Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 661: round table

"Hey, why haven't you come yet? How long do you want us to wait?"

Inside a certain luxurious building, in a certain room, some men with two mustaches were sitting on chairs with impatient expressions, their backs sticking to the large chairs, and the chairs were deliberately placed. The distance from the table was wide, and his feet were already on the huge chair in front of him, looking like he was hanging around.

In sharp contrast to his posture, he wears a luxurious crown on his head, this man, is the king of a certain country!

"King Shafrin, if I were you, I would put my feet down, the lord told us to wait, then we should wait, just like this, I don't think there is any need for other superfluous things. Do,"

Opposite him, the young man who was sitting upright with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, a very handsome young man, also wearing a crown on his head, "Because, naturally, if you don't want to make that adult unhappy, it's best It's better to be honest!"

"Che, are you teaching me a lesson?"

Rolling his eyes in disdain, the man named Safrin twitched the corner of his mouth, "Better take care of yourself first! Young man!"

"Because of being young, I understand very well,"

The young man whispered, "What is awe, so I know what should be done and what should not be done."

"Little devil, what do you mean? What do you mean this king should do something,"

Safrin's expression suddenly turned hideous, "I still need you to teach me!! Are you provoking this king?"

"It didn't mean that,"

The young king shook his head and said softly, "It's useless to panic and panic, I thought you knew very well, King Safrin, fear is useless! We have only followed this path from the beginning. Isn't this the consciousness that was made after hanging up that man's banner?"


Sha Fulin stood up directly and slammed his fist heavily on the round table in front of him. The hard stone round table was directly smashed into a big pothole. Although this man was born to be a king, he was not without hands. The power of the chicken.

"Boy!! What are you talking about!! Fear?? Are you talking about Lao Tzu?"

"Enough, King Safrin, sit down,"

Suddenly, the man who was sitting on the other side watching the play said solemnly, "Don't you think it's too ugly?"


With a low snort, Safrin put his arms around his chest and returned to his position, but the rising and falling of his chest still showed that the man was not so calm, "Your territory, this king will of course give you a face. , but it doesn't mean that this kid's offense to this king is just fine!"

"Hahaha, it's really interesting,"

At this time, the last person in the room also spoke at noon, it was a woman, she looked like a woman in her thirties, with heavy makeup, she looked a little enchanting, she was a very moving woman, she was the queen of a certain country, " How about several sinner kings who are about to perish and attack each other before they are put to death?"

"what do you mean!"

Safrin was like a cat whose tail was stepped on, instantly frying.

"What do you mean? Isn't it very clear?"

The woman smiled and put her hands on her face, "Our country has been targeted by fire dragons, and they used extremely terrifying power to forcibly gather our country together. An unprecedented huge country was born like this, did he deliberately make it to play? Is it?"

"Shut up, Melba!"

The man who stopped Safrin before stopped the woman named Melba's dangerous speech again, "Do you know what you are talking about? Use your brain before you speak!"

"Yah, ah, the murderer, it scared me!"

The woman named Melba gently patted her towering chest, looking like she was overly frightened, "But did I say it wrong? King Golzan?"


The young man who spoke first suddenly said so.

"Oh? Did you reject me without hesitation?"

Melba looked at the young king with interest, "Then talk about it, your opinion, young and handsome, King Gakuma!"

"I can't see it,"

The young king named Gakuma said with certainty, "That lord, his arrogance, doesn't look down on us!"

"Are you kidding me!"

Shaffrin frowned, "King Gakuma, we have four kingdoms, no, maybe there will be another kingdom soon, the wealth gathered by the five kingdoms, do you think he doesn't care?"

"That's right!"

Gakuma nodded and said, "Although I don't know what his purpose is for the time being, he definitely didn't come directly at us! I'm sure of this!"

"Because he is,"

Gakumar raised his head, "The one who dared to challenge the world, Vlad the Fire Dragon!!"

"Yeah, is this recognized? Ha, I'm really happy!"


The voices of some high men sounded, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and Vlad walked in with a certain man.

"It seems,"

Vlad smiled, and looked at the four people in the room one by one, "I'm here at the right time! Just in time to be complimented!"

"Lord Vlad!"

Almost instantly, the four kings in the room stood up at the same time and made a big bow towards Vlad. No matter what I said before, it must be respected now.

"Sit, sit, sit,"

Vlad said casually, and sat down at the top of the round table that had been vacated all the time.

"Sit down too,"

Vlad said to the man who followed him, "King Astra."

"Yes~www.readwn.com~ Astra nodded and found a seat to sit down.

At this point, the six people in the round table meeting finally arrived.

The five kings, and their protector, Vlad, the father, can finally start a meeting.

It is related to the subsequent development issues and the harmonious development of Vlad's territory. Of course, it is not sloppy at all, and it must be taken seriously. This meeting is very necessary.

"All right,"

Vlad clapped his hands and smiled. "Then the meeting can officially start! This time it involves five kingdoms and more than 10 million people!"

"Certainly, before the meeting, I would like to stress that,"

Vlad's eyes fell on King Gakuma, "It is also necessary to explain, as King Gakuma said, I myself have no interest in your country!"

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