Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 669: Mr. Kuzan's Fire Dragon Kingdom First Seen and Heard Part 2

Separated from the uncle of the businessman who was busy buying goods, Mr. Kuzan, who came to travel, came to a certain restaurant because he was a little hungry. This is a port city, very prosperous. People come and go, and merchant ships from all over bring many The merchants from , and all kinds of goods gather here. This port, which has no name yet, has now surpassed the prosperity of the capitals of the most prosperous kingdoms on the island.

However, Kuzan knew that he had heard the uncle say that half a year ago, this place was still empty and there was no wasteland. on the land. It's an astonishing change.

"If that's what you call change,"

Kuzan sat on the chair and looked out the window. There was a noisy crowd outside, "Then it really surprised me! Fire dragon!"

"Roll off!"

Sitting next to Kuzan, the penguin named Camel shouted, it is also very hungry, and there is nothing in its stomach to feel uncomfortable, which is a characteristic shared by all animals in the world.

"Oh oh oh! Alright alright,"

Kuzan scratched his head, "Waiter, menu!"

"Come on! Sir!"

The smiling waiter had done enough, and held a menu in his hand and handed it to Kuzan.


Kuzan looked slightly surprised, "It's so cheap! Little brother, your decoration here looks good too!"


The waiter also looked distressed, "This is the first time the guest is here, right? It's no wonder you don't know, because of the high-quality plant seeds and excellent special cultured creatures provided by the Dragon Pirates, the ingredients have flooded our place. Now, even if you want it to be expensive, it won't be expensive."


Kuzan wondered, "Seed? Wouldn't that be nice?"

"Yeah, it's very good, now the same land can get ten times the previous harvest,"

The waiter smiled bitterly and said, "Although this is very good, there are no hungry people anymore, but the prices of all kinds of food have also begun to plummet, and they can't be sold locally at all, and can only be sold overseas. Moreover, "

The waiter's voice suddenly whispered, "The food that goes out to sea is purchased by the royal family and sold out. The low income is high and the sales are high. In addition to the rampant phenomenon of concurrent land, the phenomenon is that many farmers go bankrupt. To be able to sell land to go to cities, to factories, alas—"

The waiter brother looked very emotional.


Kuzan's expression was a little surprised, "This little brother, have you worked in a government organization before?"

What Kuzan was surprised was not just the proliferation of necessities in the Fire Dragon Kingdom, but also that this little brother was unusual, and such a vision was not something that an ordinary restaurant waiter could say.

"Eh? How can there be!"

The waiter laughed, "Guest, I'm just an ordinary waiter!"

"Alara, no ordinary waiter I've ever seen has such a vision!"

Kuzan said softly.

"Huh? Is the guest wondering about this? If that-"

The waiter pointed to the other side, a corner of the restaurant, "Please look over there, it's almost time."


Kuzan turned his head,


With a light sound, a light screen suddenly appeared above the air in the corner pointed by the waiter.

"That is-"

Kuzan rolled his eyes and saw, "Phone bug?"

"Hello everyone, audience,"

On the screen in the air, an image of a beautiful woman appeared, smiling, "Fire Dragon TV welcomes your attention!"


Kuzan was stunned,

"Then, then, let's invite you to spend a wonderful lunch time in the sound of wonderful music!"

The woman smiled, and then, the picture suddenly changed, a hall appeared on the screen, a handsome middle-aged uncle was sitting in front of the piano, and in front, a beautiful woman dressed up, standing tall and closed her eyes.

"Oh! It's Mr. Olaf and Mrs. Anna today!"

The waiter looked amazed, "How nice! I'm a big fan of them!"

"this is not,"

Kuzan recognized the identities of these two people. After all, they were world-renowned stars, "Halik Olaf, and Halik Anna? Why are they here?"

"Does the guest still not know?"

The waiter smiled, "Halick has joined the Fire Dragon Kingdom!"


Kuzan nodded, "Understandable!"

After all, that Halick Serena is one of the core officers of the Fire Dragon Pirates.

The wonderful music sounded, Olaf's performance and Anna's voice, together, it was the most wonderful and unique music in the world.

At the same time, the dish ordered by Kuzan had already arrived on the table, and it was the waiter who served the dish.

"Wow, that looks really good!"

Kuzan praised that while he was talking, the penguin next to him had already started to eat his food, "However, little brother, you still haven't answered my question."

"This word,"

The waiter smiled, "Coming soon!"


Kuzan raised an eyebrow.

"Okay! Happy music time is over here, next,"

On the screen, the beautiful woman smiled and said, "It's the national commentator program that everyone has been waiting for. Welcome to watch it!"


With a light sound, the screen suddenly turned, and two men appeared on the screen.

"finally come!"

The waiter looked very happy, "This is what I look forward to most every day!"

"Good afternoon everyone in front of the screen!"

A man with sunglasses on his face and a shiny bald head, "I am—"

"I'm Cavendish!"

Beside the bald head, an extremely handsome man directly grabbed the words and said, "Everyone audience! We meet again!"

"Hey, bastard, it's time for me to speak!"

The bald man said angrily, and his fist swung directly towards Cavendish.

"Hahaha, Mr. Cavendish and Mr. Eddy are as funny as ever!"

The waiter laughed, "The show is so good!"

No, I don't think it's the show effect,

Kuzan stared at the dead fish, really fighting!

"Okay, let's leave that bald man alone,"

Cavendish with a blue nose and a swollen face appeared on the screen again, but the man named Eddie did not appear again.

"Today's national commentator program will still bring you the latest changes in the international and domestic situation!"

Cavendish is actually very serious,

"Look at the domestic side first, within the Fire Dragon Kingdom. Yesterday, on Longyi Island, following the factory workers' parade on Longclaw Island a month ago, on Longyi Island, workers from five factories united and refused to work. It's been a full day so far, and work at five factories has come to a standstill,"

Cavendish said with a smile, "It seems to be a protest against the fact that the royal family's pursuit of interests requires workers to work overtime all night!"

"Hahaha, this is true,"

Cavendish laughed, "Capital is really a fascinating thing. In the past, before big factories appeared, the royal family exploited the people mainly through taxation. Now, the Dragon Pirates and the royal family have a joint venture. , After the emergence of the factories dominated by the royal family, this kind of exploitation has been completely different! Now it seems that the royal family, who are known as the guardians of the country, seems to care more about the attractive Bailey than the citizens they want to protect! Hahaha~www.readwn.com~ what will happen in the future?"

Cavendish smiled, "Let's wait and see! We will continue to report on the follow-up of the Longyi Island workers' strike, and then abroad, in Fujitora Green Bull—"

"no problem?"

Kuzan pondered, looking at the indignant waiter next to him and said, "Can such a program be broadcast directly?"

"Because it's a Fire Dragon Pirates show,"

The waiter smiled and said, "Those royal families are supreme in front of us, but they are vulnerable in front of fire dragons!"

"That's it!"

Kuzan's expression was a little dignified.

What exactly are you trying to do? fire dragon,

Deliberately separating the royal family and the people, you bastard—

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