Seeing it, Dusty standing in the middle even fell directly.

Transformed into his own form.

Since the body is three meters tall, it makes people look like a bit of a giant.

After seeing this, Dusty’s body was slightly excited.

And the fear in her heart made her almost admit defeat in advance.

Sometimes fighting with such a strong man is always not any good, and you never know what will happen to him.

After all, people are better than you, so they should be more confident than you.

Coupled with the fact that Kaido has never lost for so long, and this time facing a vice admiral, he is naturally full of confidence.

“You are Kaido?” Dusty asked.

“Of course, what’s the problem?”

“When you came, what was your purpose and why did you suddenly appear?”

Dusty asked again.

Regarding Kaido’s sudden appearance, it was indeed unexpected, the three major disasters had been fought here, and the defeat went back.

And now, this person in front of him is really too strong.

So it’s only natural to be able to ask such a thing, and there aren’t too many questions.

Kai Doha laughed.

Even for Dusty to ask such a question, I really felt a little bored.

“The people under me have already been defeated by you, so I came here, do you think there is a problem?”

Kaido is still very confident when he speaks.

And he didn’t take Dusty seriously at all, it felt as if he could kill Dusty by the way, and there was a feeling that it was completely effortless.

Dusty nodded calmly.

There seems to be a little different change in the body, from a little fear at the beginning, to now slowly calming down.

Because she knew that now Kaido was indeed looking for herself.

So a fight with him is inevitable.

No matter how excited you are, there’s nothing you can do.

All you can do now is keep trying.

Since winning the battle against Aunt before, Dasiqi already knew that he did have such strength.

The battle at that time was stumbling, and from the beginning I was not completely sure.

I did win later.

This feeling is also comfortable, after all, it has always been widely spread to fight small and big.

And after he won that time, the wind of the whole world was towards his side.

All the newspaper headlines are about themselves.

Similarly, his position in the Navy has also been greatly improved.

But this time it is still the case, if in the end if he really wins, then it is okay, at least he can save his life.

But if you lose.

Then to a large extent, this feeling will completely collapse itself.

And let himself have nothing to do, and may even die directly at the hands of this person now.

That feeling will make people collapse in a hurry.

After thinking of this, Dusty smiled calmly.

Because there is no way to stop the person in front of him now, Kaido must have come here to find himself.

Because he has just said it clearly.

Dusty even asked: “You are also the Four Emperors, listening to your meaning to come to me specifically, are you thinking a little highly of me!” ”

I have to say that Dusty’s words are also deserved.

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