Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 4: reinforcements

Vlad still doesn't know what kind of situation the Fire Dragon Kingdom is facing now, because the situation he is facing now is not much better than that of his comrades. The kiwi of the fruit power.

The other is also a rare monster-level master, the strongest shield guarding the Tianlong people, and the supreme commander of CP0. Although he is not well-known, the strength of this man can be unquestioned as long as he stands in front of him. feel.

The opponent is very strong, but the teammates are very weak, which is really helpless.

Tezzolo's strength is not bad, even compared to the top cadre of the BIG-MOM pirate group, Dessert Three Stars are not far behind, and even compared to Charlotte Katakuri, they have their own advantages and disadvantages. , even slightly better.

Of course, the premise that he always has such combat power is that the home field of the battle is in his base camp, Gulan-Tassolo, provided that there is an overwhelming presence of gold that he has sensed.

However, the current situation is that the place he is in is a huge sea ship, and there is no gold for him to use at all. Even if he uses Awakening to turn the ship into gold, it will definitely not be as good as in Guran-Tassolo. Overwhelming, his strength was definitely greatly weakened under such circumstances.

Then another—

"Oh! It's terrible!"

Some shivered and hid behind Vlad, Stressy's voice was a little sharp, which made Vlad's ears hurt a little, "Admiral Kizaru and the leader of CP0, little Vlad, how are you? Only to provoke such an opponent!"

This one is no longer a teammate at all, just an undercover on the opposite side, but it has not jumped yet.

However, even up to now, Vlad Weiwei is a little surprised at this woman, and things have developed to the current situation. This ghost woman still has no intention of jumping backwards because the heart is still in his hand. inside? Or do you have to bury the next move just because you haven't seen the final result yet?

Vlad was a little confused.

"Tsk! The government has really put a lot of effort into it,"

Vlad spread his hands and smiled, "Is it really good to go to war for me alone?"

"I look down on myself too much, Fire Dragon,"

The commander-in-chief of CP0, a man named Barr, said in a low voice, "Government, hey, I'll just say it directly,"

"The people at the top can't stand your existence any longer! That country is called Hope, right? Its existence has affected the balance of the world!"

"The top one?"

Vlad smiled, "Dragon people? Really, they are just a bunch of stupid pigs who eat and wait to die, but they still have some vision!"

"Dragon people, it is this world, the **** of creation,"

Barr clenched his fists, his neck slightly crooked, and said, "Isn't this a truth that three-year-olds know!"

"Yes, but,"

Vlad shook his head, "This is what only three-year-olds would believe!"

"Tsk, it seems that no amount of nonsense makes any sense,"

Baal grinned, his scarlet tongue in stark contrast to his white teeth.

"This is the end of your life! Prepare to die! Fire dragon!"

"Yeah, really,"

Vlad raised his head, "Does this think it's killing me?"

"Is there any way to break the game?"

Barr frowned suddenly, "Don't be kidding!"

"Eh? No way?"

Kizaru was also very surprised, "Now, Brother Fire Dragon, you are facing a navy admiral and the strongest commander of CP0, but don't say that you still have the possibility of winning against such a combination!"

Nonsense, this is of course impossible, even the resurrection of Whitebeard is absolutely impossible to win with the cooperation of these two monsters, and Vlad naturally cannot do it.

"I never said such a thing!"

The flames rose up, and the dark red fire dragon had appeared on the deck, "How do you guess it's your own business!"

"Oh! The animal is an illusion, and the dragon fruit!"

Kizuna said in amazement, "Although it's not the first time I've seen it, I still feel—"


In just an instant, the mast on which Kizaru was standing was shattered, and the huge dragon man vibrated his wings and appeared in the sky.

However, even though Vlad's speed was so fast, he still didn't catch up with Kizaru's speed, and almost instantly left the place and appeared in the higher and farther sky.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous, I was almost killed!"

Kizaru patted his chest, looking overly frightened.


Vlad also looked unhappy, "The response is really fast enough!"

"Because last time,"

Kizaru bowed his head, his body had already started to shine,

"I really appreciate your care!!"

"Chi chi chi chi chi!!"

The air let out an overwhelmed whine, and several beams of dazzling ray of light had already shot straight towards Vlad.

"What's the use of this?"

There is absolutely no need for extra thinking, all the attacks on the subconscious side of the body have been avoided.


A majestic figure appeared behind Vlad in an instant. The man named Baal had already clenched his fists tightly. The top of his fist was pitch black, and a strong armed color was attached to it. In the next instant, the amazingly powerful fist would be merciless. Boom in Vlad's back.

However, such an obvious attack of course could not evade the detective's detection. Almost instantly, the freedom of extreme intentions had been launched, and Vlad had already returned to his body and threw a heavy punch.


The sky is roaring! A strong storm suddenly began to blow, and everything shivered in it.


Somewhat surprised and whispered, Baal had been directly blasted out by Vlad and fell towards the sea, "What a terrifying power!"

The addition of animal-type devil fruits to people's physical fitness is really terrifying, especially after awakening. Vlad's power has become so strong that even the top powerhouses can't wrestle with it.


Barr's mouth curled into a smile.

He is not alone~www.readwn.com~ oh oh oh, show me his back! "

With such a soft voice, Kizaru raised his right hand, and a powerful laser flashed on his hand,

It didn't take time at all. In an instant, Vlad's back would be hit heavily.

However, this did not happen.


A low voice sounded, and in the somewhat amazed eyes of the yellow monkey, a figure suddenly gathered behind the yellow monkey, and kicked hard at the yellow monkey.


Turned into a beam of light, the yellow monkey was blasted out directly.


Vlad smiled, "The reinforcements are finally here!"

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