Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 371: Courage



Above the sky, Vlad slammed his wings and stabilized his body, with a look of admiration on his face covered with fiery red scales, "What an amazing power! Amazing guy!"

Titch's punch is really powerful. Even though Vlad's face is covered with thick scales, it still leaves Vlad's head empty, the scales on his face are broken, and there is blood on the corner of Vlad's mouth. outflow.

"Should I say, as expected of Blackbeard?"

Vlad has never underestimated the guy Marshall D. Teach, nonsense, even one of the four emperors with red hair would be afraid of the guy, could it be some simple role? Vlad naturally still can't get red hair now, so of course he won't underestimate this guy with black beard.

Therefore, when he was directly punched into the sky by Blackbeard, Vlad was also a little surprised, not by the power of Blackbeard, but by the crazy surprise of this man.

What an amazing guy. After waiting for decades, he finally got the Dark Fruit in his hand. Blackbeard can actually be used to block Vlad's attack. Vlad is really surprised, such a crazy , Such courage, Vlad believes that it is difficult to imagine that such a man will not be a genius when he is favored by fate.

To be honest, Blackbeard and Akainu were the two characters Vlad admired the most in his previous life. Leaving aside Akainu, Blackbeard is indeed a very powerful guy, can you imagine it? It only took a year from going to sea to becoming the fourth emperor. Although I didn't see the end, Vlad believed that this man who always shouted his dreams and dared to bet everything on himself was probably only the straw hat. To be able to stop him, the rest of the four emperors are not qualified.

However, to be able to play against such a guy,

“Have fun!!”

Vlad smiled, "So, this sea is really amazing!!"



The flames surged out from Vlad's back, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a little spark and charged directly to the ground, "Tiki!! Let me kill you!!"

"A thief, a thief!"

On the ground, the **** fat man got up and wiped the blood on his forehead. Without any extra movement, Vlad's attack has arrived again!

"Meteor Falls!!"

Just like a real shooting star, Vlad fell from the sky, flames spewed from his right leg, and his armed color was domineering.

"What a monster!"

Titch couldn't care about eating the dark fruit. Even if he hadn't been hit, he could feel the amazing high temperature coming from the air above, and his body was about to burn.


Titch's feet slammed hard, and the whole person jumped back directly, dodging Vlad's blow.


Vlad did not withdraw his strength, and the flame meteor fell heavily on the ground!


Among the flames rising into the sky is the same smoke and dust, Vlad's blow is really powerful!


Thick cracks began to spread everywhere, spreading from the place where Vlad bombarded to all around!


"Put down the boat!"

"Bring Captain Thatch, this ship is sinking!!"

The spreading shock wave formed a huge wave on the sea, and the already crumbling ship was even more unbearable, and it looked like it would sink at any time.

"Is this the combat power of the Seven Martial Seas under the King?"

Supporting Morik, the angry pirate before was shocked, "Can such a wave be able to set off such a far distance? The coast has been completely broken, such a terrifying force! I seem to see Captain Joe Zi! Forget it later. It's not surprising that the island was sunk!"

Diamond Qiaozi, the captain of the third division of the Whitebeard Pirates, who has the ability of diamond fruit, is the strongest in the Whitebeard Pirates in terms of strength.

"Of course it is!"

Morik's eyes were a little blurry, and he didn't know what he was thinking, "He is Vlad the Fire Dragon!"

Just like what the pirate said, where Vlad and Blackbeard fought, this piece of coast was almost completely broken, and a good piece of coast had turned into a reef.

"thief haha,"

Blackbeard smiled, and the tide of flames generated by Vlad's attack rushed straight towards him, the surrounding ground sank directly, and the solid ground turned into scorching magma. The temperature of such a flame was really high. Amazing.

"Is this the fire dragon fruit of the phantom beast species?"

Domineering instantly covered his body, and Blackbeard's face was a little gloomy, "Much better than Captain Ace!"

"Isn't that of course??"

In the flames, the shadow suddenly appeared, and Vlad had a fanatic smile on his face, "Tiki!!"

"Cut!! It's really annoying! You bastard!"

Tickey's face was not good-looking, his body twisted suddenly, his thick right fist was already slammed up, and then the other fist slammed into his fist!


No one can underestimate the violent power. The strong shock wave lifted all the surrounding land, and the trees, soil, and rocks were thrown everywhere!


“Have fun!!”

Vlad can feel that the opponent is no weaker than himself, and he is really a good opponent! Vlad smiled, and withdrew his right fist, at the same time, his left fist slammed up again.


Titch's face sank, he has no left hand to attack~www.readwn.com~ Don't forget, he still holds a dark fruit on his left hand, the devil fruit has no power to resist Vlad's attack, he He didn't mean to repeat his old tricks, he knew very well that a guy like Vlad would never be threatened a second time.

"thief hahaha!!"

Then, the man suddenly started laughing, clenching his fist with his left hand and banging it up.


"Tiki! Tiki! You bastard—"

Vlad was even more excited, because he saw it with his own eyes, Blackbeard threw the Dark Fruit aside, and punched him heavily!

Being able to put down the Devil Fruit that he spent decades waiting for, this man, Vlad thinks more and more, this guy is really an amazing guy!


Neither side held back the slightest bit, both of them knew that if they wanted to get that fruit, they had to kill each other.


Like a thunderclap, the surrounding environment completely changed under the two people's fights.


Vlad took two steps back slightly and smiled, "How about we stay away,"

Vlad looked at the dark fruit that just landed on a big rock, and smiled, "Otherwise, if this fruit is broken, it will be a waste of time!"

"Thief haha!"

Titch replied, "It's always good for me to make you a little scruples, right?"


Vlad smiled, "How bold!"

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