Renly was sure he was standing in safety.

Only then did he stabilize his figure and cover his shoulders.

Just now, if it weren’t for his own reaction, he would have reacted quite quickly.

Just such an ordinary sword move.

You will cause serious injuries to yourself.

Even so.

The shoulder injury, this time, did have an impact on the operation.

“Hey, Jinping, Uncle Reilly is injured?”

“Is that woman what you call Akakage?”

“She actually … Actually injured Uncle Reilly? ”

Luffy looked at Dusty in disbelief.

Never thought that a strong existence like Rayleigh.

There are times when you get hurt!

Jinping looked at the battlefield between Renly and Dusty.

The gaze is particularly solemn.

As early as before coming, several people had already deployed their plans separately.

The special situation in front of you is completely unexpected.

Even Renly himself didn’t think about it.

After meeting your opponent, you will be caught in a bitter battle.


“Take Luffy and leave first!”

“Just leave it to me here, no one can keep me!”

Renly glanced at Jinping and handed him a look that was fine.

Whether it’s strong or strong.

It’s just a matter of real strength.

At such a point, such things can still be said.

It is completely possible to see Renly’s courage.


“So fast…”

Renly was nothing more than a shift in his gaze.

A short gap can no longer be short.

I was actually caught by Dusty!

People are visual as the intuitive information pathway for conscious behavior.

When your eyes are not looking in one direction.

Even if the perception ability can detect it.

There will be a slight delay in feedback.

When Renly realized that Dusty was rapidly approaching.

I only found out when I wanted to react.

His own startup speed and reaction speed couldn’t even track this girl!

“The power of the giant elephant, open!”


The powerful blow hit Renly directly.

Compared to just now, ten times stronger than the burst of strength.

Let Renly completely control the department.

Even if the armed color domineering really prevents the sword qi slash.

But it was still blasted out of a very long distance.

“Uncle Reilly!”

Luffy saw this situation and looked like he was about to rush over.

But he had injuries and was very slow to move and react.

Jinping saw the opportunity and pulled him over.

Carried on his shoulders.


“Mr. Reilly is right, I’ll take you away right now!”

Saying that, Jinping directly abandoned the warship in the port.

When you come, you can grab a warship.

It was completely locked when I left.

As long as you get close to the past, you will immediately welcome the baptism of artillery fire.

If you take Luffy alone, with your own fish-man ability.

Running out of the square connected to the water is not a difficult task.


Dusty’s gaze froze.

A strong breath shrouded Jinping and Luffy’s bodies.



Overlord color domineering!

When Jinping was wandering before.

Naturally, I have encountered and personally felt it.

I didn’t expect a girl’s overlord color domineering to release intensity.

Even Jinping’s actions were slightly hindered.

Luffy, on the other hand, shrank his pupils on Renly’s shoulder.

Their hands and feet trembled.

Not passing out directly is already a good performance.

“Want to go? When this is the place anymore! ”

“Definitely make a few of them pay!”

Lu Feng thought angrily in his heart.



Before Dasiqi could attack further.

Renly’s figure blocked in front of him again.

At this moment, he was even more embarrassed than he looked just now.

It’s just that the power of the shot has not weakened.

A kick stopped Dusty in front of him.

Directly blocks the danger of Jinping and Luffy.


Dusty took a few steps along the ground.

Nearly crashed into the pillar behind him.

“Oops, the consumption is even greater than expected.”

“It won’t last long!”

Lu Feng faintly felt his limit.

The feeling of collapse in seconds also made Dusty feel very obvious.

“Don’t worry, this little time is enough!”

When Dusty returned to his senses, he saw Jinping who was ready to escape.

Just as she was about to launch a sword.

Reilly came again.

Don’t allow Dusty to think more, a huge phantom has appeared!

In the state of tenfold increase!

“The seventh ghost god, the hundred-armed giant of the soldier’s soul!”

Renly’s face was solemn, and he saw the opportunity in the shadow.

A kick kicked out!


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