“It seems that today’s battle is inevitable, otherwise you should also find a place to hide, Kaido may not be able to deal with anyone!”

Dusty said righteously.

However, with Dusty saying this, Peach Rabbit is a little unhappy, but Peach Rabbit’s strength is still there.

Although there is a lot of strength gap with Kaido, it can also help Dusty.

“How can this work, in this case, if I escape from the battle, I don’t deserve to be called the navy!”

Peach Rabbit even slapped his badge, and it seemed that he could indeed be called a model of the Navy.

Dusty smiled.

“Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, it is indeed a little difficult to say about this kind of thing today, you also know that this person on the other side is Kaido, the leader of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, and his strength is even far above Aunt, so if you compete with it, maybe you are really likely to die!”

“Of course I know all this, but so what, for a person like him, I have basically thought about it, I have no other choice but to fight, so you can rest assured, there will be no problems!”

After Peach Rabbit finished speaking, the whole person was full of spirit.

And it seems that he is completely unafraid of any opponent in front of him.

Even if the difference in strength between them is very large, that kind of confidence makes people feel a little excited.

Dusty nodded even more when she saw this.

Then he tightly grasped the sword in his hand and said in his heart: “When the time comes, I really have to fight, what do I want to do, you know better than my heart, so don’t be afraid at that time!” ”

After Dasiqi now said such words in his heart, Lu Feng also knew it.

Then Lu Feng also moved his sword body, which was regarded as a response to Dusty.

In this way, the two men prepared their defenses and waited for Kaido from the sky to come down.

But Kaido didn’t choose to do that.

A huge storm ensued, which seemed to have made the entire sea unstable, and now it was blowing, and the two of them felt a little shaking of their foundations.

Now it seems that there is not even the capital of the station, let alone how to fight with people.

The two people looked at each other, but secretly smiled bitterly.

The strength that has erupted now really makes people feel a little terrifying, and even makes people feel a little helpless.

People stand at such a high place, but they use the power of nature, and these navies seem to have no way to do anything in the face of this power.

Dusty forcibly stood on the ground with both feet, so that he would not be blown away by the wind.

The same goes for Peach Rabbit.

“How? Any questions? Dusty asked again.

This is true now, because they have seen many people who have been blown away by the wind because they cannot withstand such storms.

So they can stand still in this place, which is already a good strength.

“It’s okay, but based on this, you can see that the strength of the people is indeed very strong, and there are many, many of us!”

Peach Rabbit said even louder in this wind.

At this moment, Dusty smiled slightly, and there was nothing to say in his heart.

Now that the battle is on the verge of breaking out, no one knows what will happen next, so all you can do before is quietly watch Kaido here, when will you make the next attack?

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