Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 317: water sword

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There is something wrong with this guy Kaido. A long time ago, Vlad felt that way when he first saw this monster with the big?mom pirates. This guy is completely different from normal humans!

Although I haven't seen him fighting in the past, I can still easily tell that this man is different, not just in terms of strength, it should be said that it is at the level of life but different, although the appearance is still human. , however, it is more like a monster.

This kind of feeling is even more obvious after fighting with Kaido in person. He is unrestrained and fearless. On the spiritual level, Kaido is no different from the heroes on the sea. He even said that he is absolutely worthy of his courage. With the title of the Four Emperors, no matter who the enemy is, no matter how many enemies there are, they are all equally fearless.

However, this guy's body is not right, it's really not right. So far, Kaido has shown a lot of peculiarities. First, the terrifying recovery ability, even if it burns a hole in the face, it can The terrifying resilience that quickly recovers, it is not easy to just hurt him, and with such resilience, this man is like Charlotte Lingling, even if he does nothing, stand up. He was beaten in place, and not many people at sea could threaten him.

Second, the strange speed, or should be said, the strange speed change, Kaido, who was not very prominent in speed, was able to catch up with Vlad's speed in an instant, even if there was still a gap in pure speed, but he reacted. In terms of ability and speed of attack and defense, he has completely caught up with Vlad, no matter how you think about it, it's too weird!

Third, the power of continuous strengthening, although the power of the beginning has been terrifying abnormal, but the power of this monster is still constantly increasing, which is a considerable increase!

Fourth, and the strangest point is that when Vlad's fist wrapped in flames slammed heavily on his face just now, even if it was wrapped in domineering, the terrifying temperature and the strong impact were instantly given to him. Kaido caused damage, and even burned a hole in Kaido's face. However, such injuries were rapidly weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye. It was not recovery, but the damage caused by the flames was weakening! Is it adaptation or defense enhancement?

This guy, his body is definitely not right!

So, the question is, is this guy Kaido an ability? Are these situations caused by Kaido's abilities?

No, Vlad is very sure that Kaido is not a capable person. The title of the strongest creature began to circulate a long time ago. Kaido's immortality has been feared by the world for a long time. However, Vlad is in a few days. I also saw it a few years ago, Kaido crossed the sea with his flesh and swam directly to the cake island to challenge the big?mom pirates, making it clear that he was not from the able.

Therefore, the source of all this strangeness is probably this man's body!


The two pairs of wings opened slightly, Vlad stabilized in mid-air, and shook his head lightly, even if he used domineering defense, in addition to the terrifying defense that Zhu Rong mode already had, he was still punched by a punch. He was dizzy, and there was bright red blood flowing from his head.

"What a strong sense of sight!"

Vlad did not drop his height. Since the speed is not dominant, Kaido's strength and defense are still increasing, which means that close combat is not cheap. Then, Vlad's choice It is also obvious.

"Beasts, beasts—"

Vlad raised his right hand, and the platinum flames surged out, converging into a huge fire column that shot straight into the sky.

"Isn't it a special resemblance to Mr. Paso?"


The flames rolled back violently, and a huge fireball appeared on Vlad's palm, with a diameter of more than 100 meters, which was extremely terrifying.

But, it's not over yet, Vlad's flame is not just a simple flame, the semi-fluid flame has almost a shape, that is to say, Vlad's flame is compressible.




As if the heart was undulating, the flames kept going back from Vlad's body towards the fireball. Then, the fireball shrank one by one, and in the blink of an eye, it shrank into a small ball less than one meter in diameter. It was amazing. The light radiated from above, and it even covered the sun in the sky! Under the strong brilliance, Vlad closed his eyes unconsciously.

"Is this the truth of the beasts?"

Vlad muttered to himself, feeling that he was very close to the truth, the ability Kaido showed, he had seen similar in another person, the difference is that the ability of that person is not permanent , but need to be induced by drugs.

"That's just too much fun!"

"This monster is actually—"

"Well, these things are all right,"

Vlad gently swung his right hand down, causing the shining fireball to fall gently.



While Vlad and Kaido were fighting fiercely, on the other side of the battlefield, the battle continued. Two groups of people, two small battlefields, the battle was equally fierce!


The general slashed heavily, and the powerful slash directly made Kozuki Otian's arms go numb. He had to admit that this man had always been in a high position, but his reputation was so low that he was often overlooked. Amazing swordsmanship.

"Guangyue Oden, don't you care about your own disciples? The subordinates I brought are not easy to deal with!"

The general was short, and the long knife stabbed straight at Kozuki Oden's chest at a strange angle.

"Need not,"

Kozuki Oden only felt the hairs rise, but he didn't panic, he turned his body gently, and easily avoided the general's blow, and then swung the long knife sharply, and slashed towards the general's neck condescendingly. Up to now, he has no choice but to die.

"That kid, his strength doesn't require me to help him!"


Even in the middle of a fierce battle, the two men were able to chat calmly.


These guys ~www.readwn.com~ are such trouble!

Sakata forced back a man in black with a knife, looking a little troubled. Although these men in black have the same fighting power, they add up to being very difficult. They don't look like samurai, but like soldiers. He is good at cooperating in battle. Although there are more than a dozen people, they fight like one person!

Although Sakata has two knives by himself, his opponent has more than a dozen knives, which is really troublesome to fight!

No way, it seems that we have to move something real! Sakata thought so after another inevitable attack was blocked by several swords at the same time.

"Hey, you guys, have you watched the flow of water seriously?"

Sakata said softly.

The two swords in his hands seemed to be covered with a layer of water.

"Flowing water!"

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