Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 336: Duke X Boss



The guy who speaks is also a fur tribe. Even sitting on a chair, he can see his tall body, and his clothes are meticulous. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

Like Wanda, he is a canine fur tribe. He has obvious dog characteristics. Compared with Wanda, a dog face is closer to that of a dog. Speaking of which, maybe this is the male fur tribe. The difference with the female fur clan, right?

"What did you say? Wanda, what did you say?"

The dog's name is Inuarashi, the daytime ruler of the furry principality, who is known as the Duke of Inuarashi.

"Lord Duke!"

Of course, the person standing in front of him would not be anyone else, naturally it was Wanda, the puppy who had been in contact with Vlad before.

"Those two people said that something happened to the Guangyue family!"

Wanda looked a little out of breath, and it could be seen that she ran wildly all the way.


Duke Inulan stood up with a serious expression on his face, "Where are they?"

"I have no way of confirming their authenticity,"

Wanda said, "So I asked Garrot to wait outside town with them!"


Duke Inuarashi walked to a shelf aside.


A gust of wind suddenly blew up in the room, and with the sound of clattering, Duke Inuarashi had a cloak on his back, and a long sword was hanging from his waist.

"Go, Wanda, go and inform that stupid cat that's still sleeping,"

Duke Inulan said so, and strode out of the room, "Now is not the time to sleep!"

"Yes! Lord Duke!"

Of course Wanda would not refuse the orders of his own leaders.

"Inuarashi Musket Team!"

From the outside of the room, Duke Inuarashi shouted, "Let's go!!"


"Hey, little rabbit, why are you hiding so far?"

Vlad sat leisurely on the tree trunk, with his hands behind his head, and looked at the little rabbit who was hiding far away with interest. Behind a big tree, the petite head poked out from the back of the trunk, staring at Vlad and the samurai Sakata, who had wiped the nosebleed from his face.

"Come and chat!"

Vlad smiled, "I am also idle. This partner of mine doesn't like talking very much. I am very bored! Come and chat!"

"Don't try to play tricks, I'll keep an eye on you!"

The little rabbit stuck his head out and shouted loudly, and immediately retracted his head after shouting, only showing above the eyes.

"Hey, what a cute little bunny!"

Vlad smiled, "Really? Nosebleed Warrior!"

Who is the Nosebleed Warrior? Call me by my name, okay? What's wrong with nosebleeds? This is the most normal physiological reaction of human beings. Mr. Sakata has never been to such a high place. Have you heard of altitude sickness? This is a very reasonable thing to do!

Sakata's heart was undulating.


A low voice sounded, it seemed like a dull thunder sounded from the distant sky, low and full of power!

The temperature dropped suddenly, and something fell from the sky!


An unimaginable thing happened, a big fish fell in front of Vlad, and the huge impact directly made the fish lose its life.


Sakata's eyes widened, of course, this country bumpkin guy had never seen such a scene.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!!"

The sound of clattering is coming from far and near, rain is coming!

Without the slightest precaution, Vlad Bantian and Garrett were chilled by the sudden heavy rain. What was even more surprising was that many fishes fell from the sky and fell into the forest from time to time.


Sakata looked dumbfounded, as if he had been stunned by such a sight.

"I haven't seen it before! Lustful samurai!"

Vlad opened his mouth freely and said that these rainwater are not real rainwater, but sea water. Although Vlad has not lost his strength yet, his instinct as an ability person still makes him a little disgusted with sea water.

"This is the characteristic of Zou!"

"The fire-breathing rain is a gift of rain! An island that has brought life and hope to this island, to the beings living on this island,"

Vlad smiled, "It can be called a rain of gifts! Of course, in the final analysis, this giant elephant under our feet is just taking a bath."


Sakata didn't care what Vlad said at all, and nodded lightly.

"Right! Little Rabbit!"

Vlad smiled. Although Sakata was always turbulent in his heart, his mouth was a stuffy gourd, and he was not a chat object at all.

"Don't talk to me! Intruder!!"

Rabbit shouted.

"Oh, it's said that it's not the enemy anymore!"

Vlad looked a little helpless, this little rabbit really has super vigilance, or rather, a tendon?

"Don't try to lie to me!"

Rabbit yelled like that.

"Okay, okay, you're happy!"

Vlad said so, and sat up straight, "Fortunately, I don't have to chat with you to pass the time now!"

"Cocoa cocoa cocoa!!"

A noisy voice came from a distance, and not far from Vlad, the door of the furry principality opened.


With the smoke and dust, something rushed out from it. It was a crocodile. Although it made people feel surprised, it was really a crocodile.

There is a guy riding on the crocodile, of course it can't be someone else, naturally it can only be Duke Inuarashi, the king of the day in the furry principality.


Duke Inuarashi didn't do anything special. The crocodile under his crotch stopped. After that,

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Continuous black shadows flashed by, but in an instant, the trees around Vlad were already filled with all kinds of fur tribes, and countless people were full of vigilance like sharp arrows. His gaze shot towards Vlad and Sakata from all directions.

"Is that you?"

Duke Inuarashi did not get off the crocodile. In fact, his hand was already on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

"The guy who claims to be from Koyuki!"

"Oh, oh, this is Duke Inuarashi!"

Vlad didn't stand up and didn't care about the Inuarashi Musketeers around him~www.readwn.com~ still sitting on the ground leisurely, smiling, "It's been famous for a long time!"


Duke Inuarashi was about to say something.

"No rush, no rush, Duke Inuarashi,"

Vlad waved his hand and smiled, "Isn't there a good friend who hasn't come!" ..

"-Is it!"

So there was a strange silence on the scene, no one spoke, and Vlad was able to close his eyes and rest on the tree trunk leisurely.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

Fortunately, the awkward atmosphere didn't last long, and soon, on the other side of the forest, the voice of the thin rope came over, just like the replica of the previous appearance of the Inuaran Musket Team, it was another group of big cats who have always been yellow. led out of the forest.

The troupe of knights led by the king of the night in the furry principality, the boss of the cat-bellied snake, finally appeared at this moment!

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