Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 246: upcoming meeting

"Report! Pirate ships appear in the waters ahead!"

In the spacious room, the display screen mounted on the wall transmitted the images captured by the videophone bugs mounted on the periphery of the base. On the vast sea, a large ship cut through the waves and gradually approached. Obviously, it is the conspicuous dragon head skull flag painted on the sail of the ship!


The bearded navy chief said, "Did you come to attack this naval fortress guarding the North Sea? Are you so unscrupulous? What stupid guys!"

"The news is out, sink them!"

The bearded man said so.

"No, sir!"

A sailor said in surprise, "That ship is, it is one of the seven seas under the king, the pirate ship of Vlad the Fire Dragon! The flying pirate ship, the Platinum-Drag!! Come on, it is the king. The fire dragon Vlad of the Shichiwuhai!"

"The King's Qiwuhai? Fire Dragon Vlad!"

The bearded man muttered to himself, "Is this kind of guy here?"

"Sir! Do you want to intercept?"

Someone asked.


The bearded navy smiled sarcastically, "How to stop it? The guy who came here is a good partner of the government, and a right-hand man of our navy!"

"We don't have the qualifications to talk to others, how can we stop us?"


Slowly heaving a sigh of relief, the bearded officer said, "Let's spread the news, the ship from the headquarters is here to wait for him!"

"Ha, our general, Your Excellency, can't wait any longer!"

"Shibukai, haha,"

The bearded man laughed, "Big man!"


The contrast is stark!

The huge pirate ship gradually entered the port of the navy. It can be said to be very funny. It is obviously a navy warship that guards justice, but it honestly gives way to let the ships belonging to pirates sway to approach justice. fortress.

"Yeah~ It seems that the headquarters really attaches great importance to this time."

The huge Platinum-Drager slowly passed by the larger naval battleship.

"There's an amazing guy here!"

"Yeah haha!"

It was Enilu who spoke, "I heard a familiar voice. There is a guy we are very familiar with in the fortress in front of us, the kind that doesn't make people happy!"

"It's natural too!"

The chef said, "The captain wants to see no ordinary guy. I am afraid that even if the government loses a general, it is not willing to let this man go wrong!"

"To be honest, we really have to thank Mr. Tezzolo for being able to meet Dr. Bergapunk this time."

The chef said, "What a great character!"


Vlad smiled, "If I'm not good, will I do everything possible to find him to form an alliance? Although his strength is not very prominent, this man has an amazing influence in this world dominated by the government!"

"A reliable guy!"

Vlad finally concluded this.


"Mr Vlad,"

In the wide square, a group of navy soldiers stood neatly together, led by a guy in a justice cloak with a cold tone.

"You are finally here! The two adults have been waiting for a long time!"

Only two people from the Dragon Pirates went to the shore, Vlad and Paso. Vlad was empty-handed, and Paso was holding a package. After all, this is the base of the Navy, although Vlad's identity is now seven Wu Hai, but of course this does not mean that he is completely trusted by the navy, and it is better to be careful in other people's territory.

Besides, the meeting with Vegapunk would not be interesting if there were too many people.

"Oh, really?"

Vlad smiled with a calm look, "Sorry, it's really far from the East China Sea to the North China Sea! We spent a little more time."


The leading naval officer was speechless for a while, and now this sea doesn't know that you have a flying pirate ship? It may take a long time for others to rush from the East China Sea to the North Sea, but can you do the same?

When you say this, please explain first, the riots that happened on Pollock Island not long ago?

This officer from the headquarters really wanted to ask this question, but the navy and pirates really have nothing to say. The lower the level, the more so.

"Please don't say anything superfluous, Mr. Vlad,"

The naval officer turned around unsmilingly, "Please come with me, the two adults have been waiting for you for a long time!"

"Okay! It's your territory after all,"

Vlad shrugged and smiled, "You are the biggest!"

The serious naval officer stopped talking and silently led the way.

The Blender Naval Base is indeed worthy of its positioning. It is really an iron wall against North Sea pirates. Vlad can easily see this fact now.

The elite naval soldiers, the sailors who come and go are all strong and energetic types, and their eyes are full of insistence on justice.

Based on this alone, the level of the navy here is far higher than that of the soldiers of the general naval base.

The strength of the navy is not without reason.

The Blund naval base is not small. Vlad and Paso walked behind the naval officer for more than ten minutes, circling east and west, and finally walked into a building.

Then came in, turned, went upstairs, turned, and stopped in front of a door.

"Please! Mr. Vlad!"

The naval officer said meticulously~www.readwn.com~ The two adults will be waiting for you inside! "

Then, without waiting for Vlad to respond, the naval officer turned his head and left without any nostalgia. Presumably, this part of Vlad's journey alone made him a little unbearable, right?


Vlad smiled and gently pushed the door open with his hands!


A slight voice sounded, and Vlad saw the person inside.

"Oh oh oh, Fire Dragon Vlad,"

Sitting on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed and reading newspapers to pass the time, it was Vlad's old acquaintance, the Admiral of the Navy Headquarters who had seen him once at an altitude of 10,000 meters, the person with the ability to glitter fruit, Kizaru, Polsalino.

Sitting opposite him, a man with a big belly wearing a red apron, Vlad also knew that Zhan Taomaru of the Naval Science Unit was also a strong guy, proficient in armed and domineering.

"Yo, General Yellow Ape, it's been a while since I really saw him!"

Vlad smiled.

"Master, is this guy?"

Kizaru didn't reply, Zhan Taomaru, who was beside him, spoke first.

"Is it your kid who wants to see Dr. Bergapunk?"

It seems that just asking Kizaru is a little uncertain, and Zhan Taomaru turned to ask Vlad again.

"Well, it's me, it's me who wants to see Dr. Bergapunk, yes,"

Vlad looked around in surprise, but there were indeed only two people in the spacious room.

"But, where is the doctor? Didn't you already have an appointment?"

"Huh? Where's the doctor? How could we allow you to see Dr. Bergapunk without being examined?"

Zhan Taomaru said so.

"So I'm not going to tell you that the Doctor is behind this door until you're examined!"

Zhan Taomaru pointed at the door behind him and said solemnly.

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