Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Chapter 66: Abuse and seniors

"how do you feel?"

Vlad squatted on the ground and watched the chef abuse the vegetables with interest.

"Well, what do you say?"

Dino turned his head slightly, dodging a bullet that was aimed directly at his head, and with a wave of his right hand, a viscous liquid splashed out, and instantly a long knife in a grim-faced hand was aimed straight at him. The punk parcel chopped off his shoulders.

"Well, maybe it's the reason that the development is not enough,"

Under the siege of dozens of gangsters, Dino still looked at ease. In the face of an enemy dozens of times his own, this man was always able to easily dodge a knife that was slashed towards him. A long knife can always dodge deadly bullets with ease.

The role of domineering is to cheat like this. This man, Dino, is undoubtedly not an outdated combat power even if it is placed in the new world. It is indeed a bit overkill to bully these gangsters here.

"I always feel that it is not very easy to use,"

Dino said so, but there was no sign of inconvenience in his hand. With a flick of his hand, a large white mass of white substance with a strong sweet fragrance flew out of his hand, with majestic strength, In an instant, it hit a group of people again.

"Sweet Cream!"

Dino named this trick so.

Although it is soft, the amount is not a joke, and coupled with the amazing speed, it can be regarded as a very useful trick.

"Ah! So sweet!"

One of the smashed gangsters showed no pain at all. He covered his face with both hands, his eyes were filled with peach hearts, and his expression looked extremely happy.

"So happy!"

His companion, the other gangster who was smashed, also had a happy face, with an unstoppable red tide on his face.

"Desserts can bring happiness to people,"

Dino, the chef, said: "The so-called cooking uses the heart, this is my cooking method,"

"Thank you for tasting! Poor hospitality!"

Vlad's Adam's apple clearly rolled up and down, and there was an obvious desire in his eyes, which was the most real desire for beautiful things.

"Awesome, this fruit is awesome!"

Vlad thought so: "I really want it, why, why did you eat a dragon fruit on a whim? Isn't this fruit very good? Why couldn't you wait for a while?"

"Impossible, it's impossible, how is this possible!"

Before trying to touch the explosive heads of the two of Vlad, at this moment, I was a little bit broken and grabbed the hair from my head, with an unbelievable look on my face: "How is this possible? How is it possible for us? You can beat such a monster!"

"Why? Didn't it take a long time to eat the fruit? Why is it so strong?"

The explosive head collapsed, completely useless, no matter how many people rushed up, no matter how many knives were swung, no matter how many shots were fired, it was completely useless, not to mention hurting the man, even asking him to be serious Can't do it, so, does such a battle really make sense?

"What are you still doing?"

The panting bald boss found it very difficult to stand even with his knife in hand, but he slapped the back of the explosive head with a slap on the back of his head, cursing, "Do you really want to die? Chefs are so strong. At this point, you can imagine how strong that man is, do you really want to die?"

"-I see."

Reluctantly, he gritted his teeth, remembering the horror of the man before, his arm that was already weak and weak regained strength, raised his long knife and rushed forward.


What awaited him was a dollop of cream.

"Ah~ I'm so happy!"

Wrapped in a white explosive head, he was as happy as a two-hundred-pound child, and even had an innocent smile on his face.

"Am I the only one left?"

The bald boss looked around, his younger brothers lay sparsely on the ground, and he was the only one standing.

"Well, you're the last one."

Dino looked at the man who had been knocked down several times by himself and still stood up, with rare interest, and asked, "Even if it's just you, will you continue to fight?"

"No idea!"

The bald boss's body was a little sturdy, and the hand holding the knife was shaking, but his tone was as firm as his eyes: "If I could run, I would have run away, the problem is, don't fight,"

"It's just death!!"

The bald boss rushed up, but not very fast. After all, he was just an ordinary person who had undergone a little training, and he was not systematic. His physical strength was just like that.

"Alright, then, as a response to your determination, let's take a look, another trick!"

Dino said, "I still have trouble with this trick."

Yellow things poured out from his body, gradually condensed, and gradually gathered behind him, and a huge figure emerged behind him.

"This is,"

The bald boss's eyes widened, and the long knife in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously.

"what is this?"

"Sturdy Butter-Oil Giant!!"


"Did you get it done?"

Vlad stood up and looked at Dino with some jealousy.


Being stared at by Vlad's strange eyes, Dino was a little confused, so he didn't understand what his captain meant.

"Did you go a little too far?"

Dino asked.

"well enough?"

Vlad looked at the gangsters who fell to the ground~www.readwn.com~ or were in a coma, or fell into the cream and still looked happy, it was okay, not too cruel, after all, these guys At most, it is a serious injury. According to the monster physique of people in this world, it is not difficult to recover. As for those who are lying in the cream and refuse to get up, they are completely harmless.

Except for this one, he focused on the bald boss who was completely distorted, with more air in and out less. "It's just that I thought you would put water on this bald head. I think you appreciate him quite a bit."

"It is because of admiration that I will use the strongest tactics I have developed to deal with him!"

Dino's voice sounded firm, and he didn't feel that he was doing something wrong: "This is respect for the enemy."

"Well, you'll be happy."

Vlad can only respond like this.


Vlad turned sharply, but saw nothing.

"What's wrong?" Dino asked.


Vlad grinned, picked up the box on the ground, turned his head and said to Dino: "Go back, chef, the goal has been achieved, there is no need to stay."


Dino didn't say much.


"It's amazing,"

In the bar, a man pushed open the door, with white hair, a scar on his left eye, and a pair of glasses on his eyes, not only did he not have a three-pointed bookish atmosphere, but his wise and steady eyes gave him an increase out of thin air. A bit arrogant.

"Hey, are you there?"

Xia Qi, who was sitting quietly behind the counter smoking a cigarette, looked a little surprised.


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