Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Drago x Tessolo

"Research progress!"

There was no expression on Paso's face, the man had reached the point where his expression couldn't match his thoughts, "Soon oh,"

"Is that so?"

Vlad smiled, "That's great!"

"Well, Mr. Gage is very good,"

Paso looked somewhat admiring, "The research on lineage factors has reached a very in-depth level."

"Of course, after all,"

Vlad glanced at Gage and said, "Although it is not known to the world, in fact, Mr. Gage is the top scientist who discovered the design of life such as the bloodline factor together with Dr. Vegapunk. !"


Paso looked surprised, "Is Mr. Gage actually one of the discoverers of the bloodline factor?"

Gage was also surprised, how did Vlad know about his past? It's not a well-known secret.

"Yeah, that's why I was a little surprised,"

Vlad asked, "Why, Mr. Paso, you are also proficient in this knowledge? Dr. Vegapunk was arrested by the government just because he discovered this knowledge, and he has been working for the government since then. Your teacher is How did you know?"


Paso is also a little confused, his teacher has never told him these things.

"Mr. Paso,"

Gage is very polite to Paso, and of course this is also true. As a top scientist, after encountering an outstanding scientist like Paso who is similar to his specialization, of course he will respect the idea. This is for the station. Respect for people at the same height as yourself is also respect for yourself at the same level as the other person.

"Your teacher should be Hakata, right?"


Paso looked surprised.


a long time,


The man thought about it for a long time, then took a deep breath, "It seems like—"

"That's all right, that guy,"

Gage looked a little nostalgic, "At that time, he was also a research partner with us! I haven't seen each other for a long time, really-"


Paso nodded understandingly.

"OK OK,"

Vlad waved his hand, "Let's stop here for the plot that is close to friendship! Now tell me how the research is going, can you two? I'm more concerned about this matter!"

"Well, Captain,"

Paso raised a finger,

"We also need a Devil Fruit,"

"To verify the final guess!"

"That's it!"

Vlad smiled, "Does that mean we've reached the end? It's amazing! Two top scientists and a top scientific team are really amazing!"

"Has it come this far so soon?"

"It's amazing, I know that if you two are partners, there will be absolutely no problem!"


Paso's expression was indifferent, and he said softly, "It's mainly because of the existence of that dog."

It's a wolf, is the canine fruit direwolf good shape? Is it a wolf?

"Then it's all right,"

Vlad smiled, "Go find the devil fruit right away!"

"I don't think that guy will let me down."

The air pirate ship is moving fast towards the new world.


"Mosimoxi, is that Tezzolo?"

The pirate ship flying in the sky has begun to sink slowly. Vlad sits leisurely on the faucet of the pirate ship's bow. This is his exclusive position, the throne that belongs to him alone.

"It's me, your good friend,"

Vlad was holding a phone bug in his hand and giggling.


Tezzolo's low voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Yes, of course your best friend,"

Vlad said, "The things you asked me to get you have already been brought back for you!"

"Really? It's really fast!"

Tezzolo looked a little surprised.

"Haha, it is necessary,"

Vlad smiled, "You always act resolutely when you help me, and of course I can't slack off when I help you now!"

"Besides, have you also contributed to the Vinsmoke family?"

Vlad looked as if I had seen through everything, "Hey, I really can't think of any other reason for the Navy to give face like this."

It is not a simple crime to infringe upon a country that is a member of the World Government. Even if King Jack from the Kingdom of Cassino spoke to him, Vlad did not think it would be so easy to let the Navy give up. Qiwuhai is a thorn in the eye, if there is a chance to kill a Qiwuhai, will the radicals in the navy be merciful? Vlad didn't expect a guy like Akainu to release water.

In fact, the attitude of the navy has already been seen from the fact that Warring States spoke to him. The willingness to communicate is a compromise. Vlad is not stupid. Of course, he knows that someone is behind the scenes. Otherwise, how could the navy communicate with him? How much **** is he? Is it true that the Navy has true love for Shichibukai?

And, of course, the man behind the push was not someone else. Among the people Vlad knew were capable of doing such a thing and willing to do such a thing, of course, only Tezzolo.

"Oh, I'm still waiting for you to bring me what I want!"

Tezzolo said, "I just don't want to lose hope!"


Vlad smiled, "Of course I understand, you don't want to let your hopes fail! Right?"


Tezzolo smiled.

"Okay, my ship will be here soon,"

Vlad said so, the Platinum Ddraig was about to land close to the sea.

"You haven't seen it, have you? It will surprise you, the only flying pirate ship in the world!"

"Feel sorry,"

Tessolo looked a little sarcastic, "Guran Tessolo is the best boat in the world! Search the whole world and there will be no better boat than him!"

"Hmph, think too much, short-sighted guy, I'll let you know that fashion value is the greatest force in the world, you can't even imagine how cool the Flying Pirate Ship is!"

Vlad hummed a little unhappily~www.readwn.com~ You can still be arrogant now, just wait and see, I will show you what the best boat in the world looks like! "

"Wait and see!"

Tezzolo was also full of fighting spirit, "I'll be waiting for you at the top of the central tower! Do you know where it is?"

"You know, just wait and see!"

Vlad grabbed the phone bug with a smug smile on his face,


Vlad slapped twice on the head of the Platinum Ddraig, "You're the best ship in the world, right?"


"Well, of course~ Vlad's boat is the best boat~"


Vlad's eyes widened.

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