
In the navy confrontation, I don't know who suddenly said that.


Jack immediately scolded loudly, "It's on the battlefield now, where do you get the extra energy?"

The originally turbulent navy queue immediately fell silent. The mental outlook was completely different from that of ordinary navy soldiers. I have to say that Jack is really good at leading soldiers, and order prohibition is the least.

Everyone could see that a few people came out of the courtyard. The leader was a large black cloak. Inside was a white shirt. The buttons were not buttoned, revealing strong muscles. The lower part of the body was a Loose shorts, with a pair of flip-flops on his feet, a large burden in his hand, and a wanton smile on the corner of his mouth.


Almost as soon as they saw the person coming, the minds of all the navy were instantly empty, as if it was not a human but a monster that appeared in front of them, and even many people couldn't help but take a step back.

"Calm down!!"

Of course Jack noticed the abnormality of his subordinates, and then shouted, "Calm down, idiots!"

"This, this, this is,"

The lieutenant colonel on the side turned pale. The navy didn't know who this man was, but he did. He didn't know the pirate ship that was still floating in the air, but the pirate ship was floating above. Flag he knew.

"Fire dragon, Vlad??"

Of course the person who came out would not be someone else, only Vlad. The first thing you saw when you walked out of the gate was a large area of ​​blue and white, and the densely packed naval soldiers had already filled the not wide open space around it. When they were full, hundreds of muskets were already aimed at them.

"Ah, there are so many people!"

Vlad lazily put the big package on his shoulders, glanced at a group of navy soldiers, and then fixed on Jack's body, not only the clothes were different, Jack was the largest in the navy around him. The difference is that this guy has a very firm look, which is obviously different from the ignorant panic of the surrounding navy and the panic of the navy who seems to have some status.

"Hey, this is-"

Vlad tilted his head, "What are you trying to do?"


The cold light flickered slightly, Jack raised the long knife in his hand, pointed at Vlad from a distance, and his tone was firm, "Pirates, your actions have disturbed the peace of this island, and the residents here are terrified by your arrival. Anxiety, the thing we wanted to protect was offended by you!!”

"Now, in the face of justice, let's be honest!!"



"Ding dong!"

Accompanied by the sound of crackling electric current, there is the man's deep pained cry, followed by the sound of a long knife falling to the ground.

Bright electric lights flickered, and the blue lightning instantly cut through the space, hitting Jack's hand heavily.

Anilu still carried two large pockets, but just glanced at it lightly, an electric light shot out from his eyes, easily shot down Jack's weapon, and by the way almost knocked Jack's right hand. Burnt to coke.


"Colonel Jack?"

What happened in an instant almost made these navy soldiers stupid. Jack was able to become a colonel of the navy branch and become the top officer of a naval base. On the one hand, he was very good at leading troops, but his own combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. Yes, there has been a record of defeating pirates with a level of 30 million, but what is the situation now?

"That was just now?"

"Thunderbolt, is it lightning?"

"That guy, that guy is,"

"Devil Fruit Abilities!!"

Even in a sea area as weak as the East China Sea, although capable people are rare, there are legends of devil fruits circulating, let alone a place like the West China Sea? These navy soldiers could see Anilu's identity as a capable person almost instantly, and were extremely surprised by this. Devil fruit is indeed a very powerful thing. As long as a good fruit, the trash fish can immediately have a strong strength. And this kind of strength is not weak, and it is a very strong strength in the four seas.

"Hello, Navy,"

Anilu tilted his head slightly, and his tone had an indescribable laziness, "Don't use weapons at my generals, okay?"

"After all, it's really not easy to control your power without killing you directly!"

Uh, what a powerful ability, the Thunder Fruit of the Natural Department, our Pirates really are crouching tigers and hidden dragons, they are all monsters like guys,

The samurai named Sakata stared at the dead fish and shrank back, not thinking of anything.

However, do you really have to say that? Both the tone and the words are extraordinarily rude, okay?


Cold sweat was dripping down Jack's face. His right hand was now charred black, and he had completely lost consciousness. There was a faint smell of disgusting flesh wafting from him. Even if it was just an understatement, the electric shock of Enilu was not a trivial matter. The standard of the world can be ignored.

"Okay, Mr. Navy,"

Vlad said, "Do you know the difference a little?"

"Even a stupid guy can see it. The strength comparison between the two of us is so clear, so huge, so huge that even if you risk everyone's life, you won't be able to stop us a little bit. "

"So, if you don't want to die, please get away! I'm in a good mood today, and I don't really want to kill people!"

"What a joke! Pirates!"

He didn't care about the injury in his right hand at all, the navy named Jack clenched the musket in his left hand, not only did he not have a little bit of fear in his eyes because of what happened just now, but only had uncontrollable anger and determined will~www .readwn.com~ Do you want the righteous navy to retreat in front of you? ? "

"Stop giving me self-righteousness!!"

"That's why you told me that the Navy is an amazing group of guys!"

Vlad suddenly sighed that, indeed, the strength of the navy is reflected in such places, because they represent justice, as long as the government still exists, the government is still the ruler of the world, they represent justice, even if it is the West Sea There are also such naval officers in the place, but it is really enough to make people feel helpless. Vlad regarded the navy as an imaginary enemy second only to the government from the very beginning.

"So, Captain,"

The chef noticed his captain's troubles, and as Vlad's right-hand man, the man said, "Do you want to solve them?"


Vlad asked suddenly,

"You know our identity, but why are you not afraid of us at all?"

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