Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 353: robot

"Is it here?"

Vlad followed the maid to a room in the shrine, looked at the locked door, and said so.

"Well, it's here!

The maid didn't take out the key, but just stretched out her finger. The slender and slender index finger quickly began to deform, and it turned into a key in the blink of an eye?

"Hey, can you do something like this?"

Vlad looked surprised.

"Who said keys can't stab people?"

The maid's mouth twitched and said so.

"Well, it's reasonable!"

Vlad grinned.



The maid gently opened the door, and with a harsh sound, the door was pushed open, and there was no light inside, it was very dim.

"At the time, no one thought—"

The maid got out of the way and let Vlad in,

"Something like this would suddenly appear on the moon!! Everyone was taken aback. When Anilu brought these things back, I was a little frightened!"


Vlad walked in and smiled, "Then you're a little timid, you still need to continue to practice!"


The house is not big, so Vlad clearly saw a few things thrown in the corner just after going in, his face was filled with surprise, "Is this really what you found on the moon? ?"


The maid nodded, "It was indeed found on the moon!"

"But, that's not surprising, is it?"

Vlad said, "It's normal for these guys to be found on the moon, right? Or should it be strange that they are found outside the moon?"

What appeared in front of Vlad was not anything else, but four robots. Although they were wearing various armors, in terms of appearance, they were almost the same as the robots Vlad found on the moon, and they looked extremely close. .

That's why Vlad said that finding these things on the moon is really not a big deal. The size of the moon is not small, and it is normal to have robots that they have not found.

"No, Captain,"

The maid said so, took two steps forward, and kicked one of the robots, "Take a good look, they are different from the robots we found!"


A scream came from the robot who was kicked by the maid, "It's you again!!"

"It's this horrible woman again!"

As if waking up from sleep, the other robots also started talking instantly, "Let us go, you bastard!"

"We will avenge Grandpa's revenge sooner or later!"

"You wait for me!"

Vlad heard, clearly heard these robots talking?

"That's the difference!"

The maid didn't care about the robot's screams and said, "Captain, these guys are different from all our robots!"

It's different, of course it's different. Vlad can notice that these robots are different even if he is casual. These guys are wise, and what's even scarier is that they have feelings!

Will you feel pain, will be afraid, will be angry, will be angry, will be sad for your partner, or even take revenge for others?

Such technology is really terrifying. Apart from the fact that the body is a machine, what is the difference between these guys and humans?

Are these guys still robots?


Vlad's mind flashed, and he suddenly remembered something, these guys, he suddenly had an impression, he suddenly found that these guys appeared in the original story!

It is very interesting that these robots that look exactly the same as the robots made by the ancient moon people are indeed not the creation of the moon people!

In the original story, these guys ran from the sea to the moon. Although it is a bit unbelievable, it is true. Then these guys who came to the moon encountered space pirates, and they did not have much outstanding combat power. Several robots were undoubtedly hanged and beaten.

After that, a very dramatic thing happened. These guys met Enel who came to the infinite land. Enel, who has taken the moon as his territory for granted, can't stand the space pirates who are in their own hands. The guy who did things on the territory immediately killed the space pirates, and then these robots became Enel's subordinates.

This is the trajectory of the original story, but with Vlad's intervention, it stands to reason that the original development has long since changed beyond recognition. However, the guy from Anilu still encountered these robots on the moon. Don't say it, it's fate.

Vlad knew that the makers of these guys were not ancient moonmen, but modern Qinghai people, an unknown Qinghai scientist, an old man who made these robots. How terrifying is this? Technology? Maybe even Vegapunk is just like that.

Vlad is very interested in that old man, isn't this nonsense? Just when Vlad was worried that he had made so many redundant robot bodies and it was useless, a robot with a core was sent to the door immediately. As long as the old man was found, the core or something would be fine, right?

Of course, according to the original trajectory, the reason why these robots went to the moon was because the sudden explosion on the moon made the old man choked to death by the dumpling. Who dares to believe it? However, this is indeed the case.

So, the old man should be dead too, right? After all, these guys are here to avenge that old man!

"Hey, you guys,"

Vlad smiled and squatted down, "Are you here for revenge?"

"Your people killed Grandpa, we must avenge Grandpa!"

Although they have wisdom and feelings, it does not mean that these robots have high IQ.

"Avenge grandpa, are you gourd babies?"

Vlad thought so, then smiled, "I don't remember when we hurt your grandfather! You guys, have the wrong person!"

"how is this possible!"

The robot looked very indignant, "Grandpa was choked to death because he was frightened by the explosion on the moon! Who else is there besides you on the moon?"

Still choked to death? It's also very chic.


Vlad smiled, "You're wrong. Before we got to the moon, there was already a group of people. They were violently excavating the ruins on the moon."

"I'm afraid they are your enemies, aren't they?"

"Eh? Is that so?"

The robot looks amazing.


Vlad nodded~www.readwn.com~ But we have already solved them, it can be regarded as avenging for you! "


Very surprised, "Really?"

Although it is a robot, there are tears flowing out of its eyes, "Thank you so much!"

"Wow, no, no,"

Super simple! ! I'm embarrassed to fool them, there is a strong sense of guilt.

"Hey, were you made by your grandfather?"

"Mmmm, grandpa is amazing!"

Talk like a child.

"Oh, really?"

Vlad smiled, "I'm curious about your grandpa!"

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