Long before coming here.

The three lieutenant generals have already defined their tasks in advance.

The ghost spider is responsible for dealing with all enemies near the port after landing on the island.

If there is anything missing, prepare to escape from the port on one side.

It was also done by him and his men.

Neither Dusty nor Green Bull will be involved.

After arriving on the island.

The top combat power is dealt with by Dusty himself.

This is the responsibility of the captain.

Dusty will not run away, and will bear it at the first time.


Other enemies appear on the island, characters who try to hinder the battle.

It’s all up to the Green Bull to deal with it!

His skills are inherently special.

Large-scale reconnaissance and attack can fully bring out the characteristics within his fruit.

“Big brother!”

“What the hell happened?”

“What just happened?”

Just when the situation was just falling into turmoil.

A fiery red figure hurried to the scene.

Charlotte Owen!

Another younger brother of Katakuri among the triplets.

That is, the person you just wanted to notify.

According to the calculation of time, the person sent by Katakuri to deliver the message should not have reached Owen’s side yet.

Obviously, it was Owen who sensed something was wrong and ran himself!

Owen is not Katakuri.

Not so alert.

There is no special investigative ability.

It wasn’t until I saw the situation at the scene that I understood that there was really a big accident!

“The navy actually dares to come here!”

“Is this woman … Akakage Dusty? ”

“How is this bastard also familiar?”

Owen Fox looked at the two suspiciously and said.

“Minister Jiao Huang who has the ability to heat the fruit.”

“I thought you would be baking dim sum island, but I didn’t expect to run into it here!”

“Hahaha, it seems that my luck is good!”

Green Bull rubbed his palms and looked like he had found his opponent again.

Obviously just when he was in the port.

He was the first to strike.

It’s really scary that it’s still such a belligerent posture!

“I remember your face!”

“There are navy clothes on board, I don’t recognize you at all.”

“Green Bull, Jiufa Maruyama!”

“I didn’t expect you to join”

“Are you going to die today?”

Owen is also a fiery temper.

Needless to say, it’s already very hot.



I didn’t wait for Owen to say more.

Two rows of wooden root spikes sprang up on the surface.

The target attack range was Owen who was on the scene.

“You didn’t even say hello?”

“It’s too underestimated!”

“Fist of High Heat!”

Owen punched out.

It was one of the rows of spikes that suddenly appeared.


Strong heat energy exploded directly on the ground spurt.

The originally sharp thorn ends were softened by the roasting heat.

There is no more attack power to speak of.

Superman is a hot fruit!

It is different from the natural system of roasted fruit.

The ability of hot fruit is to instantly heat the surface of the object and enter a state of overflow.

When Irving attacked, he fused armed color domineering.

One blow.

The attack plants created by the green bull wither rapidly.

Immediately followed.

It was ignited by the energy of the hot fruit and burned directly on the ground.


“It’s a good ability.”

“It seems to be somewhat compatible with my attributes?”

“It’s troublesome now, hahaha!”

Green Bull mouthed trouble.

But looking at his performance, he didn’t feel like he would lose at all.

Such a man.

An open-minded mindset will first make the opponent unorganized.

“Abominable bastard!”

“Are you underestimating me?”

Owen drank sharply, directly annoyed by the green bull’s smile.

Unexpectedly, the green bull’s face suddenly sank, shook his head and said:

“Hey, hey, don’t make a mistake.”

“I won’t underestimate any opponent!”

The green bull’s figure flashed, and the next moment he had already appeared beside Owen.

“Enemy attack!”

“Enemy attack!”

“Come here, all follow!”

“Catch them, everyone go together!”

“Help the two adults, hurry up!”


After hearing the movement on this side, the surrounding juniors quickly surrounded them.



For a while, the sound of bombing and gunfire immediately sounded around Dusty.

Even if the soldiers have not yet arrived at the scene.

Dusty also stood calmly in place.

Didn’t pay attention to other things around him at all.

The green bull had already promised in advance, and everything around her was left to her alone.

This trust, Dusty can still do.

On the other hand, Katakuri also did not dare to be distracted, and his attention was focused on Dusty.

It’s not that he’s as confident.

Instead, I worry that a moment’s distraction will invite the scourge of killing!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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