Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 467: blue ball

Behind the shrine, in the empty training ground, several people formed a group, not knowing what they were doing.

"Oh, that's it!"

Vlad was in the middle of the crowd, his eyes were very curious, and he said softly, in his hand, was a large glass bottle, and inside was a large bottle of yellow spheres, small, one was probably the same The size of Vlad's thumb, these things are the research results of the research team of the Fire Dragon Pirates in the past few days.

"Not bad! Doctor, have you made this thing after so many days?"

Vlad shook the bottle in his hand, and the yellow sphere inside collided with the glass bottle from time to time to make a clattering sound.

"It's not a difficult thing,"

Luo smiled and didn't care, "After all, the recipe is already given by Dr. Chopper. I just need to find the ingredients and prepare them. It's not a difficult thing to do."

"The only trouble is that Dr. Chopper's works are matched according to his own physical condition. If you want to make a captain that you can use, you can't directly follow the formula."

Luo smiled, "Fortunately, Paso's skills are really good. With the help of him, um, and Mr. Gage, today, this bottle of Lambeau Ball is completed."


Vlad looked surprised, "Is there any help from Mr. Gage? Thank you so much! Mr. Gage, you are very helpful!"

The object of Vlad's thanks, the man named Vinsmoke Gage, was not in a beautiful mood. Of course, anyone who had such an experience would not be in a very beautiful mood.

After all, what stood in front of Vlad was not a living Mr. Gage, but a furry gorilla that was half a person tall. There is also a pair of glasses in the position, just like the big horse monkey in the circus, which looks very funny.

However, this is not funny, because, without a doubt, this orangutan is Vinsmoke Gadge himself, and under the influence of Luo's ability, this guy was transferred into the body of an ape. After all, Vlad I was very unhappy with this man's behavior. I wanted to punish this man once. It was originally Vlad who wanted to change Mr. Gadge's **** through genetic technology.

But thinking about it like this is a bit too cruel, and Jiazhi himself can change back, just thinking of Luo's ability to do such a thing, isn't this kind of punishment the best? A man who is proud of his bloodline loses his bloodline, and then turns into an animal that he usually dismisses. Isn't this an interesting punishment?

"Fire Dragon,"

Although he has turned into an orangutan, he is strangely able to speak. It seems that Jiaji has transformed his current body these days, "When will you return the body to me!"

Although I no longer wanted to live before, but after that period of time, the courage that once overflowed has dissipated, and the desire to live and live once again prevailed, even if he had turned into an orangutan, this man, He was also eager to live. Of course, it would be better if he could change back into a human being. In order to stimulate the man's enthusiasm for work, Vlad specially asked Paso and Luo to revive Gaji's original body and soaked it in the culture medium.

"Well, don't worry, Mr. Gage,"

Vlad turned his head away and stopped looking at Gage. He couldn't bear to see the man, the expectant look in the orangutan's eyes, he would want to laugh, "It's not the time, your body is severely injured, now It's recovering, don't worry, don't worry."


Gage let out a low howl. Of course he knew that Vlad was perfunctory to him, but he couldn't do anything about it. After all, only Luo could exchange him back. He was now holding his heart except for his heart. Even the body was held in the hands.

"Hey, that's not bad!"

Vlad said this, the bottle of yellow sphere in his hand, named Blue Wave Ball, is the proud work of Tony Tony Chopper, the ship doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates. It can adjust the wavelength of the Devil Fruit, so that the original only The three forms of the animal-type devil fruit have multi-stage transformations and have a variety of forms. It can be said that it has a very strong increase for the animal-type devil fruit ability.

Of course, Vlad is not interested in this one. These various forms of enhancement are optional for him, and he does not need it at all. However, the blue wave ball has another function, and that is the most important thing for him. Want to experience it.


Vlad said, "Is this thing reliable?"

"Well, except for the fact that it is tailor-made for you, the captain is different from Dr. Chopper, there is absolutely no problem in other aspects!"

Luo said so firmly.


Paso, who has been a little dumb, saw Vlad questioning his skills~www.readwn.com~ said dully: "No problem, Luo, and me, no problem."


Luo smiled, and calmly took out a small bottle from his pocket, which also contained a dozen or so yellow blue wave balls, "I've known for a long time that you must have such concerns, Captain, so the samples used in the experiment are also prepared. All right."


Vlad's eyes were glowing, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he smiled, "Hey! It's really foresight, doctor, it's great! Such an idea is really great! There's no exact experiment, it's just a theory , of course it is unbelievable.”

"not only that,"

With a playful smile on Luo's face, he turned his head to look aside, "Even the test guinea pig has been found."


Vlad smiled and looked aside with Luo's gaze, "Doctor, you really understand me!"


Under the boundary wall of the training ground, the big white dog tied into a ball whimpered helplessly, tears falling from the corners of its eyes. Today, once again, this big white dog has become an experimental tool for the evil forces.

"Then hurry up! Let's try it out, how does this blue wave ball work!"

Vlad smiled, "I can't wait!"

"as you wish!"

Luo smiled, popped the stopper of the glass bottle in his hand with a 'boom', and with an expectant smile on his face, he had already walked towards the innocent big white dog. Vlad was not the only one who was expecting the effect of this medicine. , as a maker, he himself is equally curious.

"woo woo woo woo!"

Shaking his head weakly, this big white dog could only watch Luo pour a blue wave ball into its innermost.


A high roar, change, and this happened.

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