Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 351: Reunion

"This is-"

The man named Sakata's eyes widened. Although he was born in the world's most powerful and magical sea, the New World, this man who was short-sighted because of Wano's seclusion and isolation was indeed the scene that appeared in front of him now. shocked!

Clouds, endless clouds! !

Of course, Yun Bantian has seen it, but now, he has never seen a cloud like the ocean. It's real, and it is really suitable to describe it as a sea of ​​clouds. Who would have thought that in the air far away from the ground , Is there such a magical place?

At least, Sakata didn't think of it, but there is no doubt that there is such a sea of ​​clouds under them now!

The galloping figure pierced the sky, and the fierce wind caused ripples after waves on the Baibaihai Sea.

"This is Bai Baihai!"

The huge fire dragon said this, the sound was so loud that Sakata's ears hurt. Since Vlad made a phone call with the maid, who had not been on the scene for a long time, after learning that his friends found something on the moon, Vlad made a phone call. Rad immediately grabbed Sakata and embarked on the return journey. It was a real grasp, which means grasping with his claws. Vlad turned into a giant dragon, grabbed his little friend and flew all the way from the new world back to Paradise.

Even at Vlad's super-fast speed, when he saw the Baibaihai floating 10,000 meters above the sea again, it had been a whole week since he bid farewell to the passionate fur tribe. After all, he is also human. It is also necessary to eat and drink Lazard, and there is still a lot of delay in the middle.

"Suspended in a dreamy sea 10,000 meters above the sea!"

Vlad said, "How is it? Be beautiful!"

The world is truly amazing! Sure enough, the more I follow this man on the sea, the more I understand how wise it was to make such a decision at the beginning. Just like what the teacher said, I am looking forward to the next adventure more and more!


Sakata nodded slightly.


Vlad laughed, "Let's go! Go and meet your seniors!!"

"Flame thrower!!"


The flames spewed, and the huge fire dragon was turning into a red meteor, rushing towards the distance.


Sky Island, the island of God, was a forbidden place for all Sky Islanders in the era of Anilu, and it was also the ancestral land that Shandia people wanted to take back. Now it is open to all Sky Islanders, Fire Dragon Pirates Of course, the group of people in the regiment will not regard a mere island with land as anything precious.

Although almost the entire island of the gods is already open, there is only one place that is not open to the public, and that is the residence of the Fire Dragon Pirates. An area above the huge vines has been transformed and built into a Now the shrine in the mouth of the residents of Sky Island!

Belong to the palace of the gods!

It's not that majestic, or even a humble shrine. There is only one place in the shrine that is absolutely enough for the title of shrine. That is the training ground behind the shrine. It's really big enough. In Rad's previous life, it would have been about the size of seven or eight football fields. Although it was already huge, for the powerhouses in the sea, such a size could be regarded as a warm-up.


With a loud noise, a figure flew back upside down and fell heavily to the ground. The strong impact made him slide on the ground for a long time.


A muffled sound came out of his mouth unconsciously, the man shook his head, the severely hit head was a little awake, blood slid from the corner of his eyes, and the scene in front of him seemed to be spinning.

"Hey, is this okay?"

A woman's voice full of ridicule came from the front, "Luo, you are like this, do you want to seek revenge on Doflamingo at this level?"

"Aren't you thinking too much!"

The man's name is Trafalgar Law, the ship doctor of the Fire Dragon Pirates, who is currently following the efforts of the seniors of the Pirates to cultivate domineering.


The translucent spherical space expanded in an instant, but in an instant, it was all wrapped up in it.


The woman with a cigarette in her mouth smiled, with a light-hearted look. Of course, it goes without saying that she is the maid of the Fire Dragon Pirates.


Luo directly disappeared in place out of thin air, saying that the power of the fruit was indeed too buggy.

"Cardiac shock!!"

In an instant, Luo's body appeared behind the maid's back, two hands stretched out, thumbs up, the remaining four fingers clenched into fists, almost green lightning flashes on his hands, a genuine electric current, if this If the move can hit, it is not impossible to scorch the human body.

"Hey! How naive! Luo!"


With such a mockery, the maid didn't move, flames spewed out from the soles of her feet, and the whole person flew into the sky in the blink of an eye, easily avoiding Luo's attack.



The maid's face suddenly flashed a surprised look, Luo was like a maggot in the tarsus, and had already appeared behind her. Even though the maid's speed was fast, it was still slightly inferior to Luo's teleportation.

The hands wrapped in green electric light were almost on the maid's body.



The maid shouted, the dark domineering instantly covered the maid's back, like a layer of the strongest armor.


Lightning overflows!


There was a smile on the maid's face, "The power is not enough!"

Luo's blow, it seems, is still not enough to break the maid's domineering defense.


Luo did not look disappointed at all, and once again disappeared in front of the maid.


The maid raised her head in surprise, Luo's shadow had already covered her, he had appeared above the maid's head, and he had already held his saber in his hand, a famous sword with a pitch-black blade, ghost cry!

Invisible fluctuations undulating above, this is Luo's armed domineering, although it only stops at the level of entanglement, but it is indeed domineering at a real price, after that, the green electric light begins to jump on the blade.

"High Frequency Scalpel!!"

A blow with terrifying power slashed directly at the maid.


The maid was startled suddenly, and then she put on a somewhat excited expression on her face, "Are you finally back-!!"

"Burning Cannon!!"


Before Luo's attack came to ~www.readwn.com~ the turbulent flames roared out from the top of the maid's head. The weapon fruit is a fruit that can transform into weapons in various parts of the body! !

The scorching fire pillar reaches the sky! I don't know how far into the sky.



Luo's figure appeared on the ground beside him, panting heavily, apparently not suffering any damage, but the fruit of the operation is indeed a fruit that consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Wow ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

At this time, wild laughter came from above,

"Long time no see! Miss Maid!"


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