A few days later.

Amazon lily.

Nine Snake Island Port!

Dusty held the shadow sword and stood high on the deck of the warship.

Looking towards the island, he kept looking for the figure he wanted to see.

The most recent days of presence at the headquarters.

It’s overwhelming news almost every day!

The captain of the second team under Whitebeard was arrested!

A public execution to be broadcast live in Marinfodo!

Such a big thing, released so many days in advance.

It will naturally attract the attention of all parties.

It’s not just the Great Route Shake.

The new world exploded like a pot.

All forces are watching Whitebeard’s every move.

The man who claims to be the strongest on the sea.

In this case, what will be done?

Solid naval headquarters.

Since more than twenty years ago, the sea thief Golden Lion Shiji has attacked outside.

No one dared to fight the idea here.

His own “son” was arrested.

Now there are also public executions.

The top of the headquarters of the Navy agreed unanimously.

Whitebeard will definitely appear!

In order to cope with such a scene.

His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas, which were idle in various places, began a new wave of mobilization!


The task that Dusty is going to perform.

It is to escort the female emperor of Nine Snake Island, Boya Hancock, to the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

The island of Hydra in the land of Amazon lilies.

It is within the windless zone and the terrain is dangerous.

The women on the island are naturally able to use powerful armed color domineering.

Even if it is the main mansion of the world, he does not dare to provoke them easily.

As the female emperor of the “Daughters Island”.

Hancock was even more shelf, and he waited for two hours without a trace.

“There are two escorts on the left, twenty people!”

“On the right front, there are more, three teams of forty-five!”

“There are so many patrols stationed on the island alone, and ordinary people really can’t get close.”

Lu Feng sensed his surroundings.

I couldn’t help but say with admiration.

Since their own fixed properties, after the upgrade.

Lu Feng felt that his spiritual power was sharper than before.

The scope of investigation has expanded considerably.

In terms of heart-to-heart communication with Dusty, it is also more intimate.

Lian Daschi had some hesitation in her heart.

Lu Feng could feel it clearly.

To be precise.

This girl no longer has any secrets in front of Lu Feng.

“Here it comes!”

Lu Feng’s spirit was shocked, and his consciousness floated straight ahead.

Known as the most beautiful woman on the sea, the female emperor who has captivated thousands of people.

It’s finally time to see it today!




Hurried footsteps came from the beach.

Dusty waved his hand, and the soldiers in charge of receiving followed suit.

Peach Rabbit has said in advance that this task should be paid extra attention.

Be polite to the female emperor Han Cook, and bring her back without wind or waves.

Within Dusty’s line of sight.

The members of the two female escorts quickly formed a formation.

Because Nine Snake Island has a rule that no outsiders are allowed to land.

So Dusty did not disembark, but waited peacefully on the ship.

Waiting for the appearance of the target figure, the female emperor.

“Your Majesty Hancock, be careful all the way!”

“Your Majesty Hancock, be careful all the way!”

“Your Majesty Hancock, have a good journey!”

“Your Majesty Hancock, have a good journey!”


After a reverent cry.

The tall female emperor Han Cook wearing a peach-colored yellow cheongsam.

Finally appeared!

She has long black Ji-style hair and a suffocating face.

Hancock came with money, and every step made people feel excited.

Even if it’s a woman.

See such a harmonious and beautiful picture.

I can’t help but be moved.

On the other hand, Dusty did still maintain a cold expression.

Watch for Hancock’s arrival.

“Fortunately, this charm has no effect on me.”

“This cool breath that guards the mind… Shadow, sure enough, you’re helping me! ”

Dusty reacted quickly.

“Of course it’s me.”

“This woman is really strong!”

“Without using fruit powers, you can naturally release such a charm.”

“This is obviously not a horizontal convergence, on purpose!”

Lu Feng was amazed by Hancock’s face.

It also briefly analyzes Hancock’s strength.


A woman who can make Nine Snake Island dominate one side.

Not so easy to deal with.

“Lord Hancock is here!”

“Ah! It’s really beautiful! ”

“Lord Hancock! Yes! Look over! ”

“Are you looking at me? Yes! It feels like my heart is coming out! ”


Dusty resisted, and the soldiers behind her were not so lucky.

One by one, like a monkey.

Waving and shouting playfully.

Hancock seems to enjoy the treatment.

Feel at ease.


When Hancock looked at the warship, he suddenly frowned.

“When did the concubine say.”

“The navy’s ship platform can be put on the land of Nine Snake Island?”

Hancock said tactfully, revealing a different kind of domineering.


Heard Hancock say.

Dusty realized.

Soldiers who just didn’t know that they couldn’t land on the island.

Unexpectedly, the connecting walkway on the side of the warship was put down.


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