The fiery red meteor fell from the sky, except that it did not have a long tail inflammation, it was like a real meteor!


Above the huge warship, the young naval soldier raised his head in surprise, the expression on his face changed again and again, "What is that? That is,"



"Really, what is that?"

After this exclamation, almost everyone on the deck raised their heads, and then they saw the red meteor flashing red and falling from the sky.

"Come this way??"

"Then what is—"

"Dodge! Dodge!!"

He shouted hoarsely, "Fall down now! Dodge!"

The navy soldier at the stern shouted, and the red meteor fell straight towards the bow.


The smoke and dust rose violently, and the red meteor bombarded heavily on the bow. The strong impact made this giant warship undulate like a seesaw. The bow was heavily pressed into the sea, and the sea was almost full. over the side of the ship.


The huge impact made the sailors on the deck completely untenable, and fell to the ground. Even the elite soldiers from the Navy headquarters on this warship were not immune to such an impact.


The end of the warship, which was pushed up, slapped heavily on the sea, the waves rose into the sky, and the huge shaking swept in again. The navy soldiers who had not fallen to the ground in a mess once again stumbled, and there were many unlucky people. The guy was directly shaken into the sea.

"What the **** is this??"

Lying on the ground, a certain Admiral with a cape on his shoulders said in surprise, "Is it really a meteor?"

Just in front of him, the smoke gradually dissipated, and a huge pothole appeared in front of him. The thick and hard upper deck of the warship was smashed through, and the thing that fell from the sky had fallen below the deck.

"what happened?"

The navy on the deck looked stunned.

Then, suddenly, black smoke filled the air, floating from nowhere, and soon, the misty black smoke had already tightly wrapped the big ship, and the sun in the sky was completely covered, extremely A dim black enveloped the deck.

"This is-"

The Admiral and Colonel with cold sweat on his face quickly stood up, his face full of seriousness, "Enemy attack!! Pay attention to vigilance! Prepare for battle! Enemy attack!!"

"The enemy is on the lower deck! Find him!"

"Contact Headquarters! Pass the message on!"

"Then, everyone! Prepare for battle!!"

At this time, as long as they are not fools, they will know that such an abnormality is because someone has attacked this ship.

At the same time, at the bottom of the prison ship, where Nico Robin and Frankie are held.

The sudden vibration caused the two of them to roll on the ground in embarrassment. The unfortunate Frankie slammed his head directly into the railing. Fortunately, his head was still very iron, and he did not receive any damage.


Robin and Franky were not the only prisoners tumbling on the ground, but also the navy soldiers patrolling and monitoring the two of them on the ground floor. Franky and Robin were still in chains. The navy soldiers were patrolling well. He fell to the ground in an instant and didn't react at all.


Then, the ceiling burst open, and a shadow jumped down from the upper deck.

"Hey, really, let me find it for a while!"

The person's tone was lazy, and it sounded as sleepy as if he hadn't slept for a week, which is of course, after all, this guy was disturbed when he really wanted to sleep, and then spent a few days without sleep. It is only natural that those who fly over will be very sleepy.

His right hand hangs down naturally, but something very unnatural happened in his hand, black smoke spread out from his hand, like flowing water, seeping out from the gap of the boat, It can be known that the black mist spreading from his hands wrapped the ship.

The name of the person who came was Ferdinand Vlad, who came from the sky island.

"You are-"

Nico Robin's eyes widened suddenly, she really didn't expect to see Vlad in this place, what the **** is going on?

At the same time, Franky, who fell to the ground like a caterpillar, raised his head with difficulty, and his eyes were also very excited.

"Yo, we meet again, Nico Robin!"

Vlad greeted leisurely, then turned to look at Franky on the other side, and smiled as well, "Then, long time no see, Franky! It looks very embarrassing!"


The navy, who was rolling on the ground in embarrassment, finally stood up, the long knife was unsheathed, and the musket was loaded. No matter how Vlad appeared, it was an intruder.

"Do you want to take the prisoner away?"

"Yeah~ Vlad smiled, "This is troublesome, and if the government knows what I've done now, it would be quite bad, so—"


The black wave swept out, instantly shrouding the navy in front of him. After the black wave passed, these navy soldiers who wanted to stop Vlad had disappeared, and they had all been attracted to another space by the gravity of darkness. It was probably crushed to pieces.


Nico Robin's eyes widened, and some didn't understand what the situation was. As we all know, the ability of Vlad, the fire dragon of the Seven Wuhai Sea, is the fire dragon fruit of the phantom beast species, so it is called the fire dragon. But what was the ability that Vlad showed just now? The black smoke, no matter how you look at it, is not the ability of the dragon fruit?

No matter how you look at it, it is completely irrelevant to the word fire dragon. What is going on with such an ability? This guy, is a dual ability? Is such a thing really possible?

Nicole Robin is a little messy, and even a man as well-informed as this is a little bit confused now.

"Okay, the two of you, the prison is over, and now it's only time for liberation!"

Vlad smiled, "Come with me! I came to you on purpose!"


Vlad turned his head in surprise.

"Go? Where are you going?"

Such a somewhat muffled man's voice came from behind Vlad, "These two are serious offenders of the government, where can they go? Even the ends of the earth will not have a place for them."

Vlad turned his head, and then saw the man walking down the stairs with a long sword in hand, "Oh! It turned out to be the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Fighting Dog, Mr. Dauberman!"

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