Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 381: Target: North Sea

"That technology—"

Paso's mindless eyes converged instantly, and a little gleam suddenly appeared.


Leaning his head, Paso had a confused expression on his face, "What technology?"


Vlad slapped his forehead with a slap, and said with some remorse, "Blame me, actually think you and I have such a tacit understanding, blame me, blame me!"

"So, Paso,"

Vlad said very seriously, "What happened to that technology, the technology that I asked you to study before I went to the New World last time?"

"The technology of feeding devil fruits to non-living creatures!"

This is Vlad's plan B. Since he can't directly eat the dark fruit by himself, then let something eat the dark fruit directly, and directly make this fruit into a piece of equipment, this is also possible.

Although this ability cannot be obtained directly, no one has ever said that this ability cannot be used indirectly! Since you can't turn the Dark Fruit into your own active ability, let it be your own equipment!

This is plan B. The same simple and rude plan, but it can be said to be extremely bold. There is no need to say how precious the dark fruit is. It can be said that among all the devil fruits known to Vlad, it belongs to it. The most precious, but such a precious fruit, Vlad actually wanted to feed it to something like this, it can be said to be very generous.

"Is it alright?"

Vlad said, "I don't want to do Plan C!"

Plan C is a simpler and cruder plan. Since you can't eat it yourself and can't make equipment, you can just find someone to eat it. This is Plan C of last resort.

"Oh! That!"

Paso suddenly realized it.

"That's right, that's it!"

Vlad nodded his head in relief. He had high hopes for Paso. There is no reason why Paso, who is also deeply researched on bloodline factors, can't do what Bergapunk can do!

"Well, no,"

Paso nodded, "Although I dissected the dog several times with the help of Luo, I have a little research on such a strange life form, but after all, there is no extra devil fruit for me to study, I want to analyze it. Such technology is really difficult, I only found that such technology,"

"It is indeed the application of the lineage factor,"

Having said that, Paso's expression was very excited, "It's really a very magical thing, can you imagine it, Captain? Not only humans can eat devil fruits, but animals can also, even inanimate ones. Objects can also be, it's really amazing! Dr. Vega Punk is really a genius!"

"Captain, are we going to see Dr. Bergapunk once?"

"Well, your goal is a little small!"

Vlad smiled meaningfully.

"But isn't your current technology not enough?"

Vlad looked hesitant, does he really want to implement Plan C?


Vlad suddenly had a flash of inspiration, "Paso, if you can find a scientist who is as good as you in the field of lineage factors, do you have the confidence to develop such a technology?"


Paso rarely looked unhappy, "Captain, I feel insulted,"


Vlad raised an eyebrow.

"As long as I have enough Devil Fruits, I can develop such a technology myself!"

Paso's tone was very calm, but Vlad was not hard to hear. This guy's words were full of strong confidence, and yes, for scientists, questioning their scientific research ability is the biggest insult to themselves. .

"No no no, misunderstanding, Paso,"

Vlad smiled. "I mean, you might need some subordinates,"

"What do you think, the biological science unit, what is the name?"


Paso's eyes lit up.

"Don't you think it's too hard to do experiments by yourself? If you have a professional assistant, especially if the assistant's technical level is also excellent, isn't it a good thing for your scientific research progress?"

"it is good!"

Paso nodded.

"Very well, then it's settled!"

Vlad smiled, "Let's go find your assistant!"


With such a big laugh, Vlad strode out of Paso's laboratory. Although it was only a flash of inspiration, a new target had appeared, and it was a very useful one.

"Blu blu blu!"

Vlad made a call as he walked to the deck.


"What's the matter? Vlad!"

The voice of a very familiar man came from the opposite side. The person on the opposite side was naturally not someone else, but Vlad's good partner, a man who had already helped Vlad a lot, the Golden Emperor, Gilder ? Tezzolo.

"Wuhaha, Tezzolo, do me one more favor!"

Vlad laughed, "He helped me find a group of people."


"So I'm already your exclusive intelligence officer?"

Tezzolo's voice was as unsmiling as ever.

"We are friends!"

Vlad didn't care at all.

"-who is it?"

"Well, not some hard-to-find guy,"

Vlad said, "Do you like reading comic strips? Tezzolo~www.readwn.com~what?"

Tezolo was very puzzled and did not understand why Vlad suddenly mentioned such an irrelevant thing.

"As for me, I liked to read it when I was a child, and I was obsessed with one of the stories. The story about a certain naval hero who defeated the evil legion and saved the sea really attracted me. Naval heroes are not at all interested, but I am very interested in the evil army in the story!"

Vlad said so.


As soon as Vlad said this, the matter was very clear, Tezzolo nodded clearly, "Sure enough, it's not a hard-to-find guy!"


Vlad smiled.

"If you're looking for them, I can tell you the answer right now,"

Tezzolo said casually, "They are now in the North Sea, accepting the employment of a certain kingdom to destroy another kingdom!"

"That's it, as expected of a mercenary group!"

Vlad smiled.

"Vlad, since you're going to find them, do me a favor too!"

Vlad's little friend asked so.

"no problem!"

Vlad agreed.

"I haven't even said what it is!"

Tezzolo was a little surprised.

"No problem, because,"

Vlad smiled, "We're partners!"

"—You guy, you are really good at talking!"

Tezzolo smiled.

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