Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 5: the one who waits

"Guest, what are you doing?"

Vlad just fell to the ground when such a voice came from inside the room, a gentle man's voice, a low and mellow man's voice full of magnetism.

Vlad was not too surprised. After all, he was also a man who had been on Roger's boat. Although he had never met, and I don't know if he was too powerful, it was not a big deal to find him. After all, Kozuki Oden is also a man who can hear the voice of the elephant, especially Vlad didn't hide his arrival very much.

"Oh, it was discovered!"

Vlad said this, with a very pity in his tone, "I thought I was hiding well!"

"Really, what a failure!"

Vlad laughed, showing no nervousness at all, "I want to sneak in perfectly!"

"Stop kidding, guest,"

Facing the courtyard, on the other side of the wooden corridor, the paper door was gently opened, and the man walked out with a smile on his face, as if he was a little happy.

He was a very handsome man, in his 40s or 50s. He wore the same bun as the samurai that Vlad had killed before. The hair on his head was shaved. He was wearing a kimono. Well, it should be a yukata. , very angry, even at night, but Vlad can see through the faint lights in the corridor, this man is wearing a pink kimono with a cherry blossom-like pattern on it.

What is even more remarkable is that his chest is completely open, revealing a strong chest with chest hair, no pants on his lower body, and his hairy calves are exposed under the not too long hem. There is a special sense of wretchedness.

But his face had the same expression as the wind and the clouds, a very handsome face with a slight smile, and a very gentle look in his eyes, not at all because of Vlad's uninvited arrival late at night Feeling angry, I don't know if it's a big heart or a confidence that Vlad can't turn any waves in his hands.

However, there is no doubt that such a face weakens the wretched feeling brought by his shape, and makes this man look a little unruly. , The words of a guy like Kiabou are genuine and vulgar, and this is the truth of the world.

"Please be quiet, guest, the child has just fallen asleep."

The man smiled and closed the door, turning his head slightly, "Also,"

"Aren't you completely hidden?"

The man said, "Such a powerful aura descended from the sky undisguised, isn't this clearly telling me that you are here to find me!"

"Hey hey hey,"

Vlad smiled, "That's right, you are Kozuki Oden, right?"

Vlad's tone was quite certain, and there was no suspicion at all.


The man said in surprise, "How did the guest confirm it?"

"It's simple, it's really simple,"

Vlad said with a smile, grinning wide open, revealing two rows of white teeth, "If there is a man like you in this country, who else is there besides Kozuki Oden?"

Yes, this man will never be the second person to think except Kozuki Oden. In an extremely exclusive and conservative country like Wano country, when he sees a sudden intruder like Vlad, and he looks completely different from him. The dress of the local residents makes it clear that they are intruders from foreign countries. When encountering such a situation, they can still chat with Vlad calmly. It is really difficult for Vlad to imagine that in this country, in addition to Kozuki Oden, the pirate king Who else would have such courage.

"oh, I see!"

Kozuki Oden rubbed his right hand on his chin, and then smiled proudly, "Guests are quite good at talking! Indeed, there are not many people in this country who can treat outsiders calmly."

"this country,"

This man, or in other words, there was a trance in the tone of Kozuki Oden, "It's really strange!"

"Really? Weird, right!"

Vlad nodded in agreement, "I also think this country is quite strange, it has been completely separated from this magnificent sea,"

Vlad said thoughtfully, "I turned a blind eye to the intensifying storm, even if it was submerged in the waves of the sea that day, I didn't find it strange at all."

Vlad thinks so, such a reluctant country, in the face of the great waves of the times that will soon sweep in, there is really no better outcome than destruction, and it turns out that Vlad's inference is also correct. In the near future, Kaido will be eyeing this country, and that monster will give this country a good experience of what kind of power the heroes of the sea have.

"I think so,"

Kozuki Oden sat cross-legged in the corridor, with his hands on the floor, and looked up at the moon that had emerged from the dark clouds, with a sigh in his tone, "This country is like a samurai, it's getting old. , but still thinks that he is as strong as when he was young, and that the enemies around him who are already stronger are still the same as in the past, this is how this country is."


Vlad looked very interested. He walked to Kozuki Oden and sat down on his own. He said, "Do you know it well? Why, haven't you thought about changing this country?"

"Change? If I had such thoughts,"

The man looked at the cherry blossom trees in the courtyard and said with a sigh, "You won't be able to see me today!"

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha!"

Vlad looked very happy and laughed, "Hey, are you so cowardly? Shouldn't a man sacrifice his life for his dreams?"

"Ha! Wrong, guest,"

Kozuki Oden said, "My dream is not this!"


Vlad smiled, "I would like to hear about it."

"my dream,"

Kozuki Oden looked up at the stars in the sky, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "I'm just waiting for someone! I've been waiting for a long, long time, and I'm getting impatient."


Vlad didn't look surprised, he already knew such a thing.


Kozuki Oden looked fixedly at Vlad.

"Then, guest, what are you here for?"

The man said so~www.readwn.com~ oh, this,"

Vlad didn't mean to hide at all, and said casually, "I'm here to learn from you!"


Kozuki Oden looked a little unclear.


Vlad said casually, "I can't understand the ancient characters in the text of history. Sure enough, culture is very important."


Kozuki Oden's pupils shrank suddenly, and then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


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