Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 8: Ain's news

"Oh, it's him!"

Vlad smiled. In front of him was another prison. There was a large block of ice in it. He didn't know how long it had been there. The strange thing was that it had not melted. There was a man frozen in the ice block. Eyes, face is grim.

Vlad of course knows this guy. One of the purposes of coming to the big prison this time is this guy. His name is Bandy Waldo, nicknamed the World Destroyer. He is also an old guy from the previous era. Crazy, doing things everywhere, and later because he killed the Tianlong people, he was finally no longer tolerated by the naval government, and he dealt with him internally and externally, and has been frozen since then.

This guy is a superhuman Momo fruit ability user, very powerful ability, this guy can be called a world destroyer largely because of this ability, he can change the size and size of the non-creatures he or he touches. A super power that increases the speed by 100 times.

Vlad wanted that ability.

"What? Kid,"

Vlad stood behind two men, the golden lion with blond hair and another man, who looked a little old and had gray hair, but the thin body exuded an awe-inspiring aura. The old man's name was Baloric? Redfield, nicknamed Earl of Red, known as Lonely Red, is also the top powerhouse of the previous era. He roamed the world alone. After defeating the former Admiral of the Navy and the current commander-in-chief of the three armies, Gang Gu Kong, he was captured by Iron Fist Karp because of his weakness. He was caught in the advance city, a real monster-like guy.

"Do you want to let this lunatic out too?"

"how is this possible?"

Vlad smiled, "This guy is too stupid! I'm only interested in his abilities!"

"Your Excellency Fire Dragon! If you want to go to the Navy Headquarters, bring this old man with you too!"

At this time, some strong men's voices came from the other side.

"Yeah~ Haixia Jinping, and,"

Vlad turned his head, next to Jinbei, "A sand crocodile?"

"Che, I really can't help it, have you been seen like this?"

The man with a big scar on his face chuckled and said, "But to be able to come to this place silently, it really belongs to you! Fire dragon!"


Vlad raised his head with a smile on his face, "Really, I knew it wouldn't go so well,"

"Drag, you go to the Navy Headquarters first!"

Vlad said, not knowing who he was talking to, "Don't scare that Bebo boy!"


The voice that passed through from somewhere rang softly, and in another dimension, the huge pirate ship was already heading towards another place.


Vlad turned his head and said, "Two seniors, do you want to move your body?"

"Hey, Fire Dragon,"

Vlad heard this voice again, "Let me come out and do some activities too!"

"Damn!! How can there be an intruder on the sixth floor! What the **** happened!"

Roaring like this, the man with two horns that looked like a demon was descending rapidly from the fifth floor. Behind him, the main force of the big prison gathered here.


Time goes back to the present,


"Roger's son!!!"

"Fire Fist Ace, is the son of the Pirate King??"

"And, the descendants of the dragon?"

"Does that dragon actually have a son?"

"Straw Hat Luffy is Dragon's son?"

Not only people from all over the world were surprised, but also Marine Fando’s marines. What the high-level officials knew didn’t mean they would also know, and there were not a few guys with wide-eyed eyes.


On the square of Marin Fando, the blue-haired female sailors were completely inconspicuous among the navy. This woman was also stunned. Are those two people actually the sons of One Piece and the Revolutionary Army Dragon? So, is this the meaning of this public execution?


A huge sound resounded through the sky, and the alarm had already sounded. On the sea, one after another large ships had already broken through the wind and waves, and appeared in the sea off Malin Fando.

"Is it finally here?"

Ain gritted his teeth, and his palms were sweating. Although he was a sea warrior who had experienced many battles, he was not so calm when facing such an opponent.

"Appeared! Pirates under the Whitebeard Pirates!!"

"Block the entrance to the harbor!"

On the execution platform, Sengoku shouted, "Don't let them in! Kill them outside the harbor!"

"What about Whitebeard?"

Ain wondered, "Is the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates not there?"

'Gu dong dong dong dong! ! ’


Ain heard that the Warring States Marshal on the execution platform let out a surprised voice, and the sound of thudding resounded from the inland sea of ​​Crescent Moon Harbor.

"No way?"

Ain's eyes widened, "Those guys??"


Under the sea, the shadow goes from bottom to top,

"Did you actually coat the boat?"

Warring States gritted his teeth, "Really, was the battle set up wrong from the beginning? It really belongs to you! Whitebeard!"

"Appearance! Moby Dick!"

In the huge bay, four large ships jumped up from the bottom of the sea, and their huge volume almost filled the whole bay. The ship headed by uukanshu.com and facing the execution platform is the flagship of the Whitebeard Pirates of the Four Emperor Pirates, the Moby Dick!

"This is the Moby Dick, this is the first time I've seen it!"

Ain's eyes widened unconsciously, "What an amazing size!"




Even though it was far away, the sound of such footsteps could still be transmitted far away. Marine Fando's navy couldn't help but quiet down and watched the man appear on the bow of the Moby Dick.

Wearing a cloak similar to the navy justice cloak, there are several scars on the naked upper body, and the extremely tall figure contains the power to shake the mountains, holding a huge naginata in his hand, just standing there makes people move. Closed eyes, the most conspicuous, of course, is his moon-like beard.

"Cola la la la!"

The man's name is Edward Newgate, one of the four emperors, the strongest man in the world, known as the white-bearded man, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Warring States, old friend, it's been a long time!"

"Cut, Whitebeard,"

The Warring States had a serious expression, "I was slapped by you fiercely!"

"Kula la la la! Even a wise man makes mistakes, Sengoku,"

Whitebeard smiled and said, "Even a man like you can't do everything!"

"And then, Ace, my son,"

Whitebeard laughed, "Are you alright? Wait a minute! I'm here to save you!"

"Hey, is that uncle the white beard?"

The straw hat looked curious, "Is that Ace your father?"

"Why! Dad! And everyone,"

Ace yelled, "Why come!"

"Obviously I did something wrong myself!"

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