

Looking at the warship that slowly approached and went unnoticed.

Lu Feng immediately issued a warning fluctuation that alerted him.

When it was detected that Lu Feng was also on the warship.

Lu Feng already understood.

What is the purpose of their operation this time?

“I want to take advantage of the fact that there is no one in the Navy headquarters.”

“Come over to pass on information from the members of the Straw Hats?”

“What a guy who doesn’t care about the consequences at all!”

“There’s an old guy supporting him!”

Lu Feng muttered while feeling jealous.

In a sense.

Hades Rayleigh is much trickier than Drought Jack.

In terms of combat effectiveness, it is even more inevitable that people’s backs will feel cold.

Of course.

Fight against it, whether you can draw high-level things.

That’s something to look forward to!

“Shadow Sword, you are?”

Dusty received a signal from the Shadow Sword.

His gaze locked on the warship that was approaching this side.

It’s obviously so close to the port, and you haven’t even reduced the appropriate speed?

Enter the headquarters warship in Zhongyang Square.

There are strict driving speed limits.

This warship has quirks!

“Trouble let go, there are some things that need to be dealt with by me.”

“Lieutenant General Dusty, can you answer one more question?”

“Just one, it’ll be me soon!”

“It’s just a little delay, Lieutenant General Dusty, wait a little longer!”


Heard Dusty say to go.

The reporters who did not ask questions were particularly anxious.

Even if Dusty said it politely.

These people still don’t mean to give way.

“Sorry for the loss of company!”

Dusty replied.

Immediately after, everyone felt that the figure in the camera flashed.

When he came back to his senses, Dusty had disappeared into place.

Came to the port mooring place of Zhongyang Square.

“Da, Lieutenant General Dusty is good!”

“Lieutenant General Dusty!”

Several sailors in charge of the reception.

Seeing the big people who suddenly appeared, they shouted out excitedly one by one.

Today’s Dusty.

It has become an idol in the minds of ordinary naval soldiers.

From the bottom struggle to the present.

It took such a short time.

That’s where we are today.

Will that ordinary soldier not envy when he sees it?

“What’s going on with this warship? What to do? ”

Dusty asked as her mental power spread.

Probing the situation on the warship.

“Back to Lieutenant General Dusty!”

“It’s a ship that goes out to transport scrap.”

“I don’t know why it’s too fast, we’ve already issued a warning.”

The sailor in charge of the response immediately replied.

After answering, he kept wiping cold sweat.


There are strong people on warships!

How can there be powerful guys on warships transporting scrap?

“Let them stop their ships and not be allowed near the port.”

Dusty ordered.


The relevant personnel in charge around him immediately gave instructions to the warship.

Either phone bug warning.

Or waving a forbidden flag.

All ignored by the other party.

At the moment where the warship is at the helm.

Hades Renly’s eyes were sharp.

He looked at Dusty standing at the port.

“It’s troublesome now.”

“The intelligence of this stupid guy Shaqi is really accurate.”

“The main forces of the Navy are no longer Marinfodo, as long as you are not bad luck to avoid the Red Shadow Sword Hao.”

“It’s just that luck is so bad, it’s impossible to avoid it this time!”

Renly said with a wry smile.

Before setting off for Malinfodo.

Sharch once gave Renly advice, and he remembers it very well.

How can I help, let alone be alarmed.

People happen to be right in the square.

It is obviously impossible to avoid this battle!

Reilly helplessly adjusted the direction of the rudder.

After making sure it was stable, a dodge jumped onto the deck.

On deck.

Dozens of naval soldiers were tied up in two regiments.

There was only one commander who followed the ship.

Forced to complete the cooperation with Renly, Jinping, and Luffy.

“It is an instruction to prohibit docking.”

“You have to stop now, otherwise it’s dangerous!”

The commander in charge of the ship immediately reminded.

“Mr. Reilly, it seems that the other party has discovered us.”

Jinpei glanced at Renly, waiting for him to make a decision.

There are big guys who have been hidden in the rivers and lakes for many years.

Jinping was just responsible for taking care of Luffy.

Things that make decisions.

Of course, it still fell on Renly.

“No need to stop the boat, let’s drive straight over!”

“Jinping, wait for you to act with Luffy.”

“The battle at the port is left to me.”

Renly instructed cautiously.

“Fight? Is it a troublesome guy? ”

Jinping looked at Renly’s expression and said suspiciously.

His perception is not as sharp as Renly’s.

From such a distance, I don’t know what lies ahead.

When Renly heard this, he replied and said:

“Red Shadow Kenhao, Dusty.”

“The most eye-catching naval rising star in Armageddon.”

“Do you say it’s a big trouble?”


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