Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 319: lonely monster

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The huge fist was already close at hand, and the monster named Kaido with a ferocious smile was already approaching Vlad.


With such a roar, the veins on Kaido's fist burst out, and the volume has changed significantly from the beginning, more than a circle. This guy is adjusting his body at any time and is fighting Vlad. In the process of constantly adapting to Vlad's fighting style to become stronger.

"As expected, a hundred beasts!!"

The flames on Vlad's arms began to surge, and the white-gold flames spewed out, at the elbow position for the next blow as the ultimate haste.


Vlad slammed a punch, Kaido slammed a punch, and the two fists collided in the air. In the unmanned sky, the raging flames bloomed like a beautiful flower, violent. The shock wave brought a strong storm, blowing recklessly above the sky.


Vlad's body was instantly blown away, even with two pairs of wings, but under such circumstances, he still couldn't stabilize his body shape. After all, flying in the air, he still wanted to be under Kaido's astonishing force. Keeping balance is really not an easy task.

Fortunately, Kaido is even more unbearable than Vlad. Vlad can fly anyway, Kaido jumped up directly with his bouncing power, but there was no way to keep his balance in the air, so he was directly bombarded by Vlad. go down.

"Is this the beast?"

Vlad thought so, "It's definitely not a product of nature, it's definitely not born, this guy is an artificial creation!!"

Vlad's conjecture about Kaido has finally taken shape now. Kaido is definitely not a normal life form, but a product of human technology!

It's not groundless that Vlad would have such an idea. Kaido's ability is really similar to that of his scientist, Mr. Paso, and it's not something that Devil Fruit can explain.

Paso is a leader in the study of lineage factors. He has conducted extremely in-depth research on the genetic level, and the research on human technology has reached a level that is unimaginable for ordinary people. He developed on the basis of his teacher's research results. A further gene drug has been developed, which can temporarily endow the genes of various animals in Paso, so as to achieve results beyond the ability of animal-based devil fruit.

However, the ability that Kaido shows now is really similar to Paso's animal gummies. For example, when Paso first showed his animal gummies in front of Vlad, he used Jean Vlad. Rad's jaw-dropping recovery gummies completely healed the originally fatal injuries with ease. Isn't this similar to Kaido's weird and even terrifying recovery ability?

In such a short period of time when Kaido fought, Kaido's strange adaptability really surprised Vlad, and he easily kept up with Vlad's speed. Sex is also constantly improving, defense power has also been greatly strengthened with the appearance of the stratum corneum on the skin just now, and then the bouncing power has also changed like an earth-shaking, this kind of ability is really terrifying, such an opponent. , known as the strongest creature, well deserved!

Vlad even wondered if Kaido would have evolved gills and webs if he fought on the bottom of the sea, and it was very possible.

Kaido's abilities are really similar to Paso, but the difference is that Paso needs to eat the corresponding gummy if he wants to adjust his genes. Kaido doesn't need it. This guy can do whatever he wants. Adjusting one's own body is really a terrifying ability.

Therefore, Vlad boldly guessed that Kaido may be the product of the government experiment, the experimental product created by the scientific force led by Vega Punk in the study of the bloodline factor.

With the technology that surpasses Paso, the genes of many creatures are fused to create the strongest creature, which has the advantages of all creatures, strength, defense, physical strength, resilience, and the advantages of many creatures converge, such a guy Who is not the strongest creature?

"finally understood!"

Vlad thought so, "What a lonely guy this guy, Kaido, is!"

Kaido is a man-made monster. Once this view is established, many of Kaido's incomprehensible behaviors can be explained clearly.

Why do you like suicide? Because only himself is different in this world, this world has no sense of belonging to Kaido, he is not a creature that should have been born in this world, he is a being that should not exist, and it will produce strong The tendency to self-destruct is a very normal thing.

Similarly, because you can't get a sense of belonging, it is naturally a normal thing to want to destroy this world that doesn't belong to him and has no living space for him. If you can't get it, destroy it. Many people have such emotions. There are, so it seems that Kaido's previous behavior of wanting to kill himself and destroying the world can be explained clearly.

In the same way, it is precisely because of his strong tendency to self-destruct that Kaido will repeatedly do things against one enemy. He simply wants to die, but he has terrifying resilience and protection, and no one can kill him! Vlad even speculated that even if Kaido wanted to die, when he really faced death, the animal genes in his body would burst into the most primitive survival instinct, just like Jack on Pollock Island.

Then, the reason for the formation of the animal corps is very clear. It is a very simple thing to gather hundreds of beasts and long for companions!

Kaido's behavior is very understandable, everything is because of loneliness, living alone in a world full of aliens to him, it is natural to feel lonely!


When Vlad was about to stabilize his body, a sudden change occurred. Kaido, who was kicked back by his punch, did not fall down as he had guessed. His long right leg slammed into the air, and the naked eye Visible ripples spread in the air, and the monster bounced up like black lightning, and in an instant it rushed in front of Vlad.



The huge fist slammed heavily on Vlad's stomach~www.readwn.com~ Even with Zhu Rong's defense, even with the armor protection of armed domineering, but Kaido's punch is getting stronger and stronger. Still let Vlad spit out a mouthful of blood.

The speed of Vlad flying upside down suddenly increased, flying towards the higher sky like a cannonball.

"This guy, the speed is still improving???"

Vlad was so shocked, "What is his upper limit?"


A tyrannical voice came from Vlad's back, "Little devil, wasn't it very arrogant just now!!"

Vlad's eyes widened.

While Vlad was being beaten by the ever-evolving Kaido, on the other side of the battlefield, the battle situation had also undergone an amazing change!

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