Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 777: Vegapunk's Big Surprise

"Oh, it's been a long time, Miss Leah,"

In the spacious hall, Vlad looked very happy and greeted with a smile on his face.

"Well, it's been a long time no see,"

In front of Vlad, the beautiful and moving mermaid lady also looked very cheerful, "Mr. Vlad!"

The girl's name is Leah, the little sister that Vlad knew when he was on Fishman Island. She is indeed a well-deserved beauty.

Now he is the ship doctor of the Sun Pirates. Of course, this Miss Leia is his subordinate today when the Sun Pirates joined the Fire Dragon Pirates.

Vlad summoned all the pirates under his command. After all, the opponent is not just Kaido. Therefore, this time, the Sun Pirates are not just Shiping alone. The murloc army with more than 5,000 people was killed Lead, come to this fire dragon kingdom.

Miss Leah thinks Vlad is the hero who changed Fishman Island, sweeping away the dark side of Fishman Island, so that the fishmen in Fishman Street can finally integrate into the life of Fishman Island smoothly, so Leah She wanted to join Vlad's Fire Dragon Pirates, so she chose to be the ship doctor of the Sun Pirates, and now, she seems to be finally able to help Vlad.

Miss Leah is among them. After careful calculation, she has not seen each other for about two years. She will be happy to meet again after a long absence. This is the most essential happiness of human beings, so Vlad is also very happy.

It is indeed a very interesting thing to meet the beautiful young lady again and fulfill the original promise.

"This time, I can finally help Mr. Vlad!"

There is a bubble in the position of Leah's waist, which can make her float in the air, allowing her to move freely on land, just like it can make humans move under the sea, a very convenient thing.

"I am looking forward!"

Vlad smiled, "If it's Leah, it will definitely be of great help to me."

"Hey hey hey!"

The little sister smiled proudly, very cute.

"Ha ha!"

Vlad smiled mildly, being believed by others. It's not a bad feeling that someone wants to help him. After all, people are social creatures. The so-called lonely strong people are really pitiful.

Rubbing the hair on Leah's head, Vlad said, "Although I'm really looking forward to your performance, Leah, but ah, as a medical staff, please take care to protect yourself, after all, you are alive Does that mean more people can be treated by you?"


Leah nodded heavily, of course, in the team battle, the nurse must of course be in the back row.

The arrival of Vlad of the Sun Pirates at this time was somewhat unexpected. After all, this is a power that is not weak. The average strength of the murlocs' low-level combat power is definitely above that of humans, not to mention, This world is the world of the sea, and the sea is the home of the murlocs.

Vlad initially thought that the Sun Pirates would not be able to keep up with this war. After all, it would take a lot of time to train a group of gangsters who would only be vicious in their hometown into a group of qualified fighters, but in the end it did. Catching up, Vlad was delighted.

In this case, all the power has been gathered, Vlad thought so, the war can start immediately, there is nothing to be afraid of! Vlad stood up with confidence and boldness.



The thunderbolt came out of the wall and turned into a pillar of thunder and bombarded in front of Vlad. The man incarnated by thunder and lightning had appeared in front of Vlad.

"There's one thing you might want to see for yourself!"

Anilu said so.


Vlad frowned, "Don't say that it's time for you to have some blind idiots doing things!"

Pirates are pirates after all, even if he is a pirate himself, but what Vlad has to admit is that pirates really represent disorder and chaos. If you want to ban pirates, forget it, that is the navy.

In fact, just when the Fire Dragon fleet began to gather, conflicts broke out among several pirate groups under its command, and even casualties occurred. Although they were also under the command of the Fire Dragon Pirates, they did not represent all the pirates under their command. The pirate group really had one heart, so Vlad made a quick decision and sank all the two pirate groups that had caused their lives to the bottom of the sea, which made these **** quieter.

Vlad felt very annoyed. At this time, he has achieved this point, and there are still things that are not long-sighted? Is it true that Tie Tie doesn't want to live?


Aenelu had an excited smile on his face, "I don't care what those idiots do, but, Captain, Vega Punk told me to tell you that he has something for you to see!"


Vlad's eyes lit up, "Is that thing finished?"

Vlad hadn't seen Dr. Vega Punk for a long time. That man and Paso belonged to the same category. They were both people who would never wake up once they entered the state of scientific research. He has been busy working on something recently. I have been fighting for it for a long time, so long that Vlad almost forgot what this man looks like~www.readwn.com~ Vega Punk is undoubtedly a genius, and it took him so long to get it out. The thing is of course extremely amazing. He told Vlad that this is something that goes further than the pacifists. The research that has been started after the completion of the pacifist project, the purpose of this research is-

"Replace the king's Qiwuhai!"

That's what Vegapunk said to Vlad at the time, and Vlad remembers it quite clearly.


Vlad grinned and laughed. "That's so timely! Just before the war?"

The location is the Fire Dragon Kingdom, Thassa Island, a scientific research island hidden in the sea under the sea where the Fire Dragon Pirates are stationed, and is now the site of Bergapunk.

"Hurry up!"

Vlad walked around Vega Punk like a child, "Doctor, let me see it! What does that thing look like!"

"What an impatient brat!"

The thick dark circles under the eyes are like ink drawn around the eyes, and Vega Punk looks like he hasn't slept for a long time, and he looks weak.

"Hey hey hey,"

Vlad smiled, "Because you have made something amazing! Lord Doctor!"

"Speak up,"

Vegapunk nodded, "I would also like to thank the idiot Caesar, his artificial devil fruit is really good as a raw material!"


Vlad grinned.

"It's quite a good thing to do!"

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