physical strength.

Because of his own negligence, there are also many cracks in his clothes.

Dressed in an elegant Western-style denim outfit.

The rags that have been slashed and cannot be seen directly.

While venturing on the Great Route, Cavendish was chased and intercepted by navies of different ranks.

The battles experienced are even more numerous.

It’s just that such an embarrassing battle has been fought, and this is the first time!

And it was also by a female ensign of the navy who did not have a high rank at all!

Wait until the end of the battle on this side.

Cavendish will definitely return to the Ripping Bar for another drink or two.

At the same time, thanks to Sharch.

Found such a good swordsman opponent!

“Don’t dodge? It’s still in place. ”

“It seems that it should also be the end of the strong crossbow, it’s a pity.”

Cavendish felt Dusty standing in place without moving, and couldn’t help but shake his head.

Under such cover, when is the best time to shoot.

Cavendish is completely judgmental.

Seeing that the smoke and dust were about to dissipate, Cavendish quickly flashed over.

In case of eye impairment.

Launching a large-scale sword qi slash is undoubtedly telling the opponent that he is going to attack.

Silently approaching, quickly bursting out the strongest attacks at close range.

This is the winning sword attack!


The forward thrust is only halfway through.

A hot and furious breath burst out directly from the smoke.

The speed of the air blade impact was so fast that Cavendish could not dodge it at all.

And he is again in a forward stance.

It can only be passively defended.

Realizing that something was wrong, Cavendish immediately stopped and jumped out of the smoke circle.

He lightly scratched the face that had just been hit.


With such a gentle scrape, he actually hurt himself?

What was that air blade just now?

Does this woman still have hole cards that have not been used?

With infinite doubts in my heart, it has become a problem to want to attack.

Before he could think more deeply, a terrible scene happened again.




The dense air blade seemed to be a red throwing knife, quickly locking the location where Cavendish was, impacting again and again.


Cavendish didn’t have time to stop and immediately shifted his positional area.



The range of the red qi wave swept larger and larger, and the destructive power was amazing, urging many things along the way.

Outside in front of the Yong Road.

“Ah! Help me! ”

The girl shouted loudly in panic.

The slave camp fled quickly.

The girl did not dare to run with them.

But she had seen with her own eyes the collar that exploded, taking the lives of tens of millions of pirates with a life bounty.

Even if she was given a chance, she didn’t dare to run away at all.

I didn’t expect that I was on the side of the road and had already gone a long way.

It still did not escape the aftermath of the battle.

For ordinary people, this degree of aftermath.

It is a very fatal blow!


The imaginary image of himself being bombarded did not appear.

However, in front of the unmanned giant tree on the side, one was broken by a terrible blast.

“This is…”

The girl slowly opened her eyes and looked at the white-haired old man with glasses who appeared in front of her.

“Thank you, sir… Thank you for saving me…”

As she spoke, the girl’s tears flowed.



Another explosion sounded.

The girl was taken aback.

Only to find out when she reacted.

It turned out that the collar around his neck was removed!

“No need to thank me, run, it’s dangerous here.”

The old man said with a smile.

“Old stuff! Stinky ladies! Stay out of the way! ”

“Fuck off! Run! ”


The members of the convoy, frightened by the aftermath, scattered for their lives.

When they were just scattered, many people were only slightly injured.

Curiosity kills cats!

In order to find out what happened, many people stayed to watch the play.

The result is good.

It encountered an even more terrifying wave of scarlet qi!

The girl recognized the soldiers of the escort at a glance, and tears flowed with fright.

The old man standing in front of her shook his head and said

“It’s a bad coincidence, I like to be nosy the most.”

“Can’t continue to let those two young swordsmen make trouble, otherwise it will ruin here.”

“I forgot to bring a knife when I went out today, so let’s borrow your use!”

Saying that, the old man raised his head with clear eyes and sharply scanned several members of the escort.


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