Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 248: enchant

.. Pirate Fire Dragon Roar


This is Vlad's most intuitive feeling! It's like the power of the creator! The feeling for Vlad is like the feeling of someone who has lived in the Middle Ages all the year round suddenly seeing the black technology from the future. This kind of feeling can no longer be described by just being surprised.

If it weren't for the existence of magical things like Devil Fruits in this world, if it was not known that this world has a very special technology tree, or if it wasn't for the fact that I saw it on Pollock Island not long ago. Vlad didn't know what kind of things he would be surprised by the magical genetic technology.

"Is the gene out of balance?!"

It wasn't Vlad who was speaking. In fact, Vlad was still in a state of amazement, and some of them couldn't come back to their senses. Such a scene like a creation by a **** is not something that can be accepted casually.

The one who spoke was Paso, who had been following Vlad's back. After entering this room, the man who had been distracted instantly became extremely energetic. His attention was unprecedentedly hit, and he looked at Bergapon without blinking. The things in Gram's hands were completely absent from the usual distraction.

Paso walked to Vegapunk's side, and spoke with a natural expression, without any unnatural appearance, as if he was not talking to a stranger who had just met and hadn't said a word, but someone who was working together. Like many years of scientific research partners.

"Is this also genetic technology?"

Paso asked, "Using extremely nutrient-rich nutrient solution to directly cultivate artificial embryos with artificially modulated genes, um, so as to speed up the process of making human clones!"

"Really amazing technology! If it succeeds, enough troops can be created in a very short period of time. I'm afraid there is no need to worry about the lack of troops anymore, right?"

"But the reason for the failure should be that the genes of the modulated special embryos are a little out of tune. Although it is true that rapid growth can be achieved through genetic intervention, the more likely situation is that these artificial soldiers become irrational due to genetic disorders and become A monster dominated by the beast nature within!"

Vegapunk picked up a handkerchief and wiped his hands. He looked back at Paso with some joy, and said with a smile, "Eh? Can you understand?"


Paso nodded, "It's not a big deal!"

"That's right,"

Vegapunk nodded in agreement and said, "It's really not a big deal! But it's okay to just pass the time!"

"To pass the time?"

Vlad thought silently in his heart, he is indeed the smartest man in the world, with the world's top mind, in terms of technology, one person can hang up the whole world of men, just to pass the time, To be able to do such an amazing thing.

"Are you the Fire Dragon Vlad?"

Vegapunk said this in surprise.


Vlad didn't answer, his eyes narrowed slightly, because Vegapunk was not talking to him, but his partner, a man named Paso.

"It's said that Vlad the Fire Dragon is a very powerful guy. I'm still curious about what kind of man he is,"

Vegapunk looked at Paso with admiration, "It turned out to be a very powerful guy!"

"Hey, Fire Dragon, do you want to come to my side and come to my scientific research team!"

Vegapunk said, "Pirates are very boring. As scientists, we only need to do good research, and the rest doesn't matter! The scientific research force can provide us with the best resources in the world, for scientists That's the most important thing, right?"

"Sorry, dr. Vega Punk,"

Paso apologized.

"Are you going to reject me?"

Vegapunk didn't care too much, "Forget it! It's just a pity!"

"Sorry, dr. Vega Punk, my name is Paso, and Vlad is my captain!"

Paso said so honestly.


Vegapunk turned his head to look at Vlad, and suddenly laughed, "Yes, yes, yes, or, that's right!"

"First meeting! Dr. Vegapunk!"

Vlad smiled and said so.

"What's the matter? Is there something?"

Vegapunk took out another test tube that also contained nutrients, started his passing time again, and said without looking back.

Vlad knew exactly what Vegapunk meant.

"The purpose is simple!"

Vlad gave Paso a slight wink.


Paso blinked, looking very confused.


Vlad pinched the bridge of his nose, very weak, how come there is no tacit understanding at all, it's embarrassing to be the boss like this, can't you have some eyesight?


Paso nodded blankly, took out an item from the package he was carrying, and put it on the table.


After snuffing out another runaway baby, Vega Punk said, "Robot! What? How can I help?"

"Get it wrong!"

Vlad almost said this with his teeth, what is this! Brother, you're making me so uncomfortable! Vlad almost swore in his heart that he would never go out on missions with Paso in the future, and there was no tacit understanding at all. Whether it was a cook or a maid on board, even Anilu and Serena would have a problem with Vlad. Rad's tacit understanding is also first-class.


Paso looked back blankly, looking a little surprised, "I got it wrong?"


Vlad was a little broken.

"Oh oh oh!"

Paso nodded again and again, and took out another thing from the package.

"What am I supposed to be, devil fruit!"

Vegapunk looks uninterested~www.readwn.com~ Looking at the fruit with the spiral pattern on the table, he doesn't care at all, even the lowest price on the black market is 100 million Bailey's. , but it is really not something that can be seen by Vegapunk.

As the most valuable property of the government, the resources that Vega Punk can control is unimaginable for everyone. As he said before, the resources of the scientific force may be comparable to that of the navy.

Although Devil Fruit is a rare treasure in the sea, for Vega Punk, I am afraid that I have no idea how many Devil Fruits have been handled. After all, it is possible to feed Devil Fruits to weapons. There will be no less experimentation, absolutely.

"dr. Vega Punk, what I want you to do for me is,"

Vlad pointed at the Devil Fruit with one hand and the Dragon Tooth Soldier, who was lying on the table without any movement, and said, "Enchant this thing!"

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