Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 485: lv six

Where is the most sinful place in the world?

This will be a difficult question to answer. The world is very big, there are many sinful people, and there are many gathering places for sinful people. The word most sin itself is difficult to calculate and compare. If you have to find a very sinful place If so, the government may think it is the gathering place of the four emperors, and the revolutionary army may think it is Mary Joa, where the Tianlong people gather, but if someone says that this place is the most sinful place in the world, at least most people I won't think it's wrong, here is indeed the gathering place of sin.

Where is the most just place in the world?

The most popular candidate location is the Navy Headquarters, Marin Vando, the last of justice, and the biggest fortress. The reason why people on the sea can sleep at ease is because of the existence of the Navy Headquarters, the Terminator of Evil, the Punisher of Criminals, and the Navy Headquarters. , No matter how you evaluate him, it cannot be denied in any way that he protects the peace at sea. At the same time, the revolutionary army that upholds public opinion and intends to rebuild the world will also be another representative of justice. However, if this place is the most just place in the world, no one will deny it.

It represents both justice and evil. This place, named Imper, is one of the three major institutions of the world government together with the Navy Headquarters and the Judiciary Island. It is a place called the Propulsion City. It is genuine. Where good and evil intertwine.

Sinful people are imprisoned here, imprisoned by the great power called justice! If one day, there is a problem in this place, the whole world will be turbulent because of this, and I don’t know how many people will be up at night because of this. This is, is the fortress of hell.

As we all know, there are five floors in the propulsion city located on the bottom of the sea. From top to bottom, the more serious the criminals will be imprisoned in the lower prisons. However, few people know that, in fact, there are still prisons in this prison. The sixth-level prison, the prison that does not exist on the bright side, the people detained in it are all really heinous, and even the names are not allowed to appear in this sea of ​​guys.

Then, it is such a place, and it is also very lively today?

"Ace, I will definitely save you!"

The voice of a very energetic man echoed in this hellish prison.

"How dare you! Stupid,"

Immediately, another man's angry voice echoed, "Who is the guy locked here!"


The man who first spoke looked troubled, "I don't care, I will definitely save you!"

"No help, you kid!"

The man named Ace said with some resignation.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!!"

"It's fun, it's fun!"

On the other side, in another prison, a lion-like man laughed, "Two little devils, how funny!"

"Hey, straw hat,"

Leaning against the wall, neck, arms, waist, all tightly bound by the shackles of Hai Lou Shi, and at the same time bound by solid iron chains, the man laughed loudly, " Where did you get that hat from?"

"It's all said!"

The straw hat said casually, "Shanks gave it to me!"


The corner of the golden lion's mouth twitched, looking at the straw hat with a strange look, "Really? That kid? That guy on Roger's boat is now one of the four emperors who dominate the new world?"

"Eh? Four emperors? What is that?"

The straw hat looked curious, "Is Shanks one of the four emperors?"

"Luffy, are you really a pirate?"

In the cell opposite the straw hat, Fire Fist Ace frowned, "I don't even know the Four Emperors? Those are the four great pirates in the second half of the Great Route, known as the New World, who are like emperors. Ah! The men I follow, Whitebeard, Red-haired Shanks, Beast Kaido, BIG-MOM Charlotte Lingling, they are the closest to One Piece in the world right now!"

"Eh? One Piece?"

The straw hat looked astonished, and his mouth almost fell to the ground, "But, it's me who wants to become the Pirate King!"

"Jie hahaha! Jie hahaha! One Piece?? Did that kid choose you? It's quite similar to Roger,"

Shi Ji laughed loudly, with a look of nostalgia in his eyes, "One Piece? Straw hat kid, you bastard, Jie Hahahaha!!"

"Hey, what are you laughing at! Golden Lion!"

The straw hat said angrily, "One Piece, I'm sure!"

"Who is the golden lion! Asshole!"

Shi Ji creaked the chain and said angrily, "Call me Lord Golden Lion!!"

"Hey, Luffy, this guy,"

Ace on the side said softly, "This guy, but the big pirate who used to compete with One Piece and my father Whitebeard for hegemony!"

"Eh? Is that so?"

The Straw Hat said it as a matter of course, "It turned out to be the defeated general of One Piece?"


Ace looked surprised.

"One Piece becomes One Piece, isn't his opponent a loser?"

Straw Hat asked strangely, "Golden Lion, Whitebeard, and other guys, aren't they all losers?"

"Hey, Luffy!"

Ace's emotions suddenly became intense, "Take me back! Such a guy! Is he also worthy of being called One Piece? Whitebeard is the man who wants to be One Piece!"

"Jie Hahahaha! Loser? Indeed~www.readwn.com~ Indeed!"

The golden lion laughed, "Compared to Roger, we guys are losers!! Straw hat, you kid, it's really good! Maybe,"

"Jie ha ha ha ha! This sea is never lonely! It's just that after a few years, has a kid like you appeared again? It's really interesting! You and that kid, who will become the Pirate King? "

"Shut up! Golden Lion!"

Ace roared, "How could that man defeat Dad!"

"Roger, indeed, in those days,"

Some old men's voices, "He is the only overlord!"

"Oh! Ryder!"

The golden lion looked very happy, "It's not dead yet!"

"I won't die if you die!"

The man over there replied.

"Yeah yeah, speaking of Roger,"

Such a voice came from nowhere, "It's the real One Piece!"


"One Piece!"

The echoing voices are endless.

"You guys—"

Ace's expression was very unhappy,

"Jie ha ha ha ha! Shut up, flame kid,"

The golden lion laughed loudly, "That guy in Newgate is different from us! But, Roger, he is the pirate king who is well-deserved and recognized by everyone!!"


Ace's expression was extremely unhappy.

"Shut up! Scy!"

At this time, a strong and powerful man's voice came from the side, "Isn't it good to wait for death honestly?"


The golden lion scolded disdainfully, "The old mad dog is here!"

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