Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 483: frank?

As the sun sets in the west, the bright red sun has gradually sunk into the sea, and the last part of the brilliance continues to illuminate the sea, and the shimmering sea is covered with golden yellow.

Above the sea, the waves are undulating, and the strong sea wind is blowing. The strong wind brings not only the waves, but also the low temperature. The warmth of the day has disappeared. In the distance, the dark clouds are covering. It is foreseeable that, A storm is coming.

It is not only the wind from the sea that is cold, but also the heart of a man.

"This this,"

Wearing a large justice cloak, wearing a purple striped suit, with a mohawk and a beard, the man who was about to straddle a long sword had a look of horror on his face, "What the **** is going on?"

The man's identity is the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, codenamed Flying Squirrel. Like Dauberman, he is also one of the powerful lieutenant generals of the Navy Headquarters.

Standing on the deck of an empty warship, the man roared in disbelief, "What the **** happened on this ship?"

About this morning, the Navy Headquarters received a notice that the prison ship that transported Nico Robin and Katie Flam, two felons, was found in the waters close to the Chambord Islands after 24 hours of disappearance. The situation is that the ship was empty when it was discovered, and no materials were lost, but the people on board were completely missing.

Whether it was Nico Robin and Katy Flam who were the prisoners, Vice Admiral Dauberman who escorted the prisoners, and the thousand navies he led, all the people on the ship disappeared, and no one was spared.

"Damn it! What the **** happened! The headquarters has not received any news of the attack,"

Flying Squirrel sullen, angry in his heart, "That guy Dauberman - what is he doing!"

"Were you attacked?"

Flying Squirrel looked at the two large holes on the deck, and was a little suspicious, "There was a fight? But, where did everyone on the boat go?"

"Nicole Robin and Katie Flam are also gone. Who are the attackers? Pirates? The Four Emperors? Or the Revolutionary Army?"

The Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was full of doubts, "Is it intentional or a chance encounter? Damn it!!"

"So what happened!"


Move forward a little, Holy Land Mary Joa.


The delicate teacup fell heavily on the ground, instantly turning into a pile of fragments, the bald Five Old Star was furious, "What does the navy eat!!"

"Two guys who are such a big threat to the government can actually let them run away!!"

"Damn, it happened at this time!"

The blond Wu Laoxing rubbed the bridge of his nose, and the expression on his face was also very unsightly. When the naval government was trying to prepare for the battle after more than a week, this happened, and the Wu Laoxing was a little powerless.

Most of the government's forces are now beginning to shrink towards the naval headquarters, and other forces have also begun to enter the new world to defend against the possible arrival of the Four Emperors, and there is no extra force to investigate this matter.

"Otherwise, let the guys at CP9 try it!"

The bearded five old star said so.

"How many rubbish?"

The bearded Wu Laoxing frowned. The undercover city of Seven Waters has not had any harvest for several years. In the end, CP9, who had to wait for the arrival of the Straw Hats by luck, has completely disappointed the Wu Laoxing.

"What can they find out?"

Sword-wielding Five Old Stars said with some disdain, "Furthermore, the guy who can solve a warship led by a vice admiral without causing any movement, under the current circumstances, even if he finds it, he will not be able to find it. Great solution!"


The bald-headed five old star frowned and said, "Put this on hold for now? Nico Robin and Katie Flam are the ones who are lost. Both of them are guys who are never allowed to stray outside."

"No way, the manpower in hand is really stretched,"

The long-bearded five old star said, "Is there no other way?"

"OK then!"

The blond five old stars looked a little unwilling, "It can only be like this! After the incident is over, I will try my best to search for Nico Robin and Katie Frame, whether it is ancient text or Pluto, it will never be allowed-"

Just when the navy and the government were perplexed by the empty ship, the initiator of this incident had already embarked on his way home with the fruits of his labor.

"This kind of experience is the first time."

The beautiful woman lifted a strand of hair that had been blown on her face by the wind, squinted her eyes slightly and looked down at the rapidly retreating sea of ​​clouds below, with some emotion, "No matter how many times I think about it, what a beautiful scenery this is."

"Oh! It's super-"

The perverted transformation person had two thick tears hanging on his face, looking very moved, "Super SUPER!!"


The arms close together, making a wonderful sound effect, and the patterns on the two arms form a five-pointed star.


Then, the strong wind of Vlad's flight blew on Franky's body, and almost fell directly from Vlad's back. The man hurriedly fell down and grabbed Vlad's scales firmly~www.readwn. com~ His face was pale, and he was panting on Vlad's back, not daring to move.

"Thanks a lot this time, Mr. Vlad,"

Nico Robin stretched a little leisurely and said with a smile, "If it wasn't for your help this time—"

"No, Nico Robin,"

Vlad smiled, "No need to say thank you, I'm just because I'm afraid you will reveal my story to the government, don't be too self-righteous, if it's really to save people, then it's also to save Frankie gentlemen."


Nico Robin looked curious, "So did you know each other?"

"That's right,"

Franky looked very proud, "I've known each other for a long time!"

"Mr. Franky is my old friend. The ship of the Fire Dragon Pirates, the Platinum Ddraig is the work of Mr. Franky!"

Vlad smiled, "I'm grateful to him anyway."

"Hahahahaha, thank you is nothing to say,"

Franky looked proud, "The Platinum Ddraig is also my proud work! I'm also proud to have built such a ship! After all, it's a superb ship!"


Vlad also looked very proud, "It's a great ship, right? I always thought so."

"Just, Mr. Vlad,"

Franky's voice was suddenly a little low, "Did you save me because of Hades' blueprint?"

Even a man like Franky is now a little bit shy, and it's not strange to feel panic.

"Pluto's blueprint?"

Vlad smiled,

"Isn't that kind of thing already obtained?"

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