Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 524: into the plaza

"Damn! Marco the Phoenix! Get out of the way!"

Warring States roared, the execution was repeatedly blocked by this guy in front of him, and the anger in his heart had already accumulated to a very high level.

"Hey, this is forgivable!"

Marko smiled, fell from the sky, his wings slammed, and all the navies close to the straw hat and the fire fist were directly blasted, and countless bullets hit him directly, and the fluctuation of the armed color flashed on his body. , fighting alone in such an amazing naval formation is really a very difficult thing.

"Then let's die together!!"

Sengoku roared, his palms swelled suddenly, and he slapped forward heavily, and a shock wave far more powerful than before roared out.


Marco spread his wings, held the straw hat and tightly in his arms, and covered his back with a domineering look of armament, directly hitting the shock wave of the Warring States Period.

Blood poured out of Marco's mouth and splashed directly on Fire Fist Ace's face.

"Marco—leave me alone!"

Ace shouted so loudly, "Run! Run! You'll die if you go on like this!!"

"Hey, Ace, how did I die?"

Marko's entire face was shaking, and the strong shock wave spread in his body, and every corner of the body was severely impacted. The recovered blue flames were repaired, and then, in the next instant, the body would suffer again. hit hard,

"I'm a phoenix, oh oh!"


Another mouthful of blood poured out of Marco's mouth.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Ace has never thought of hating himself so much now, "Why do you do this for me - I shouldn't be alive!!"

"Idiot, shut up,"

Marco scolded, "Ace, when everyone is dying for you, what are you complaining about yourself?! Listen to me, Ace, everyone wants you to live!! Let’s go back to the new world with everyone alive!!”


The man named Ace burst into tears.

"That's great! Ace's partner!"

The straw hat giggled.

"Such a terrifying ability!"

Warring States whispered, "But since you are courting death yourself, then—"

"Warring States! My sons are really taken care of by you!!"


It was very abrupt, a door on the ground slammed open, the thick right arm protruded from the ground, the earthworm-like meridians on the arm bulged, the fist was clenched tightly, and the transparent halo above the fist lingered.


Warring States pupils shrank suddenly.

But it was too late, the tall figure had already protruded from the ground, and a heavy punch hit the belly of the huge golden Buddha directly.


Warring States clenched his teeth, blood flowed out of his mouth, and the terrifying force directly blasted his huge body into the air. The golden glittering stomach was directly sunken, and the body seemed to follow the shattered air in an instant. torn apart!


The man rushing up from the ground, Whitebeard yelled, "Get out of the way!!"

"White beard-!!"

The Warring States roared, and was directly blown away by Whitebeard's punch, crossed a poignant arc in the air, and fell heavily on the ruins of the original execution platform.


Whitebeard frowned, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead. He resisted the desire to cover his chest. The man turned around with a heroic smile on his face, "My son, wait for a long time!"

"Yes Yes,"


"The strongest man in the world!"

"How the **** did he get in!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't get close to him!!"

The morale of the navy soldiers was devastated, and they flinched and retreated, not daring to move forward. After all, the invincible Warring States Marshals were all beaten away, so what could they do.

"Old, Daddy!!"

Ace popped his head out from under Marco's wings, burst into tears, and yelled, "I, I—"

"Silly boy,"

Whitebeard smiled, "If you cry, it's enough in front of me!"


Marco was breathing heavily, his body was a little limp, but there was a smile on his face, because he knew that he had done a good job.

"Great job! Marco,"

Whitebeard smiled, with a gratifying smile on his face, "You brat, you did a great job!"


Marco smiled.


The sound of continuous explosions emanated from the naval headquarters building behind the ruins of the execution platform. Not long after the war began, the solemn and solemn naval headquarters had already been turned into ruins.

"Kapp!! You bastard!"

Across the distance, Whitebeard can also hear such a voice, "What the **** are you doing!!"

"Your fist, is it too old to move it??"

"Tsk, it's really energetic!"

Whitebeard smiled, "That old thing Ryder."

Although he is reluctant to admit it, it is impossible for them to have any friendship without a little bit of friendship between opponents who have fought on the sea of ​​the same era.


Suddenly, a loud voice came from the surrounding wall behind.


Whitebeard looked a little surprised, and then showed a smile, "The little devil of the fire dragon—"

With the sound of clicking, ten huge doors opened on the surrounding wall, and the originally solid surrounding wall was opened like a door. In an instant, the isolated harbor and the square were instantly connected.


Above the sky, the yellow ape who was blasted into photons by a thunder light condensed his body, and the expression on his face was not good.

"Yeah hahaha!"

At a higher altitude, Anilu then waved ~www.readwn.com~ several huge thunder dragons condensed, and rushed directly towards the yellow monkey, "Don't be distracted!"

"Ah, what a hassle!"

Kizaru lowered his head, the light on his glasses flickered, "I can't play with you anymore!"


The sturdy man's eyes lit up, and then he shouted, "Everyone! Come with me! Ace, it's in front!!"

The man's body was covered with a layer of diamonds, and he rushed straight towards the door. Along the way, all those who tried to stop him were mercilessly knocked away, ranging from broken bones to death. Rival, unstoppable! Behind the man, a group of pirates roared and followed, and rushed directly into the door.


The beautiful woman turned a blind eye to the man's actions and casually watched the pirates rush into the door.

"Boya Hancock!"

The man in the cloak of justice confronted the woman and asked, "What are you doing? Why are you watching the pirates pass by?"


The beautiful eyes glanced casually.


The navy has fallen to the ground, and his head has been turned into rubble,

"Are you here, questioning your concubine?"

"Since you want to let them in—"

The woman looked up at the sky, wondering what she was thinking.

"Go! Go! Go!"

The man in the pink feather cloak crouched on the surrounding wall, laughing loudly, "Let me see, how far you can achieve?"

The Whitebeard Pirates finally broke into the plaza through the door that opened on the surrounding wall around the plaza.

"Dad! Ace! Marco!"

"We're here!!"

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