Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 431: The defeated Wu Hai and someone's actions

One day, it was a sunny day. Vlad lay leisurely on the reclining chair on the top of the shrine and fell asleep in the afternoon. There was nothing to do recently, so Vlad was also very leisurely, eating and sleeping every day. .

There is a parasol on the deck chair. Everything is good on the empty island, but there are no clouds and can't block the sun. Vlad didn't want to be tanned like a nigger.


Vlad moved his ears and rolled over.


Vlad's eyes moved under his lids.


"It's not over!"

Very angry Vlad sat up, pulled open the sunshade and looked up at the sky. Above the sky, it was clear, but occasionally there would be lightning flashes accompanied by dull sounds.

"God, can't you let me take a good nap?"

"Captain, let's exercise well, but we ended up sleeping here,"

With a very calm man's voice, the chef came up, "Are you really okay?"

"Oh, thank you so much! Chef, it's so reliable!"

Vlad shouted and took his after-sleep dessert from the chef's mobile phone. Although he said so, he actually prepared dessert for him.


Digging a large spoonful of shaved ice into his mouth, Vlad's body trembled visibly, and then he let out a big sigh of relief, looking very comfortable.

"My current strength has reached the point where exercising can't do anything at all! So it's better to take a good rest."

Human beings have limits, and Vlad's current strength has reached his own limit.

"Ding Ding!"

Vlad tapped the mouth of the cup with a spoon and said, "If I want to become stronger, I have to fight again, I need a strong opponent!"

Vlad can feel that if he wants to go further, he has to rely on fruit awakening. He is stuck at this step now. This is not something that can be done by self-cultivation.

"I envy you and God so much,"

Vlad sighed, looking at the thunder light surging above the sky, "If you are close enough to fight each other, I can't do it, so if you can awaken me, I can't do it!"

"Really, I'm also eager to wake up!"

What does the awakening of dragon fruit represent? Unlimited physical strength, which means that Zhu Rong's only weakness has also been cut, and the era when the four emperors on the front are not weak at all is coming.

"It won't be long."

The chef smiled, of course he thought that his captain would not be trapped by such difficulties.


Vlad took the spoon. "I think so too."

"Blu blu blu!"

It was at this time that the phone worm rang in Vlad's pocket.



Vlad took out the phone bug in surprise and answered the phone.

"Hey, Tezzolo? Any big news?"

Of course, it was Tezzolo who called. Vlad, who was on the sky island, was basically blind because the news bird couldn’t fly up. To get the latest information on the sea, of course, he had to rely on himself. My good friend, Lord Tezzolo.

"Hahahaha, this is the real big news, Vlad!"

Tezzolo's voice can be said to be very excited.

"Don't lie to me,"

Vlad leisurely put another spoonful of smoothie into his mouth, "You said the same thing last time during the Kingdom Revolution in the West Sea."

"That's the big news, isn't it?"

Tezzolo retorted, "Of course, even that incident is far from the big news this time."

"Yeah? Is that so?"

Vlad was interested, "Let's hear it."

"That sand crocodile was pulled down by a fledgling pirate newcomer! It was yesterday."

"That's it!"

Vlad's eyes gradually lit up, "This is really really big news!"

Did it still end up being killed? I thought this guy could change his life after the domineering patch, Vlad thought to himself.


"Damn crocodile, actually did such a thing behind our back?"

Navy Headquarters, as usual, Buddha Warring States once again smashed the solid wood table in front of him, with an extremely angry expression on his face,

"Pluto, that idiot, can something like Pluto get his hands on him?"

"Thanks to him, Alabasta has been turned into a pot of porridge!"

"Pirates are just pirates after all,"

This time, it was not Tekken Garp who was sitting across from Sengoku, but another man who was equally powerful. "I said long ago that Qiwuhai shouldn't exist in the first place!"

"Is this the time to talk about this? Sakaski!"

The anger of the Warring States period has not subsided, "It is better to think about how to weaken the impact of this incident, rather than these meaningless words, the pirates stealing the country, the government's credibility, and the navy's face were all slapped by that bastard. there is none left!"

"One of the founding countries of the government was almost usurped by pirates under the government, and in the end, it was only by relying on another group of pirates to settle the incident,"

The Warring States were furious, "The navy has done nothing, the government is careless, and justice has been trampled to the ground!"

"Put away such cheap justice! Don't take it out for shame!"

The man with the code name Akainu was also in a bad mood, "Isn't it a matter of course that such a result would come without the determination to eradicate all evil and the will to carry out justice to the end!"

"What do you mean! Sakaski!"

Warring States said loudly.

"Isn't the fact that the situation is so serious because of the government's connivance?"

Akainu looked disdainful, "That idiot the crocodile is interested in Hades, are the idiots above not interested in Hades? Because there is no way to directly take action, so let the crocodile act, isn't it obvious?"

"Enough! Sakaski!"

Warring States roared ~www.readwn.com~ Please pay attention to your identity! "

"Get me that **** Smoker!"

Warring States picked up the phone bug on the side and said loudly, "At this time, he can't tolerate his own way!"


Akainu stood up and walked towards the door.

"Sakaski, you bastard, where are you going?"

Warring States roared.

"New world!"

Akainu coldly dropped a word and walked away without looking back.

"This **** can go to the new world! Kuzan?"

Sengoku suddenly remembered that there was a guy who hadn't appeared for a while, "Where's that guy?"

"Damn bastards, every one is bastards!"

Soon after, such a roar resounded through Marin Vando, the headquarters of the Navy, and today is as peaceful as ever.

Somewhere on the sea in the paradise, an ice road that spread from nowhere drifted on the sea, and the man riding a bicycle looked weak, as if he would fall asleep at any time.

"Ah la la, it's really bothering me, Nico Robin..."

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