Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 135: sea ​​of ​​heaven

The ocean is an extremely mysterious existence for human beings. Even today, nearly 20 years after the opening of the era of the great pirates, the sea is equally mysterious to the ever-increasing number of pirates.

The sea is not kind, the sea has no sympathy for human beings, she has given them countless substances, but at the same time, she will also unceremoniously devour human life. Only she herself is eternal.

The sea is so awe-inspiring to the pirates who seek life at sea. A little carelessness is the end of a boat crash, especially for some people who have eaten the sea's secret treasures and devil fruits. The sea is even more similar Like a taboo, it is definitely not something that can be easily touched.

It should have been like this. For those who are capable, the sea is an unreachable place. However, just above this Gaya Island, at an altitude of several kilometers, something is happening that makes everyone stunned.

Baihai, although the name is sea, is actually a cloud, a cloud called Haiyun. The cumuli cloud mixed with the rock material brought by the volcano forms the unique sea cloud and island of Kongdao. Clouds, sea clouds that can sail like the sea, and island clouds that can be used for people to live, even plant, and thus produce the unique cloud culture of the air island, which is really unimaginable for Qinghai people.

Although Haiyun is not just a cloud, and Baihai is not actually a sea, but it is not much different from the sea, especially for those who are capable, it is no different from the sea.

So now Vlad feels very bad. He hasn't swam for a long time. Thinking about it, the last time he swam was on the island where he got the dragon fruit. After he became a power user, he never did. swimming experience.

Weakness, there is no strength in the whole body, and even a finger is difficult to move. Vlad has never experienced such a sense of powerlessness. Even when he was very young, the blood of his mother, who he did not want to admit, still made him feel weak. His small body is full of plenty of power.

"Knew it!"

Vlad thought so leisurely: "I don't need any strength, I really envy those traversers who are not afraid of water!"

Vlad has long since changed back to human form. The sea water does not deprive people of their ability, but it will make the person with the ability have no strength to activate the ability. Vlad finds it very difficult to even move, let alone maintain a huge fire dragon form. .

Vlad lay softly on top of the submersible that was rapidly breaking through the sea clouds. It was a good decision to protect the submersible under the stomach before. Vlad just happened to be stuck in the groove on the front of the submersible. As for detaching from the submersible.

Thanks to Vlad's ultra-high-speed flight before entering Haiyun, the momentum of the submersible's upward movement is still strong, and there may be a chance to directly break through the White Sea.

There are fish swimming around. Although it is a cloud, it is not much different from the real sea. There are countless empty islands and some marine creatures live here. Life is so great. This is the world. Wonderful, there is something moving in every place.


Vlad's expression was extremely excited, and it seemed that he wanted to shout loudly, but he was holding his breath now, so he could only hum.

It was a huge octopus. Its fat body was no different from the compatriots in the Qinghai Sea. The dozens of huge tentacles were waving recklessly, as if they had noticed a small submersible. .

"Oh, it's bad now!"

Vlad thought so, he could clearly feel that the submersible's ascent speed had slowed down, and it was no longer as fast as before, "What should I do next?"

Vlad was not in a hurry, but looked at the huge octopus that was approaching quickly with interest. He could even see the roulette-like teeth in the octopus's mouth.


Vlad thought about it, "The octopus **** seem to be pretty good, don't they?"

The sturdy tentacles extend directly towards the submersible, and the dense suction cups on it look extremely infiltrating.


The submersible accelerated sharply, and a series of bubbles emerged from its tail, instantly pulling the distance from the octopus.

Vlad could see it clearly. Through the glass in front of the submersible, he could clearly see the maid holding a cigarette in the cabin holding the rudder with one hand, and the other hand had plenty of room to play. Soot.

Very handsome.


Vlad didn't speak, and actually couldn't speak, but through the thick glass, he showed a bright smile.


The maid returned the same bright smile.

Vlad believed in his comrades very much, so he dared to rush directly into this white ocean as a capable person.


It is white, no matter where you look.

This is a white ocean, and the white clouds undulate slightly under the breeze like ocean waves. This is a beauty like the kingdom of heaven.


It sounded like a fish flying out of the water, and the not-so-big aircraft broke through the clouds in an instant and appeared on the surface of the White Sea.


Vlad, who was instantly separated from Haiyun, has been out of a weak state. Although he has not fully recovered, there is no doubt that he can now move as much as he likes.

"Isn't this coming up?"

The fierce strong wind appeared on the white sea in the blink of an eye, and Vlad flapped his wings recklessly, like a red lightning, flying on the sea.

"Ha, I didn't expect it to actually come up!"

On the submersible~www.readwn.com~ the maid put her hands around her chest, coldly watching the huge fire dragon soaring in the sky like ADHD, her tone was very excited, "Is this the White Sea? It's amazing! Is there an ocean of clouds?"

"And it's actually several kilometers above the ground!"

The chef said, "Is this the magic of nature?"

"It's so beautiful!"

The beautiful Miss Musician looked around excitedly, with a view that she had never seen before, "Is this the ocean above the sky?"

"Is there still such beauty in the world?"

The woman named Serena did not know where to get a violin, with a beautiful smile on her face, "Then the name of this song is called,"

"The sea of ​​the sky!"

The white ocean that doesn't know where to go is floating in the sky unknown to everyone. Above this ocean, there are also unknown people living and struggling. Just thinking about it, you will feel this It's a very moving thing, you think, ah, so there is such a place here? So there are people here too! People's moving comes from cognition, and it is precisely because of coming to such a place that there is a different kind of moving.

Serena has a tune.

Just like the breeze blowing on the face, the faint sound of the piano rang on the sea, and it was as gentle as the waves in the white ocean that were constantly undulating, making people unconsciously feel a sense of joy in their hearts.

A giant dragon was flying in the sky, the white ocean that didn't know where to go was rippling with the wind, and a musician named Serena was playing on a small submersible.

Revealing the smell of wind, the breath of clouds, this song is called,

The sea of ​​heaven.

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