Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 689: fumbling

The location is Longya Island, one of the three largest islands in the Fire Dragon Kingdom. Vlad was the first to use his own abilities to gather together a huge island. After a year of development, this country has become extremely prosperous.

It was still noon, and in the center of Longya, five people gathered together, and a meeting was being held.

"Yeah, so what's the theme of this meeting?"

At the corner of the huge round table, a radiant woman propped her chin on her hands and said lightly, "King Gorzan?"


Slowly heaving a sigh of relief, the owner of this palace that has been expanded several times in just half a year, His Majesty the King named Golzan looked a little heavy, and said, "Have you noticed it? We In our country, undercurrents have begun to flow."


With his hands around his chest, the young king looked hesitant, "Since the parade on Dragon Claw Island first happened, these workers are no longer as obedient as before!"

"Then there was another strike by workers on Longyi Island."

The young king, next to King Gakuma, the king named Astra said, "Although those kings resolutely suppressed the workers' riots, the trouble is that the hearts of the workers also I'm starting to get restless, these honest guys are not as easy to fool as they used to be!"

"So, what do you mean?"

The last of the five kings, whose name is Safrin, said, "King Gorzan?"

"What do I mean?"

Gorzan murmured a few words, and then said, "I mean, maybe we should do something! Everyone knows that if these workers really unite, our rule may be drawn from this. pause."

"Therefore, King Gorzan,"

The woman whose name is Melba, one of the five kings of this island, said, "You mean to agree with the workers who are on strike? Increase wages and reduce working hours?"

"I'm afraid that's all there is to it!"

Gorzan nodded, "Our country will always be stable!"


Frowning, the man named Gakuma said, "That is to say, as kings, do we want to compromise with those guys?"

"Hahaha, it's true,"

In a very sarcastic tone, the king named Safrin said, "It's really spineless! Gorzan, what is Gakuma saying!"

"But maybe that's what we have to do!"

Gorzan said, "I finally understand now, why the Fire Dragon Pirates are so kind to only invest and produce technology, but instead hand over the management rights of factories, the right to collect taxes, and even the formulation of tariffs. We, they are just our raw material suppliers and product distributors with peace of mind, that guy has already thought about such a thing, right?"

"In the face of huge profits that we have never seen before, what will we do! I'm afraid that fellow Fire Dragon has already thought of it?"

"But, King Gorzan,"

Gakumar said solemnly, "This is not the reason for us to compromise with the workers! We are the king who has ruled our country for generations! If we are a king, do we really have to compromise with our subjects?"

"Yeah, it's really a king with a king's demeanor!"

The beautiful woman Melba smiled, "My self-esteem is really strong!"

"Improving the lives of workers can be, however,"

Gakumar said solemnly, "It's not by compromising with the workers. The king's giving comes from his own heart, not from the coercion of others! I am, I think so!"

"Hey hey hey, it's really full of vigor,"

Safrin smiled, "It makes me seem to see my past self."

"Okay, no amount of nonsense makes any sense, right?"

The taciturn King Astra said, "Then vote! Advice on King Golzan!"

"I hope you can think about it!"

Gorzan raised his right hand, "Perhaps, this is what we have to do now!"

"I disagree!"

Gakumar retorted, "There are many ways to appease the workers, but I can't do anything like compromise with them and meet their conditions."

"Haha, this time I agree with Jakuma brother!"

The beautiful woman shook her head, "King Gorzan, although what you said is very reasonable, but as a king, he compromises because of the demands of his subjects, and if he keeps his posture low, the country will be finished! There is no end to greed!"

"That's it!"

King Goerzan nodded sullenly. Of course he understood. The pride of the royal family made them not easily bow their heads. If it was a behemoth like the Fire Dragon Pirates who wanted them to bow their heads, it would be fine. A group of commoners also wanted to. ?

"Hey hey, it looks like everyone doesn't agree very much!"

Saffron laughed, "Then, it's my turn, right? I—"

"I think so!"

He raised his hand.

"King Saffron?"

Golzan looked very surprised, never expected that this king would actually agree with his idea.

"Well, I personally don't care much about the pride of any royal family,"

Saffron said, "I just want to be a king in peace!"

"That is to say, now the two agree, do the two oppose it?"

King Astra looked around~www.readwn.com~ sighed and said, "Since my opinion is the final weight in deciding everything, then I can announce it now, King Golzan's proposal. ,"

"Not approved!!"

"—I see,"

Golzan didn't look so disappointed, on the contrary, he seemed to have been prepared for a long time, "It really failed, unexpectedly, then, everyone, since my proposal has not passed, the second proposal, "

"I think it is necessary to intensify the suppression of workers and stricter control! Our country needs stability!"


The location is Thassa Island, the residence of the Fire Dragon Pirates, in the magnificent building complex, in the wide hall, the uncrowned king of the Fire Dragon Kingdom, the captain of the Fire Dragon Pirates, the commander of the Fire Dragon Fleet, and Lord Vlad is meeting someone.

"So, your purpose is,"

Sitting on the throne at the top of the hall, Vlad said lazily, "Let me not interfere with your activities?"


A man with a dark complexion stood in the hall below. He was dressed in cheap sackcloth and linen. Although he was very imposing and could see obvious muscle mass, he did not have the aura of a strong man. However, facing this When he was the supreme ruler of the kingdom, he did not have the slightest stage fright, and he always had a faint smile on his face.

"My request is this, Lord Vlad! Our actions will not affect the interests of the Fire Dragon Pirates!"

"That's it!"

Vlad smiled, "Your purpose is to riot, so as to **** benefits from the royal family? Hey, you really have an idea!"

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