Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 718: brawl


He looked a little annoyed. Although the man whose code name was Tea Dolphin had a good temper and was very popular in the navy, such a good temper was only aimed at the partners of the navy camp, and the enemy, of course, forget it. Bar.

The feet trembled suddenly, stepping on the air, like stepping on the ground, the moon step is used again, the tea dolphin body has risen to the sky, the right hand moves, a huge amount of soil has poured out, like It was a huge vortex that swept Moriah's shadow into it and smashed it into pieces.

But again, of course, such an attack cannot be expected to work on the invisible shadow.

In just an instant, the shadow rushed out of the mud vortex, turned into shadow debris that filled the sky, and then gathered together again, and the huge shadow giant appeared again.

"It's over!"

Tea dolphin frowned, and immediately realized that his attack was in vain. If Moria was not dealt with, it would be useless to cast more attacks on the shadow.

"Then find the target directly!"

The tea dolphin suddenly stared at Moria on the ship below, and stretched out two hands,

"It's a trick to learn from Boss Sakaski!"

"Puff puff puff!!"

The tea dolphin's two hands have changed into the form of mud, and then, with some deep and loud noises, a group of huge mud blocks have spewed out of the tea dolphin's hands, and the meteor shower is moving towards Molly below. Asia and Jinbei smashed to go.

The astonishing sight that covers the sky and the sun, the terrifying mighty power of those with natural abilities that destroys the sky and destroys the earth is undoubtedly revealed. Even if it is not comparable to Akainu's Meteor Volcano, it is indeed an amazing power.

"Hey, such a trick!"

On the sea, Jinbei looked a little surprised, and said loudly, "Moriya, is there any problem?"

"Hee hee hee hee! It's fine if I'm alone, but,"

Moria stood on the bow of the boat, glanced down at Jinbei, and said with a smile, "But I'm afraid it will be a little troublesome if you add you!"

"Then take care of yourself!"

With such a loud roar, Jinping's body instantly sank to the bottom of the sea. The fastest swimming creature in the world is a merman, so of course the second fastest creature is a murloc.

"Hee hee hee hee!"

With his mouth wide open, Moria's smile looked extremely ferocious, and these three words spit out from his mouth,

"Shadow Warrior!"






The huge clods fell from the sky like rain, and the size of each piece was no smaller than that of the boat that Moriah was driving, huge, amazingly huge!

The waves on the sea were turbulent in an instant, and the sea, which was not so calm before, was now even more turbulent, and the huge waves had washed up to a height of tens of meters.



Constantly stepping on the air, the tea dolphin has landed on the side of another warship, looking a little surprised.

"what happened??"

"Hee hee hee hee hee!"

Such laughter came from one side, and the shadow bat that had been circling around him like a bone-encrusted maggot had disappeared, replaced by a burly guy with two small horns on his forehead, whose name was Mo Leah guy.

"what 's the truth??"

With such a big laugh, Moriah's huge fist, who moved in an instant by swapping positions with his own shadow, was wrapped in a strong domineering aura, and he slammed towards the tea dolphin.


The tea dolphin was not surprised but delighted, and suddenly turned around, looking very surprised,

"Did you deliver it to your door?"


With a soft sound, Moriah's fist slammed heavily on a dirt wall. Although it was a wall made of dirt, if a strong domineering force was added, it would instantly become an indestructible iron wall.

The natural system is mostly fluid, without substance, and cannot add domineering, but there are some special cases, such as the frozen fruit of Aokiji, the rock fruit of Akainu, and the soil fruit of tea dolphin.

Being able to do such a thing is indeed very advantageous.


With a very unhappy grunt, Moriah's fist had already slammed into the mud wall made of tea dolphin.

"Morlia? Boss Sakaski means that all the guys related to fire dragons can't be spared,"

The mud wall made by the right hand of the tea dolphin softened directly, covering Moria.

"Of course you are one of them!"


The clod that wrapped Moria shrank instantly, squeezing out the shadow bats that filled the sky.


Tea Dolphin gritted his teeth, "What a troublesome ability!"

Using the same trick again to switch positions of himself and the shadow, Moria laughed proudly, "Admiral of the Navy, hehehehehehe!! That's all!"


With such a big laugh, this man is about to fall into the sea. The shadow that he had replaced before was bombarded by the earth and rocks that fell from the sky. It was originally not high above the sea. After it was replaced, the shadow could fly, but It doesn't mean that Moriah can fly.

Moria, who doesn't know how to walk, starts to fall as soon as he appears on the sea. As a capable person, falling into the sea means the game is over.

But luckily, he's not alone!

"Catch me!"

With such a big laugh, Moria felt no fear at all.


With undulating waves, the blue murloc jumped out of the water and directly caught Moria's tall body.

"Don't cause trouble to others!"

With a loud roar, Jinping pulled Moriah and threw the guy directly into the sky.

"Hee hee hee hee! Really reliable! Jinping!"

Like a rocket rushing into the sky, Moria laughed, "As a partner!"


The moment Moria flew into the sky, the door in the sky suddenly opened, Moria flew in directly, and then the door closed.

"Damn it! That's enough trouble!"

The tea dolphin landed on a warship again. Very annoyed.

"Hey, Brother Yixiao, it's almost the same, isn't it? It's time to fight? Since these guys are avoiding the battle, let's just drive directly to the Fire Dragon Kingdom!"

In the distance, Fujitora, who was communicating with the man named Jack, gave Chabuta a headache~www.readwn.com~ Click! "

The door opened once again, and the big ship poked its head out of the green space,

"I can't let you go!"

The cook stood on the bow with a smile on his face,

"That place is the kind of fire that the captain is looking forward to!"

"Then stop and see!"

Tea dolphin pulled the corner of his mouth. Behind him, five lieutenant generals from the navy headquarters, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, Stoloberry, and Dalmesia stomped on the air and rushed towards this side. The names are all the old rivers and lakes who have been fighting on the sea for decades for justice, and each of them is extremely strong.

However, the Fire Dragon Pirates are not without manpower.

"Let them out!"

The chef said so loudly, "Ddraig!"


A red energy body appeared on the deck, and the ship spirit named Ddraig responded enthusiastically.


A door suddenly opened under the ship, and ten culture jars fell out directly from it.

"Clap clap clap clap!!"

Then, the culture jar was directly smashed, the green culture liquid inside splashed everywhere, and the ten puppy-like beings with wings behind them fell directly.

Then, almost instantly, these falling things made a shrill, screeching cry, and then,

They are flying!

Like lightning, it rushed towards the lieutenant generals of the navy.

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