Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 772: gauntlet

Of course, what the Fire Dragon Pirates did in Deros Rosa can't be covered. The world is staring at the Fire Dragon Pirates, and there are as many people staring at Vlad. As far as the current situation is concerned, they have already defeated one four. The emperor's Vlad is the existence that has the best chance to reach the top and become the new king. Of course, his every move attracts attention. This time Vlad did such a thing in Deros Rosa, of course, from the beginning. From the beginning, I never expected to be able to hide from the hyenas that keep their eyes open at all times.

So, of course, this matter quickly spread on the sea. After all, Shichibukai cannot be regarded as a small person in this sea no matter what, Don Quixote Doflamingo What's more, this guy's power is second to none in the entire New World. In terms of sphere of influence, perhaps even the Four Emperors are not as good as him. After all, the Four Emperors will not do business everywhere.

So when such a powerful character was killed, it was a matter of course that there would be a huge wave in this sea. After all, it was only a few days after the defeat of the BIG?MOM pirates and the death of Charlotte Lingling. , Everyone has not recovered from the previous shock, and then there is such a big news, it is natural to be surprised.

In this incident, the most surprising thing is the terrifying strength displayed by the Fire Dragon Pirates. You must know that although he is also a cadre of the Fire Dragon Pirates, Luo's reputation is of course not without the chef Ani Luzhi. This kind of guy is loud, and there is no outstanding person in the Fire Dragon Pirates, but it is such a person, who can solve a Qiwuhai with a few people in an understatement, this is really surprising. .

A cadre has such strength, how strong is the Fire Dragon Pirates? It is really unimaginable. Not a few people think that way. They think that the fire dragon will become the Pirate King sooner or later. Such voices have gradually increased in the sea. The consequence is that these days, want to The number of pirates who joined the Fire Dragon's flag began to surge, and there should not be too many guys who wanted to hug the king's thigh. The strength of the Fire Dragon Pirates began to skyrocket again.

Of course, in addition to Trafalgar Law of the Fire Dragon Pirates, Drake and Hawkins of the Pirates, the activity of another group of pirates is still impressive. Two years ago, the war on the top was quite impressive. The dazzling Straw Hat Pirates have already set sail again, and they have also participated in the battle against Doflamingo this time. They have contributed a lot to defeat the veteran Shichibukai. On the sea, another group of guys who are not weak began to gallop freely.

Straw Hat Luffy, this man also began to truly enter the field of vision of the world's top guys for the first time, and the image of the brat who stood on top of the war began to fade away.

Of course, in this Deros Rosa incident, people are most concerned about another thing.

Doflamingo has a connection with Kaido, one of the four emperors. This is not a secret in the new world. Many people know about it. So, now, the Fire Dragon Pirates have a problem with Doflamingo. The matter of doing it itself is worth scrutinizing. Does this represent a certain attitude of the fire dragon, the attitude of Kaido the beast?

I knew that Doflamingo was Kaido's partner, but the fire dragon still had no scruples, and started directly. He killed Doflamingo as soon as he made a move. This kind of thing really shocked many people's glasses. , Although not everyone knows that Doflamingo is the supplier of artificial devil fruits for Kaido, Vlad's behavior is essentially cutting off Kaido's biggest strength growth channel, the ability The Legion could no longer expand.

Not everyone knows this kind of thing, but, everyone knows that Kaido is not a good-natured person, the first thing you should understand is that the four emperors are not to be provoked, even the best-tempered The redhead, one of the four emperors, whoever provokes his partner, no matter who it is, the redhead will give him a devastating blow. You must know that the world of pirates is not something that the Virgin can do.

Kaido is the same, this man's temper is even more irritable, even if it is the fire dragon who is also the fourth emperor, as long as the person who moved him, then the only thing that can wait is the revenge like thunder.

Thinking of this is not one person, everyone realizes that, perhaps, the new world will soon usher in a new round of violent storms! The Fire Dragon Pirates did not act recklessly, they were serious, and within a few days after defeating BIG?MOM, the Fire Dragon Pirates had already targeted the Hundred Beast Pirates. The emperor pattern has been stable for more than ten years, but, perhaps, this pattern that has been stable for more than ten years is about to collapse! The truly earth-shattering times are coming!

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the follow-up development.

Then, the follow-up came, and it didn't make people wait long, a newspaper already brought the follow-up development of the story.

The location is an island in the New World. This island has been torn apart, and the raging flames are spreading around the island. It is a doomsday scene~www.readwn.com~Ugh-damn fire dragon kid! "

The huge monster roamed in the flames, smashing the guy in his hand to smash, and blood splashed everywhere, "Is that guy the clown finished? It's all because of your weakness! JOKER! but-"

"In this case,"

This beast raised his head, and tears actually started to flow from his eyes, spreading like a small river, "Isn't it impossible to finish? Didn't you promise to build a unique army of able-bodied people in the world? That's it. If you die, clown, you bastard, can't you do it!"


With a sudden roar, he hid heavily on the ground, and the island that had been torn apart shook violently again, and a huge pothole was formed in an instant.

"Bastard! Wait! Fire dragon kid! I'll tear you apart right away!"

"Boss! Boss!"

The man's thick voice came from one side, and the shattered buildings in the distance were shattered and pulled into a cloud of dust. The tall man quickly appeared in front of Kaido, "Big news!"


Kaido turned his head, "What's wrong?"

"Hahahaha, that **** Fire Dragon,"

The leader of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, the leader of the three disasters, the man named Jin handed Kaido a newspaper, "It's really courageous!


After taking the newspaper, Kaido's eyes suddenly widened,

"Hahahaha, you're really brave! Fire dragon kid! War book?"

"I took it!"

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