Epidemic has always been a man stronger than Jack.

Of the three major calamities, Drought Jack is the weakest victorious and is bullied by all kinds of people.

So far, Drought Jack is also full of courage.

Since he was defeated before, this time he wants to completely regain face.

They will not continue to defeat themselves, and if so, then they may be expelled from these three major disasters.

So Drought Jack made a special effort this time.

Karp saw that Drought Jack was almost crazy now, and he asked with a smile.

“Jack, according to your strength, it is indeed powerful, but it seems that you are not welcomed by Kaido!”

Perhaps Karp’s words were unintentional.

But at least it made Drought Jack more angry.

Then Drought Jack punched him again, and there was no sign of convergence.

Drought Jack did disagree with Karp’s words.

I have proven my strength for so long.

Although his strength may not be the strongest, there will definitely be no problem.

As it is said now.

Karp is already old.

If he really used all his strength, Karp might not be able to withstand it.

So the current drought is full of strength.

The mammoth’s power has always been greater than that of any animal.

Because it is an ancient species, the mammoth is naturally one of the strengths of the ancient species.

And the mammoths of that time did not have so-called natural enemies.

Even his natural enemies have been eliminated by him.

And that’s what Jack looks like now.

Drought Jack even has invincible strength on land, and that kind of tenacious endurance does not feel the slightest fear for any opponent.

Plus Karp now has a gray beard.

It is completely different from the previous Karp who chased Roger all over the world.

So Drought Jack really knows right now.

If he can kill this person, then at least he will have a future in front of the Four Emperors.

After thinking of this, Jack directly turned into a mammoth.

Kick the ground on all fours, and the whole person will come.

Then the tusks rushed tightly towards Karp.

Karp saw the menacing approach on the other side, and then also took a step back, even raising his fists.

Karp’s iron fist is a symbol of strength in any era.

Whether it was before or now, there are not a few pirates who have been beaten by his iron fist.

And the person in front of him obviously did not have been beaten by an iron fist.

That’s why it’s so arrogant.

After thinking of this, Karp smashed a punch into the head of the mammoth.

This punch is strong enough to completely collapse a hill.

Facing such a giant mammoth, Karp has the strength to defeat him with one blow.

But the situation is not the same as imagined.

Drought Jack also used all his strength to defend against Karp’s attack.

The moment the two sides collided, the surrounding trees were completely cut off by the shock wave.

Dusty and the two people took a few steps back.

Due to their relatively close distance, the impact of the shock wave is still somewhat large.

Therefore, the two of them just watched the battle from the sidelines, and did not directly participate in the battle.

Sometimes everyone wants to prove their strength.

If your teammates help participate in the battle, then it will definitely be a bad thing for everyone, that is, they do not recognize their own strength.

In this sea, everyone wants their strength to be recognized.

Whether it’s an opponent or a teammate.

If you don’t approve of it, then you are willing to abandon the ship and find another way of living.

So this kind of thing is for anyone, because comparison matters.

So when Karp and Drought Jack fight, Dusty and Plague watch the battle, never even intending to help.

Dusty was a little surprised when she watched them fight like this.

Lieutenant General Karp’s strength is certainly very strong, but Dusty did not expect that Karp was already very old, and his strength had not weakened in the slightest, almost the same as what everyone said before, or even more so.

After seeing this, the sword in Dusty’s hand moved slightly.

It seems that this feeling has been experienced by Dusty before.

Just when the epidemic disaster came on the ship, Lu Feng also moved a little, as if he was prompting himself to some news.

At this moment, Dusty was even more vigilant and looked around.

I found that the epidemic was still around me, but my eyes were already on me.

“Seeing that your years are not big, but why can you win against the Four Emperors Aunt?”

This is not just what he is asking now.

Almost this problem has become a huge problem for all pirates in the world.

If one person’s strength is strong and crushes another person, then it is deserved.

But the strength like Dusty is not particularly strong, but it can also win Charlotte Lingling, which is the biggest problem in society today. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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