Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 292: Zou

On the vast sea, the fiery red dragon man pierced through the sky, and the speed was so fast that it was almost impossible for ordinary people to leave an image in their eyes, and could only see a fiery red shadow in a flash.

"Ah, where is it!"

Vlad put his hands around his chest, and his face was very tired, "Where is it! When will I find it!"


Vlad said bitterly, "It's really not easy to find that ghost place like looking for a needle in a haystack in this new world!"

It has been several weeks since Vlad left the world, and he still has no intention of returning to the empty island to meet up with his friends. It is not yet time, and it is too early to return to Paradise.

He has been wandering the waters of the New World for the past few weeks. He is not wandering aimlessly. He is looking for a place, a very important place. At least, it is very important for Vlad himself. effect.

The name of the island is Zou. It is a famous country in the New World. It is shrouded in a layer of mystery. Even in a country where all kinds of wonderful countries like the New World are mixed, Zou is a very special island.

Vlad really spent a lot of time trying to find this island. He wandered the New World for several weeks. Starting from Deros Rosa, he searched for a long time in the sea between the world and the world, but found nothing.

"Knew it!"

Vlad sighed, "Being in that place a few years later doesn't mean that you are in this sea area now!"

The reason why I say this is because the island named Zou is not fixed. It is completely different from the ordinary islands. It can be regarded as a dream island, just like the country of dreams in fairy tales. This island, Zou, is active and always in motion, it is an island of dreams that exists behind a giant elephant named Elephant Lord that has survived for a thousand years.

Because it is an island that exists behind the creature, naturally there is no magnetic field, and of course there is no way to guide the direction through the pointer. People like Vlad who have never been there are only looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Really, super troublesome!"

"It was like looking for Senior Golden Lion back then! It was even better at that time!"

Yes, although I searched the entire East China Sea when I was looking for the Golden Lion, the East China Sea was much larger than the New World, and the range was also the entire East China Sea. Unlike Zou, the range would not exceed the first half of the New World. When looking for the golden lion, it is indeed much better.

Because, at that time, there was a humanoid radar, Mr. Enilu. With the help of that man, it was much easier to find the golden lion. Although Vlad's knowledge and domineering can't be said to be more domineering than Enilu Weak, but specializing in the arts, Vlad's sight, in terms of scope, is far less than Anilu, who has the bonus of thundering fruit. If you want to find an island in the vast sea, it's really not a problem. Simple things.

Fortunately, the new world is not big, and there are not many places where Zou may appear. Although Vlad's search workload is huge, as long as you have patience, it is still possible to find it.


Vlad sighed very unhappily, "Now we can only find it slowly!"

Then, time gradually passed, and a month passed again. It is now the second half of the year 1519 of the Haiyuan calendar. There is not much time left until the windy year 1520, and there is not much time left for Vlad.

Today Vlad is also searching the vast sea like in the past days, and then, the turning point finally appeared.


Vlad's body like lightning slammed, and his broad wings flapped, leaving him in the air, "What sound?"

Vlad heard something, but couldn't see anything in his line of sight. For nearly two months, as long as he was searching for Zou, his vision was not closed. After two months of consumption and recovery After that, Vlad felt that his arrogance and domineering had made some progress. At least, the scope had made great progress, but he couldn't hear the voice through the spectacle like Anilu.

But this kind of sound is not an illusion. Vlad really heard a sound, a very loud sound, which came from a distant place, and clearly reached Vlad's ears.


Vlad pointed his ears and listened carefully, "Is this voice crying?"

It's a very sad voice! Vlad could hear it, a very sad voice, with a strong sadness and pain from the heart.

"Not a human voice!"

Vlad immediately judged it like this. It doesn't look like a human voice at all. Of course, a human voice can't reach so far, but it's not so loud.

"Could it be that-"

Vlad's eyes widened suddenly, and a possibility had already occurred to him.

"That's it~www.readwn.com~ That's great!"


The flames spewed out, and the fiery red dragon cut through the clouds and flew towards the distant sky.


There is an extremely amazing scene on the sea, and the horizon is endless, but there are extremely extraordinary things on the blue sea.

As we all know, when people walk in shallow water, ripples will be splashed in circles, rippling and spreading. If there is such a giant walking in the sea, what kind of scene will it be?

Huge waves, monstrous gigantic waves, just walking brings monstrous gigantic waves, and the terrifying figure is as huge as an island.

Four huge legs play with the waves, like four pillars that reach the sky from the bottom of the sea.

It is an elephant, a giant elephant walking in the sea, with its feet on the bottom of the sea, but its back has been submerged in the clouds.

The name of this giant elephant is Elephant Lord. It has been walking in the new world for an unknown number of years. It has been over a thousand years old. It is a well-deserved living fossil and a legend in the world.

On its back, the place surrounded by clouds and mist is the place called Zou!

Here is Vlad's destination!


Like a shooting star coming from the sky, Vlad quietly suspended in front of the giant elephant, silently watching the giant elephant walk silently, bringing huge waves forward silently.

"This is,"

Vlad opened his mouth with complete amazement, "Lord Elephant!"

"that is-"

Vlad looked at the head of the giant elephant, the empty eyes half-covered by the rotten flesh, and said so.

"Are you crying?"

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