Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 268: next step

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"Is it so easy to agree??"

The maid took a wicked puff of cigarette and squatted on the side of the boat, looking a little unbelievable.

"Captain, aren't you kidding me? That Luo, did he really agree to join our ship so easily? Are you kidding? That proud man, who was not willing to give in, agreed to be us so easily. partner?"

"Well, really!"

Vlad laughed. To be honest, he didn't even think that he would be able to pull Luo into his team so easily. He was already ready to have a long talk with Luo and fight a protracted battle!

As a member of the worst era, Trafalgar Law's temper can't be overestimated, no matter how strong these guys are, their arrogance will never be higher than anyone else's. The weak, even if the object of comparison is Vlad, it is the same as the so-called newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, this is the truth!

It's really not an easy thing to make such a character submit I chose to agree, which made Vlad, who was ready for a protracted war, a little uncomfortable. It was the kind of girl who had already made up her mind to be in love with her for a long time, but she just showed her intentions, and the girl couldn't wait. The feeling of rushing over, how can I say? fantastic.

Trafalgar Law is really a rare talent with great potential. Even if he doesn't get on Vlad's ship, he will be a man of the sea in the future, and he will definitely be rare among pirates. Hero, Vlad is very clear about this, after all, he is the man who has read the script.

But this is not what Vlad cares about. Luo's strength is completely negligible for the current Fire Dragon Pirates. At this stage, the strength of this man is to be able to compete with Miss Serena to be the weakest on the ship. Or the one that is likely to fail.

What Vlad values ​​is nothing else, it is the ability that Luo holds, the fruit of the operation. Of course, the purpose of Vlad caring about the fruit of the operation is not the undead operation, which is nothing to Vlad. Meaning, as long as he lives vigorously, he doesn't care how long he can live.

What Vlad attaches great importance to is the role that Luo can play as a doctor. It has to be said that the name of the operation fruit is not a random choice. The bonus to Luo's medical technology can be said to be very large. The medical skills of a man named Trafalgar Law are completely qualified to be known as rare in this sea, and it is simply terrifying.

As Vlad said before, the Fire Dragon Pirates have never had a ship doctor, which is very bad, very bad. If there is anything, they can only rely on amateur doctors and cooks for treatment, and then look at their own bodies. Quality, such a medical level can be said to be primitive!

So Vlad is very interested in Italy, he is really a great guy, and as a partner he will undoubtedly be a very reliable man! Vlad thought so.

"Wuhahahaha, it's great now!"

Vlad laughed like this, "The last shortcoming on the ship has also been made up!"

"We have ship doctors and navigators, and our pirate group is complete!"

"Hey, maid, why don't you look so happy?"

Vlad noticed that the expressions on his subordinates' faces were not very good-looking, and there was a hint of fear on the delicate and beautiful faces.

"Why do you seem a little scared?"

Fred asked.

"Who, who, who is afraid!"

The maid stood up abruptly, staring at Vlad with a stern look, looking like an irritated kitten.

"Who would be afraid of that guy! I'm not the little girl who was scared to cry by him when I was a child! The contrast of strength has been reversed! He can't scare me anymore!"


Vlad smiled with interest, "Really?"

"When, when, of course!"

The maid said with some lack of confidence, her expression seemed calm, but her eyes were looking around, and she looked guilty.

"what ever,"

Vlad smiled, "Okay, now that the ship doctor has been settled! Now it's time to formulate a plan of action for the future!"


Vlad raised his hands high, looking very happy.

"It's a meeting!!"


The location was in a somewhat dark room, the lights were not turned on, the windows were tightly closed, and there was no light coming in from the outside at all, and it was slightly dark in the wide room.

Three people sat on either side of the large table, and two others sat on either end of the long table.


Silence, the atmosphere was silent, and no one spoke.

"So, Captain, what do you want to do when you don't sleep at night?"

In the darkness, someone finally spoke up. The man's name was Anilu, "I just finished my practice, but I'm very tired!"

"Didn't you already say it?"

Vlad sat at one end of the long table, crossed his hands and pressed his chin, his tone was very low, "This is the first general meeting of the Fire Dragon Pirates! I want to make a summary of the future development path of our Pirates. !"

"This kind of thing can be done tomorrow, right?"

The woman named Serena looked very upset, and even looked a little distorted, "Staying up late is absolutely not allowed for women!"

"Huh? What did you say? Don't you think the maid didn't say anything? Isn't she a woman?"

Vlad pointed to baby-5 who was sitting beside Luo, who was a little restless, and said this with righteous indignation.

"who knows?"

Serena, who can be called the villain mode, said so with her legs crossed~www.readwn.com~ with her arms around her chest.

"Ah? What did you woman just say?"

Facts have proved that a person always likes to take out his anger when he is in a bad mood, and the maid is no exception, not to mention that Serena is here for her, of course she can't bear it.

"Okay, please be quiet, everyone,"

In the dark, the chef said, "Captain, if you have anything to say, please say it!"


Vlad nodded, then said, "But,"

"Wake up that **** first!!"

Vlad looked a little mad, and pointed one finger at the other end of the table, the old **** was staring at him, his eyes were blank, and Paso, who didn't know what he was thinking, said so.

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