Marko had heard before that the redhead wanted to talk to his daddy.

was directly rejected by the father.

I didn’t expect that a person ran over today.

Although Whitebeard is not a person who bullies the few.

But how can people with such strong identities on both sides easily act on their own?

“Hahaha, Marko, you are still so humorous.”

“I’m here for your second team captain’s business.”

“If you go to the Great Route now to bring him back, nothing trouble will happen.”

“Captain Marko, you should know what I mean, right?”

The redhead glanced at Marko, and he knew that Marko must have understood what he was talking about.

Fire Fist Ace hunts down the traitor of the Whitebeard Pirates, who now calls himself Blackbeard’s Tichy!

This incident was known to many forces in the New World at that time.

After all, a traitor appeared in a team of the Four Emperors.

He also killed the detachment leader, and it is difficult to hide such information.

“This is our family affair, don’t worry about it.”

“Go back quickly, others are afraid of your reputation, I am not afraid.”

“Be careful, you don’t need daddy to do it at all, I’ll clean you up too!”

Marko showed no mercy and spoke with no hesitation.

“Marko, two words less.”

Whitebeard’s calm and thick voice sounded.

Impatient, Marko stood directly to the side.

“What happened over there, just tell the truth.”

“Don’t care about the presence of the red-haired kid.”

Whitebeard said boldly.

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate!

After so many years of wandering the sea, I have seen and experienced any battles.

A little intelligence information, he didn’t care about being heard by the redhead.

“Yes, Daddy.”

Marko contained his dissatisfaction and immediately nodded and said.

He can take what others say as if he didn’t hear it.

But Whitebeard’s words and deeds.

Marko is obedient.

Let’s start with Fosa’s death.

After arriving, I saw everything with my own eyes on the island.

Marko tried to describe it as objectively as possible.

Only when Dusty and Shadow Sword are mentioned.

He subconsciously said his intuitive feeling that he thought Dusty was beyond imagination.

As a matter of fact.

Change who was in the scene at the time.

After seeing a scene like that.

will make further judgments on Dusty’s strength.

“Karp and Tsuru?”

“I didn’t expect these two old guys to come in person!”

“Sure enough, in recent years, the Navy’s desire to expand its influence in the New World is not just talk.”

After hearing this, Whitebeard did not look too surprised.

In his heyday, Karp personally fought.

Whitebeard was not afraid.

Now that he just knew that he was on the scene, Whitebeard didn’t care even more.

“Captain Whitebeard, Marko just made it clear.”

“There are amazing new people in the Navy this time, this is what we should pay attention to, right?”

After listening to the description, the redhead instantly grasped the key information in the words.

Several people in a row frantically catch pirates!

One move kills a team captain in a second!

Fight against the three major disasters of the big Kanban without falling behind!

The signs are fully indicative.

This teenage girl must have something extraordinary.


Whitebeard hammered a punch on the wine table, and his face was very unhappy.

“I’m a whitebeard doing things, when will it be your brat turn to point fingers?”

“Again and again, one by one, they are so arrogant.”

“Does the G5 branch consider itself the headquarters of the Navy?”

“Moved my son, I call him what a naval rookie old man!”

“Let them hand people over, otherwise … Declare war! ”

Whitebeard said domineeringly.

His own son can step on someone else’s head.

But he did not allow his son to be trampled on by others.

Different positions, seeing the essence of things is different.

There is no absolute right or wrong between the military thief and the thief.

It’s all about who has a bigger and harder fist.

At that time, Whitebeard announced that he was covering Fishman Island.

I don’t know how many forces, including the navy, want to get involved.


None of them dared to do it.

In the waters of the New World, direct to the G5 branch of the Navy.

Whitebeard can fully afford to sit on this façade!

After hearing this, the redhead couldn’t help but frown.

He knows Whitebeard’s temper.


Whatever you’re saying.

Whitebeard won’t change his mind.

Particularly covering his son, the white beard is famous.

So, everyone ran into the crew under Whitebeard.

will give three points of courtesy.

The G5 branch of the Navy does not have much influence in the New World.

It’s not even as good as a territory under the rule of Qiwu Hai.

Even if it is changed to the Four Emperors Group, Whitebeard will declare war without hesitation.

“Captain Whitebeard, it seems that this time because of a naval newcomer, the new world is going to become lively.”

“I’m afraid I can’t stay out of it, maybe I’ll meet on the battlefield.”

“Today, I will take my leave.”

Talking too much is useless.

It is better to go back and deploy early.

Look at the next step in case of disruption.

How to find a chance for peace in the chaotic new world.


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