Did you make it?

Vlad looked at the small silver-white ring in Paso's hand with some doubts. Did it succeed?

"Hello, Mr. Gage,"

The difference is to ask. Vlad has never been a man who would do anything to pretend to be coercive. He knew that he had a great lack of professional knowledge in this area, so he would naturally ask people who knew about it.

"Did you make it?"

"do not know!"

Gage shook his head, also staring intently at the ring on Paso's hand, and said solemnly, "I don't know either!"

"do not know?"


Vlad breathed a slow sigh of relief, and stepped forward to get to Paso's side, "How? Mr. Paso, what's the result?"


Paso came back to his senses, turned his head to look at Vlad, and said in surprise, "Captain, are you there?"

"Just found out?"

Vlad raised his forehead, "I sent you the devil fruit, okay? You completely forgot about me!"

"Oh, forget it, forget it,"

Vlad waved his hands a little weakly, and it was meaningless to be honest with this man, "This matter doesn't matter, what I care more about now is,"

"Did the experiment succeed?"


Paso looked hesitant, "I don't know!"


Vlad frowned.

"Probably succeeded,"

Paso said, "According to our calculations, the power molecules in the Devil Fruit should have been mixed with this ring, and it should have been successful!"


Vlad said softly, in such a context, as long as there are words such as should probably be possible, then it is generally unsuccessful.

"Perhaps it should be said that the ability may have been attached to this ring. This is a matter of high probability,"

Paso's expression did not change, and he continued, "The machine designed by Mr. Gage and I should be fine. However, Captain, even this ring already has the ability, but ah, my doubts have not been solved."

"What's the meaning?"

Fred asked.

"It's very simple,"

Paso said, "As we all know, the use of devil fruit power requires the ability of the person's own physical strength as a price, but, of course, a dead thing like a ring has no physical strength, then,"

"Can the fruit ability actually take effect?"


Vlad has a big head for a while. This is really a good question. What is the ability of an object with no life to obtain a devil fruit?

Vlad thought of the musician's pet on his ship, the big dog named Xiaobai, whose body was a robot unearthed on the moon. There was no doubt that it was lifeless, but after obtaining the fruit ability It doesn't even need to be charged, it seems that it has turned into a wolf.

Vlad didn't think it was strange before, because he knew that the waste officer on Judiciary Island also had a similar elephant knife in the hand, and the crocodile's subordinate also had a subordinate who had a dog ball machine, so Vlad also had a similar elephant knife in his hand. Ladd subconsciously thought that this was a normal thing, until now, when this guy Paso put forward this point of view, he was surprised that it was obviously not normal at all.

How does a dead thing with no physical strength in itself drive the fruit ability? Not to mention, how does something without wisdom control the power of devil fruit? Then, how does the owner of the weapon control the weapon with the ability? Very puzzling question.

Vlad was at a loss, or, in fact, such an ability addition can only be limited to the Devil Fruit of the animal system? Because of the animal system, the dead are activated, and in fact the dead have life, so they can only move or even use the ability? So if you look at it this way, what exactly is the Devil Fruit of the animal system? Can the dead have life and even simple thinking? It is no longer a simple lineage factor that can explain it.

The more I think about it, the more panic I get, the Devil Fruit is really a big pit. At least Vlad has no idea about such a big pit. He doesn't care about the process, as long as the result is fine.

"So, Paso, did the experiment succeed?"

Vlad said so. Who cares what kind of secrets there are in Devil Fruits, Mr. Vlad only cares about whether his plans will be suddenly disrupted, and everything else will be fine, although he is quite fond of the secrets of Devil Fruits. Interested, but if you really want to explore such secrets, then forget it. If you don't have the time, you should leave such things to scientists.

"If this ring has power,"

Paso's face was full of doubts, and his hand squeezed the ring in his hand slightly.

"Then it was a success!"


In the blink of an eye, a bright light filled the room. Paso's hand was like holding a small sun. Vlad, who was close at hand, closed his eyes. Such a strong light stabbed him. My eyes hurt a little.

"Okay, put it away! Mr. Paso,"

Vlad turned his head, even if he closed his eyes, he could clearly feel the strong light from the outside world on his eyelids, which was not a pleasant feeling.


The light suddenly dimmed, and the people in this laboratory suddenly felt better. The sudden strong light can cause serious consequences to people's eyes.


Vlad licked his lips, looked at the ring in Paso's hand, and said, "Is this a success?"


Paso nodded, "It was indeed a success, but, how should I put it, it's really a wonderful thing."


Vlad was a little surprised.

"Captain, come and try it!"

Passo handed the ring to Vlad, "You don't need me to say more, you understand it yourself!"

"That's it!"

Vlad took the ring that Paso handed over, and a strange look suddenly appeared on his face.

"Oh, oh, this is—"

Vlad suddenly squeezed the ring in his hand.


The sudden strong light instantly enveloped the laboratory once again~www.readwn.com~ Vlad let go of his hand, and the strong light immediately disappeared again.

"That's true,"

Vlad smiled, "Simple and quick operation!"

I don't understand what the principle is, but there is no doubt that, unlike dead creatures with animal abilities attached, this ring does not have the ability to activate its own abilities. Its consumption source is people, which are added by people. Strength, in other words, is the physical strength of a person. Vlad can clearly feel that when he exerts force on this ring, his physical strength is slowly passing away, which is very interesting.

"Wow haha!"

Vlad laughed, "Anyway, it looks like the experiment was a success,"

"Then, hurry up!"

Vlad looked very excited, "I can't wait!!"

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