Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 29: face to face

"Yo, is that Vlad?"

The voice of the Cracker over there was extremely low, with lingering anger in it: "It's been a long time since then!"

"Yeah!" Vlad looked calm and composed: "It's been a long time indeed. It's probably more than three months before and after, right? It's really been a while!"


The Cracker over there suddenly burst out laughing: "Sure enough, you guy has absolutely no intention of repenting!"

"Repent?" Vlad replied with a smile. "What are you talking about? Brother Cracker, I did nothing wrong."

"Whatever you say,"

Cracker said coldly, "I'll be waiting for you at Elend Island, come over and we'll have a good chat!"

"Yeah~" Vlad said with a smile, "What are you kidding? Brother Cracker, do you think I'm a fool? Come over and ask you to duel?"

"It's up to you," Cracker said confidently.

"But if you still want your maid's life, I advise you to come again!"

"Let go of my mother, you bastard!"

"Be quiet, woman!"

With this sound, the phone hangs up.


Vlad let out a long sigh. He didn't think that he could avoid it or be found by Cracker. When he was watching Tezzolo's execution, he noticed the Cracker in the crowd, so he brought the maid with him. Avoid.

At that time, it wasn't the time to have a conflict with Keli, including now, because it's pointless, whether it's a win or a loss, it's not easy to deal with. If you lose, you will undoubtedly be taken back to the Big Moms. -Lingling's brutal personality, it means that she died and didn't run away.

If he wins, it's also difficult to handle. Not to mention that the conflict with the Charlotte family will be even greater. If it's just Vlad himself, he can't do it. Cracker is his brother anyway, and he took good care of him since he was a child. His elder brother is undoubtedly his blood relatives, how could he be so cruel to such an opponent?

"Forget it, the car must have a way to the front of the mountain!"

Vlad stood up and decided to take a look first. After all, he finally found a maid who could take care of him, and he didn't want to lose it like this.

"Going?" Tezzolo handed a pointer.

"Ah," said Vlad with a smile, "I still have to make a trip, I can't let people come back without success!"

"Hahaha!" Tezzolo laughed: "Then you have to be careful. If you can't come back like this, our cooperation will end here."

"You don't need to say this!" Vlad turned and walked out the door.

"Don't want a boat?" Tezzolo asked.

"No need," Vlad looked at the pointer on his hand. "In a short time, he won't get very far. I'm afraid that Elend Island is not far, right? I'll just fly over there."

"what ever."


Elend Island is an uninhabited island. Unlike the deserted island where Vlad found the fruit of the dragon before, this uninhabited island is in a state of being shelved for development. It appeared on the chart of the New World a long time ago, but the island There is really nothing worth developing in the last barren land. The area is small and unprofitable, so no one will be interested in it. Only the pirates will occasionally repair it here, which is an incomplete uninhabited island.

Now, there are traces of people on the small island.

Two people, one man and one woman, the man was tall, with a helmet on his head, decorated with black mane, two horns extending from the peeping sides, and he was wearing an armor that looked like a biscuit. , with no expression on his face.

The woman fell at his feet, looking unconscious, but there was no injury on her body. It was none other than the personal maid and part-time pastry chef Vlad recently subdued, baby-5.


The man muttered: "Vlad, you kid, you kid!"


The man stood up, a little surprised: "Is it here? So fast?"

In the distance, a fiery red shadow has gradually emerged in the sky, approaching the island at a terrifying speed.

"Knew it!"

The man muttered to himself, "Have you got incredible power? Vlad!"


The huge fire dragon swept across the sea, bringing up waves several meters high. Vlad's trembling wings were extremely fast. It didn't take long for the small island named Elend to appear in his sight. The visual acuity of the fire dragon is not covered.

The keen sense of domineering has long been aware of the aura on the island, it is a powerful aura, there is no hidden meaning, and it is naked to vent his sense of existence.

Vlad vigorously flapped his wings, the speed increased again, and the strong wind pressure formed a huge wave on the sea, surging towards the distance.

Under the repeated acceleration of Vlad, Elend Island, which was originally small in size, was very close. In the middle of the small island without any shelter, the man who looked very rough also appeared in Vlad. In the eyes of Germany~www.readwn.com~wu~”

With a long dragon roar, Vlad flapped his wings and fanned the dust all over the ground, and the huge fire dragon fell to the ground.

Vlad released his dragon transformation and returned to his normal appearance. He took two steps forward and stood face to face with the Cracker.

"Hey," Vlad spread his hands, a little helpless: "Brother Cracker, don't you want to come out of your biscuits even in the face of me?"

Yes, the current Cracker is not what he really looks like, it's just a layer of armor. Few people have seen his real appearance except for the Charlotte family, even the Cracker on the wanted list issued by the Navy. The frame is also like this, I can't help but say that he is really well hidden.

This is not to say that the Cracker is deliberately hiding himself, nor that the Biscuit Armor increases his combat power. On the contrary, the Cracker who is out of the armor is more advanced. There is only one reason for him to hide in the Biscuit Armor, and that is a Very funny reason, I am afraid many people will not believe it.

A very simple reason, it's just because Cracker is afraid of pain, yes, that's right, it's just because he's afraid of pain, and it's not just a normal pain, his resistance to pain can be as sweet as Katakuri's afternoon tea. The obsession of the doughnut is comparable, even the pain like an injection is unbearable, I am afraid that no one will believe that one of the three generals of the Charlotte family is like this.

I have to say that people in the Charlotte family often have some strange obsessions, Vlad thought so.

"The real look is shown to the family, Vlad, now you,"

Cracker stood up, his tone was very gloomy: "Are you still my family now?"

"Answer me, Vlad!"

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