Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 698: giant lantern fish

It's not unreasonable for Vlad to rush over. On the one hand, he has been in a panic recently, and there is really nothing to do. On the other hand, this thing called pure gold is really attractive. .

According to legend, the product of the dream two hundred years ago, the treasure extracted by the man named Miscina Archie, has the ability to give people immortality, even if it is a treasure like Vlad for the so-called so-called immortality. A man who does not have much desire for longevity is naturally interested in such things.

After all, for pirates, treasure hunting is their nature, and Vlad is no exception.

Of course, after knowing that the person who delivered the message was Stacey, Vlad's main purpose has become to see what else these guys can do.

It’s almost time to think about it. After all, Vlad is very clear about what he has done. In a rude word, the changes that have taken place in the Fire Dragon Kingdom have completed a huge impact on the rule of the world government. Living in The following people have begun to gradually realize that even they are born with the power to resist.

But such a trend of thought is absolutely unacceptable to the government.

Therefore, Vlad is very sure that this so-called pure gold treasure hunt is 100% done by the government. After all, Stressy is the highest intelligence agency of the government, an agent of CP0, even if her heart In Vlad's hands, but when she didn't reveal her identity, this woman took the plan as a matter of course, pretended to join Vlad, and then did things.

Like this time.

Vlad is looking forward to what the people in the government can do. After all, if you don't know that Stacey has a problem, of course, it's easy to be recruited, but since you already know , can't we have fun?

On the sea, a huge sea ship rides the wind and waves, and the huge merchant ship belonging to Gulan-Tesolo is quietly driving in a very remote sea area.


Vlad leaned on the side of the boat very unhappy, put his hands around his chest, and looked at the blonde woman in a bikini who was basking in the sun, and said,

"Actually, you haven't grasped the exact location of pure gold yet?"

"Because the position of pure gold is not fixed,"

Stacey defended, "Of course I can't grasp its specific location!"

"oh, I see?"

Vlad frowned, and his eyes gradually became serious, "So are you kidding me?"


The air instantly became heavier! It was as if the air that had been free and lively and flowed at will directly turned into a steel-like solidity.

Unable to move, Stacey's body froze, and it seemed like an unattainable extravagance to want to move, but in an instant, cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Aunt Stacey,"

Vlad said, "Don't treat me like a kid! Besides, even a kid's tantrum is scary!"

"Okay, Vlad,"

Sitting on the side, the man in a sassy pink suit, Tezzolo sneered, "Look at what she has to say! If she's really kidding, let's talk about it! I don't think she's that stupid!"

"All right,"

Vlad nodded, the air instantly became lighter, and even the sun above the sky seemed to be brighter, Stressy suddenly felt his body warm up instantly, and recovered from the suffocation situation, Ben The towering chest began to rise and fall violently, as if suddenly awakened from a nightmare.

"Okay, Aunt Stacey, understand?"

Vlad said lightly, "If you really can't say why today, I'll let you know how deep the sea is right away!"

"It's really scary!"

Stressy seemed to have some lingering fears. This was the first time that Vlad's murderous aura was directly felt. He was indeed the level of the Four Emperors, a terrifying man.

However, even though she was already trembling with fear, this woman still had a bright smile. She was indeed a giant in the customs industry.

"Little Vlad, I was almost scared to death by you!"

"Stop talking nonsense,"

Vlad asked, "You're not really impatient, are you?"

"Don't worry, don't worry,"

Stacey smiled and said, "Of course I came back to find you when I was fully prepared! Just like what you said, little Vlad, I don't really want to die!"

"so what?"

Vlad was a little impatient, "If you can't say anything serious in three sentences, I'll sink you into the bottom of the sea!"

"Yeah! How cruel!"

Stacey was not too afraid, smiled and said, "I can't determine the location of pure gold, but I have a guy in my hand who can lead us to find pure gold!"

"Yeah? How? Just three sentences, right?"

Stacey patted his chest with a look of lingering fear, "I almost died!"

"Then, Aunt Stacey,"

Vlad said with a smile, looking very genial, he didn't see the murderous awe as before, "Where is that person?"


Stacey's two beautiful eyes narrowed into crescents, "This is my secret!"


Vlad stared, "Tell me! Okay?"

"Although I can't say it, but,"

Stacey pointed her finger forward, "Actually, it's already here!"

On the sea ahead, a huge ship floated quietly.


"Is that the kid?"

The little girl was bound by chains and thrown on the deck, with a very angry expression, like a kitten with fried fur, Vlad pinched his chin and asked curiously, "The one you said knows The one whose pure gold fell?"

"It's her!"

Stacey replied, "Although it looks like a kid, it doesn't seem to be so simple."

"That's it!"

Vlad smiled and squatted in front of the little girl, "Then, little sister, tell me! What I want to know! Tell me exactly what it is!"


Very disrespectful, the blond-haired little girl spat at Vlad with no face at all.


Vlad's head twisted slightly, easily dodging the little girl's spit attack, looking a little surprised, "What a bad boy!"

"You bastards,"

The little girl gritted her teeth and said, "Let me go!"

"Let you go? Sorry! Kid,"

Vlad smiled. "That's impossible! Because- eh?"

Vlad's eyes fell on the little girl's hand,

"Your ring is so pretty!"


The little girl's eyes suddenly opened, and cold sweat began to form on her forehead.

"Show big brother how it goes!"

Vlad didn't have any intention of negotiating, and took off the ring directly from her hand.


Vlad picked up the ring and squeezed it lightly.


Light~www.readwn.com~ The golden light, the dazzling brilliance spreads out!

"No way??"

Stressy said in uncontrollable surprise, "Pure gold, is it here?"


Tezzolo in the back twitched the corners of his mouth, "Have you found it? It's so easy!"


Vlad twisted his head, "How interesting!"


The waves surged, and a huge bulge suddenly appeared on the sea surface. In the next instant, the sea surface broke open, and a huge lantern fish washed up from the bottom of the sea.

"That's true,"

Vlad smiled, "It's interesting!"

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