Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 341: Pirates X Furs X Elephants


Duke Inulan looked a little surprised, "Are we with you? Fur tribe and humans?"

"Yes, alliance!"

Vlad smiled, "Kaido's Beast Pirates and Wano Country's generals will soon be able to swept the entire Wano Country if there is no accident, and the opponents we will face will be very terrifying!"

"The Hundred Beast Pirates, which were already extremely powerful, have become even stronger now,"

Vlad said this, with a distressed tone in his voice, "You should be clear, right?"

"Do you know what kind of power the samurai of Wano country have? The country of samurai has a power that cannot be underestimated!"

Vlad is not alarming, even in Wano country where monsters gather, the overall strength of Wano country is absolutely not to be underestimated. No one in this country has established a country with martial arts and has used swordsmanship as the basis for the existence of the country since ancient times. I don't know how many powerful swordsmen are hidden. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

"The strength of the Hundred Beast Pirates who have swept away all the resistance forces in Wano Country will expand to what extent, you can understand without me saying more!"

Vlad said so.


Silent, Duke Inulan didn't speak, and the boss of the cat-bellied snake sitting on the ground didn't speak either. Of course they knew how powerful the Beast Pirates would be. I am afraid it is only the result of being crushed, and there is only such a result. If it is only their fur tribe, it can only be like this.

But, can you not fight? No, Guangyue Yutian is not someone else. The Guangyue family is the benefactor of the fur tribe. It was the Guangyue family who brought new life to this race long ago. The two sides have been good friends for hundreds of years. Duke Inuarashi and the boss of the cat-bellied snake are still vassals of Kozuki Oden. This relationship can already be described as a family. In the original story, Zou could risk the lives of all citizens of the whole country to protect a person from Kozuki. The ninjas of the Yue family, such friendship, do not allow them to give up revenge for their own family.

But, because of this, is it necessary to form an alliance with Vlad?

Whether it's Duke Inuarashi or Cat-bellied Snake, they are hesitant. Not all humans are treated like family members by them like the Kozuki family. They will be treated as intruders, as enemies, and to be honest, Vlad is no exception.

Even if Vlad studied ancient writing at Kozuki Oden, even if Vlad was the one chosen by Kozuki Oden, even so, he wanted to make Duke Inuarashi and the boss of the cat-bellied snake treat them as relatives immediately, It is absolutely impossible to treat them as people who can rely on their backs. They themselves do not want to doubt Kozuki Oden's judgment, but as leaders, they have to consider this country even more.

After all, Vlad is a pirate, or the Qibuhai under the government, and they are responsible for their own country.

"Eh? Don't you want to?"

Vlad had a rare accident. This time it was really an accident, but after thinking about it, I understood. After all, he was an outsider, or someone who didn't have a very close relationship with Kozuki Oden. If he and Sakata Change the identities, then it is estimated that both parties have completed the alliance, but he is not. ..

Vlad is Shichibukai, it is normal to be suspected!

"Ah, it's a mistake!"

Vlad looks like he has a headache. The fur tribe is a force he must win. The average strength is amazing, the individual strength is extraordinary, and the high-end strength is not lacking. There is even a moon lion mode that is just like the awakening of the animal system. Think about it, the cat-bellied snake and Inuarashi, who are already on an equal footing with Drought Jack in the normal mode, can use the strength of the moon lion to achieve what level?

The fur tribe is really an extremely powerful force! In exchange for any careerist, as long as there is a situation where this power can be brought into his subordinates, I am afraid that he will not give up easily.

So Vlad is a little tangled, because for now, these guys don't trust themselves enough! This is really a bit of a powerless thing. Even in the original story, the Straw Hats were able to gain the trust of the Fur tribe because they saved the country from the Beast Pirates. Vlad can't count on it. He has gained the whole-hearted trust of the fur tribe as a person who has studied writing under Kozuki Oden's subordinates.

This is simply impossible.


The sudden loud noise instantly broke the silence in the room.


Vlad looked surprised, and his body was thrown directly into the air. With him were the samurai Sakata, Duke Inuarashi, the boss of the cat-bellied snake, and all the objects in this room, all in a mess. fly into the air.

"Clap la la la!!"

Then everything immediately fell to the ground again, tossed, fell, and the cycle went on and on!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

In an instant, the heavens and the earth shook, as if Whitebeard was going all out to use his abilities on this island! This is an unimaginable horror shock!


The cracks visible to the naked eye spread in this room, and the terrifying force began to destroy this house from top to bottom!

"Clap la la la!!"

The solid room collapsed in an instant, burying the four of Vlad directly underground.

The earthquake is not over yet, and the furry principality has been devastated. The scale of the earth is shocking. In just a moment, there are not many intact buildings in the cities of this country. The tree houses collapsed, and the wooden houses collapsed. The earthquake turned into ruins.

The originally peaceful and peaceful country suffered an unprecedented ordeal in an instant.


The top of the ruins burst open, the debris and debris rose into the sky, and a fiery red voice rose into the sky. Vlad held the samurai Sakata in his hand, and covered his ears with the other hand. islands.

"This is-"

The strong vibration has not stopped, but the powerful strength has been able to make Duke Inulan stand on the ground. He looked at the surrounding ruins a little dazedly.

"What's the matter!!!"

"Lord Duke!!!"

So crying~www.readwn.com~ What happened? ? ? "

"It's all ruined!"

So shouted, "Our country!!"

"So what happened?"

The cat-bellied snake instantly thought of the only murderer who could cause such a state of affairs, "Could it be, like the Lord he-"

"Hu-shi warrior, you stay here,"

Vlad threw Sakata to the ground casually, and looked to the other side, "Did you hear it? Hearing is really amazing!"

"It's loud enough! You bastard!"


Vlad suddenly smiled, "This also seems to be an opportunity!"

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