Dusty’s concentration improves.

The effect directly affected Lu Feng’s body.

The body of the hundred-armed giant in mid-air turned into a sword, and it rushed towards the heart flame fireball.

“This, this is a sword move?”

“What weird thing, how come I’ve never seen this sword?”

“Why is it so powerful!”

Ember himself is also a sword master.

Kendo and famous swords are overly familiar and familiar.

Divine weapons like Lu Feng.

Ember Dang really met for the first time!

As for what kind of strength to exert.

The results are already very obvious.


A loud noise.

Two flames of different colors, one red and one brown, rushed straight to the sky!

The clouds in the air were split in two.

Looking at the posture, it seems that the dome is going to be chopped to pieces.

Even more surprising is that…

In front of the hundred-armed giant, Xin Yan was quickly swallowed up and shocked.

Not the slightest trace left!

The volley giant sword condensed by the body of the hundred-armed giant still did not stop.

It fell towards the body of the pterosaur of Ember!

“Die, you bastard!”

Lu Feng could feel the ghost qi wrapped around his body disappearing at an extremely fast pace.

But the atmosphere has come here.

He definitely won’t stop easily!

Until the moment when the carditis dissipates.

Ember didn’t react completely.

What the intensity of his own skills is, he himself knows best.

How could it be broken so easily?

In addition, Lu Feng’s shot speed was already shockingly fast.

Even a little bit of Ember’s distraction.

In the next breath, the attack of the seventh ghost god “Hundred Armed Giant” was already in front of him.


A volley of bombardment.

A black-brown ghost fire ring was smashed in the air.

The earth boulders, which were under the ring, shattered, raising bursts of sandstorms.

Embers smashed into the air.

It flew upside down like a stray bullet.

It smashed heavily on the mountain 100 meters away.


The solid mountain was blasted out of a huge crater.


Observe the scene thoroughly fryer too!

“Captain Ember, Boss Ember! How so? How could this happen? ”

“It’s terrifying, what the hell is this thing with so many arms?”

“Ship, the captain will be beaten up? What a joke, or was it taken by a … Woman! That’s a woman! ”

“Oh my God, it’s really a woman!”


The pirates who followed the embers each shouted out loudly.

Because the rapid dissipation of the ghost fire receded.

Dusty, who fell in the volley state, slowly revealed his true face.

Even ordinary pirates can vaguely see that it is a woman in a navy uniform.

“Lord Smooge, it’s a woman! It’s a woman who flew the flame disaster! ”

The subordinate spoke loudly again beside Smooge.

The noisy look made Smoogie frown.

“You don’t need to say this kind of thing, I can see it with my eyes!”

“Why does this woman seem a little familiar?”

“What is the origin of this sword?”

The same is Jianhao.

When Smoogie saw Dusty’s shadow sword, the content was a burst of agitation.

If you can get a famous sword, it is definitely the most enthusiastic hobby of the first sword hao.

Especially a top-level famous sword like the Shadow Sword!

“Lord Smooji, this woman is familiar! Is it…”

“If you want to turn it into juice too, just keep talking!”

Smoogie said threateningly.

Occasionally a sentence or two can be interesting.

But her patience also has its limits.

“Lord Smooge, I’m talking about this…”

The subordinate flicked the information report in his hand and whispered, not daring to make any more movements.

Smoogie took it and glanced at the picture of Dusty printed on it!

“Navy newcomers … Red Shadow Kenho… And this sword…”

“That’s right! That’s her! ”

“Can’t be wrong!”

With cold sweat on his forehead, Smoogie looked resolutely at the place where Dusty landed.


I just talked to Klee on the phone.

He asserts that it is Peach Rabbit’s Red Shadow Sword Goudaschi who has clashed with Armand.

Suppose this is true.

Dusty came from that far away from Ashi Long Island?

Can you still exert such terrifying strength?

Navy newcomers, but not as easy to deal with as it seems!


Peach Rabbit’s figure flashed.

Immediately surrounded by a group of surviving navies, he came to Dusty’s side.

“Dusty, what’s wrong?”

“Is there a place where, where is it injured or something?”

Peach Rabbit had already begun to swallow when he spoke.

That blow just now was like a blow!

Now Peach Rabbit is still playing back in his mind, the picture of the moment Dusty made a move.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, your injuries don’t matter, right?”

Dusty didn’t wait for Peach Rabbit to say anything, and cared about her first.

Peach Rabbit immediately shook his head and said

“I’m just overconsuming, are you really okay?”

“Your opponent is one of Kaido’s three major disasters!”

Peach Rabbit said in disbelief.


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