Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 283: Breen

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Wanguo, one of the most dreamy places in the new world, consists of the cake island as the center and the thirty-four islands scattered around it, which is the entire scope of this country, named Wanguo, Wanguo-Tolan special!

Here is King's Landing like an Emperor and one of the Four Emperor Pirates of the New World, the home of the big-mom Pirates, where a woman named Charlotte Lingling strives for any race that she wants to build for her life. The prototype of the dreamland where all can live in harmony.

As long as they are willing to hand over their lifespan as a bargaining chip, then anyone can survive in this country. Regardless of race or identity, as long as they are willing to abide by the rules here, then anyone can live in peace here.

Really harmonious system, is this a new world that is far more harmonious and beautiful than the world ruled by the government?

"Whoo—that's really ugly!"

Vlad was sitting in a chair, looking out the window with slack eyes, resting his chin in his hand, leaning on the table, watching the street outside full of people with smiling residents coming and going, Saying so, "In order to survive, you have to give your life extra, woohaha,"

"It's really an amiable system!"

Vlad thought so.

Yes, as a traitor to the Charlotte family wanted by IWC and Charlotte Lingling, Vlad actually swaggered into the territory of the Big Mom Pirates. I have to say that he is really a daring fellow!


"Lord Brin! Today is also very beautiful!"

On the streets of Chocolate Town, passersby exclaimed so much.

The smiling girl walked on the street as if she had her own flash. A creature similar to jelly squatted on her shoulders, with a flying carpet floating behind her. It also had nose and eyes, and the flying carpet was still hanging. Very human smile.

"Lord Brin, people welcome you!"

It was the jelly-like thing that was talking.

"Mmmm, yes, Lord Brin is equally respected today!"

The flying carpet that was floating also smiled and looked very happy.

These two things may be unheard and unseen things in the outside world. After all, objects that were originally inanimate are still alive and laughing. Talking and laughing is really a challenge to people's three views.

However, such a thing in this world? Torrant is really just a not so great thing. The superhuman-type soul fruit held by Charlotte Lingling brings the power to give the soul to the inanimate. things, thus creating a being that is like a real creature, and its name is Homitz.

The girl called Brin has long brown hair, combed into two long ponytails, with bangs covering her forehead, two watery eyes with a pathetic beauty, her hands behind her back, slightly. Some thick lips with a slight smile.

Facing the compliments from the surrounding residents, the girl looked a little shy, blushed a little, and nodded to the surrounding crowd from time to time.

Soon, Brin with two pets had walked to the door of a small shop, a coffee shop named 'Carmela'.


The wooden door was gently pushed open, making a slightly harsh sound.

Brin walked into the store with her two pets.



"What a bunch of disgusting guys!"

Brin's face changed in an instant. The originally beautiful face was still flushed, but in an instant, it had become fierce, with protruding eyes and a mouth that seemed to be very disgusting.

"Ah, it's disgusting!"

The woman who was originally very kind said, "Lord Brin, Lord Brin! Is it so comfortable to pronounce my name?"

"It's still beautiful, do I need you to tell me how beautiful I am? Ah, disgusting, what a bunch of disgusting guys!"

Brin looked like she was about to vomit.

"Appeared! The villain Brin!"

Jelly standing on Brin's shoulder complained so much.

The woman named Charlotte Breen is a dual personality!

"It's been so long, it's still the same! Three-eyed monster!"

Such a voice came from a corner of the store, a very deep man's voice.

"You, you bastard, are—"

Brin turned her head and saw the man sitting by the window, a man she was very familiar with but hadn't seen for a long time.


"Hey, is that how you talked to your brother?"

Vlad held his chin in his hand and said so weakly.

"You who keep calling me the three-eyed monster have no position to say such things!"

Without the slightest fear, nor the slightest restraint, and completely ignoring the fact that Vlad is a wanted criminal from all nations at the moment, the woman named Brin walked up to Vlad with her hands on her hips, and said this aggressively.

"Because it is indeed a three-eyed monster!"

Vlad said so.

"You bastard!!"

Brin looked a little mad, "Even after two years, it's still as annoying as ever!"

"Eh? Is it?"

Vlad smiled and put his hands on his chin, "Is it annoying? Then who was the one who was always behind me and sweetly calling Brother Vlad? Well? Who is it?"

"I want you to take care of it!"

Brin's face was flushed red, and she said in a vicious voice.


Vlad laughed, stretched out his right hand and patted Brin's head, looking very satisfied, "Not bad, Brin, I haven't seen you for more than two years, but there is still some progress!"


Brin pulled out the chair and sat opposite Vlad, and said, "What kind of progress are you referring to?"

"Of course, in terms of personality!"

Vlad said, "Don't you care? Brin, about the third eye!"

"Have you never cared about it?"

Brin gently wiped her hair, the bangs on her forehead were lifted, and a third eye appeared in the center of her forehead!

"I'm not that careful!"

"Oh, now you can learn to speak big!"

Vlad looked at his sister with a smile, "I cried all night in my room at that time!"


Brin's face bulged, like a frog, very cute.


Vlad is very happy, this is a feeling that I haven't experienced for a long time.

"Okay, Brin, I finally managed to sneak back,"

Vlad said, "You have to entertain me anyway! Let me see your progress!"

"Okay, my elder brother!"

Brin knew Vlad's virtue very well, "I'll go and prepare your sugar for you right away!"

"Well, that's great!"

Vlad nodded, "Make some donuts too!"


Brin was a little surprised, Vlad was never picky about sweets.

"I asked our brother to come over, and I want to chat with him after a long absence!"

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