Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

: over-the-horizon combat


Doflamingo rolled over in the air and landed on the ground, feeling numb behind him. The Tyrannosaurus Fruit gave Drake a very powerful power. In terms of pure power, Drake's power is definitely in Doflaming. Brother above, even if he used domineering resistance, but Drake's powerful strength still left a deep impression on him. ~Suim~Dream~Little~Said~щ~suimеng~lā

"Sauron! Let's go too!"

In the distance, the straw hat's body was ejected, and the body broke through the air. The naked eye couldn't keep up with his speed at all, but in an instant, he came to Doflamingo, his right arm was stretched and stretched behind his back.

"Fire Fist Gun!"

The right arm shrank instantly, and the fist was covered with a powerful domineering force. At the moment of shrinking, the air was rubbed, and the flames erupted. Inspired by his brother Ace, the fire fist that belonged to Straw Hat was such a trick.


Doflamingo's arm suddenly swung, and the white line on the ground surged instantly, like a tide, covered with a powerful domineering, like a wall blocking the front of the straw hat.


The fist slammed heavily on the line wall, and the strong power instantly punched a hole in the line wall, and the intense high temperature spread out.

"It's so funny!"

Doflamingo smiled, and his body flew into the sky as if he was being dragged. He only needed to wrap the thread around the clouds in the sky, then he could achieve the thing floating in the air.

"Three hundred troublesome phoenix!!"

A low shout came from a distance, and a green slash came suddenly, the air was torn apart weakly, and the extremely sharp aura diffused, and the entwined slashes had arrived at Doflamingo's. before.

"Super Strike Whip!"

With a flick of the right hand, the slender line of the whip has roared out, and instantly collided with the flying slash, directly smashing the slash.

"Dong dong dong dong!"

Almost at the same time, Doflamingo shot at the slash from the three swordsman swordsman, accompanied by a dull voice, the blond-haired chef had stepped on the air and quickly approached this side.

"Devil's foot!"

The scorching breath instantly filled the air, and the air seemed to be distorted by such an amazing temperature.

"Don't try to run!"


The figures of Luo and Bepo instantly appeared behind Doflamingo.


The battle-hardened Doflamingo gritted his teeth, and even he was a little powerless when faced with so many good players.


On the other side, Deros Rosa.

"Yeah, I'm really bothering you,"

Following the beautiful woman, Vlad walked on the streets of Deros Rosa, thanking him with a smile, "Such a sudden request must have made you very distressed? Uhahahaha, I'm so sorry! Because it's an outsider. , I haven't been to this place in the past, so I'm not very familiar with this country, so I hope you can show me the way!"

"Do not-"

The beautiful woman turned around, sweat on her forehead, but with a bright smile on her face, "I'm very happy to be on the list of Mr. Vlad! Really!"

The woman's name is Violet, a cadre of the Don Quixote family. Of course, this is only a superficial identity. The real identity is the former King Deros Rosa, the daughter of King Liku, that is to say, the former princess, for the sake of the family. He traded his life with Doflamingo and joined the Don Quixote family.

The ability is a superhuman staring fruit, and it is indeed a devil fruit that is most suitable for leading the way.

I was a little annoyed when I was suddenly called by someone on the street just now. Then I turned around and saw the appearance of the two men behind me. It was just a shake, and he fell to the ground, completely unable to control his body, sweat, tears, and began to slide down his face little by little.

It’s not that they don’t know each other. In fact, some time ago, reports about the Fire Dragon Pirates were overwhelming, and the fact that the Charlotte family merged into the Fire Dragon Pirates after the death of Charlotte Lingling was a big news that caused a sensation in the world. Anyone with a little knowledge would know such a thing, so of course Violet was impressed by the two faces that were on the front page of that day's newspapers.

The four emperors, no, they should be one of the three emperors now, the fire dragon Vlad, and the head of the three dessert generals, Charlotte Katakuri, any one of them is a monster with terrifying strength. Now these two This guy actually came to this place at the same time—

Violet was flustered.

Vlad's reason for looking for her is to let her lead the way, and hope she can find out the locations of all the officials of the Don Quixote family. After all, not all the officials are in the King's Heights, and the purpose is quite straightforward. To be frank, the fire dragon simply and neatly stated that he wanted to occupy this island, so the Don Quixote family was the garbage that had to be removed.

So fear, the elimination of the Don Quixote family is of course a good thing for Violet. Although she and Doflamingo are adults, it does not mean that she is full of the Don Quixote family. There is a sense of belonging, but if a Don Quixote family is gone and a more terrifying Fire Dragon Pirates come, then it is meaningless, and the consequence can only be that the people can't see the future even more.

But I couldn't resist. Although the man in front of me was always smiling and giggling, I couldn't have the courage to refute him at all~www.readwn.com~ It takes all the courage to just say a word to him, So I can only honestly take him to the gathering place of the cadres.


It didn't take long for the three of them to come to the outside of a huge arena. Violet turned around and said in a low voice, "Diamond Army is stationed here. Except for them, other cadres are gathered in the King's Heights."

"oh, I see!"

Vlad nodded, "That's true, it feels like a waste, there are only these two places! In other words, if you don't find you, it won't take much effort!"

"Yes, that's right—"

Violet only dared to follow Vlad's words, with no intention of resisting at all.

"Hey, hey, don't belittle yourself,"

Vlad smiled and patted Violet's shoulder, "You are still very useful, I have decided that from today onwards, you will be my subordinate!"


Violet was stunned.

"Don't you want to?"

Vlad's eyes widened.

"No no,"

Violet shook his head like a windmill, "I am very willing, I am very willing!"

"That's good!"

Vlad nodded, and had a little high regard for his own charm. It was indeed the chosen one, and when the tiger body shook, some people bowed their heads and bowed.


Katakuri clicked his tongue.

"Okay! The nonsense has been here for a long time, and the action to obliterate the Don Quixote family is the first step!"

Vlad smiled, his eyes widened suddenly.


The invisible wave spreads away, instantly covering the huge arena in front of him.

"Okay, it's done,"

Vlad turned his head and left, "Let's go, the next target, the King's Heights!"

The first step, the end.

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