Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 779: The battle begins

"Spot the shadow of the ship ahead!"

This kind of sound echoed on the big ship. The fire dragon fleet has been connected through hundreds of telephone bugs. This thing is really very useful, and it can maintain contact between people at any time, just like now, even when flying in The Platinum Ddraig in the air can also immediately get the information from the ships ahead.


Vlad raised his eyebrows, "Is it coming so soon? It's really interesting, what is that guy Kaido thinking?"

He is a little curious, and the fool knows that as long as Kaido does not lead the team himself, as long as it does not send out the entire Beast Pirates together, and simply leads the pirates to attack the Fire Dragon Fleet, then it is purely an act of courting death. Can these idiots cause Vlad the loss of even a ship?

But it did appear, and it didn't make Vlad wait long. Ahead, a mighty pirate fleet appeared in front of Vlad like this, hanging the banner of the Hundred Beasts Pirates, obviously the Hundred Beasts Pirates. The pirate group under the Beast Pirates, Vlad is not blind.

"What the **** is Kaido thinking?"

Vlad looked puzzled, "Is it because there are too many pirates under his command, so it's a bit of a waste of resources, so you decided to let them die?"

"That's not even possible!"

Behind Vlad, Luo smiled, "That guy Kaido is a lunatic, no one knows what he is thinking."

"Could it be a trap?"

The maid said, "For example, that guy Kaido is actually on the boat?"

"If that's the case,"

The chef said casually, "Then it should have rushed towards the captain now!"

Vlad's level of ridicule towards Kaido is actually quite high. Kaido's hatred for Vlad has reached the point where he wants to tear him to pieces when he sees Vlad's face. Kaido is not a fool , but he is no longer a strategist with deep scheming and plans. If he has really come over, then he must have rushed towards Vlad.

"never mind,"

Vlad shook his head. Don't think about things that you can't figure out. This is not only useless, it will only make people more irritable, "I don't have so many worries, who cares what that guy Kaido thinks?"

"In the name of my dragon Vlad,"

Vlad picked up a phone bug and said with a smile, "Inform the entire Fire Dragon Fleet, the battle begins! Destroy the entire enemy fleet!!"

Using sound waves as the carrier and telephone bugs as the medium, the order was transmitted towards the fleet that was generally scattered above the sea, and was heard by everyone in an instant.

"Hey, is it finally time to fight?"

Holding a huge rocket launcher in his hand, the man whose name is Weipa is now also a member of the Fire Dragon Fleet, with a fanatical smile on his face, a subordinate of the Fire Dragon Pirates, the Angel Legion!

"This young master's glory will spread all over the world this time!"

With a rose in his mouth, a man with a halo around you for some reason, the well-known host of Fire Dragon TV, White Horse Cavendish, looks very intoxicated.

"Hey, this time is the time to show our strength in front of Lord Vlad!"

The body has been transformed into a gorilla, and the man named Eddie is laughing.

Vlad's order has spread throughout the entire fleet, and different people have heard different reactions, but all these differences contain the same thing, which converges into the same voice.

So Vlad heard the voice from the phone bug.


Unanimous voice, the voice of fighting intent.

The battle begins.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The artillery salvo fired, and the ships located in the middle and rear did not need to hit the hull horizontally, and only used the artillery in the bow to fire, but under the amazing increase in the number of ships, a black cloud was immediately formed above the sky. The gathered cloud of death!

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The turbulent water column rose into the sky, and the shells carried powerful kinetic energy from the sky and bombarded the seabed heavily. The turbulent wave was formed in this way.

Of course, not all the shells were bombarded in the sea in vain. Although the number is far less than that of the Fire Dragon Fleet, the number of ships in the fleet of the Beast Pirates still exceeded fifty, so Faced with a rain of shells on such a scale, there is no reason why a huge fleet can completely avoid the attack by moving around.


The body was directly hit by the artillery, and only had time to cry.

"Stern shot! Go put out the fire!"

The artillery with a long tail flame bombarded the stern, and after a strong explosion, the flames spread instantly.

"Bombed in the cabin! Watch out—boom!"

I just wanted to deal with the topic, but unfortunately, the place where it was hit was the ammunition warehouse, which exploded, and immediately smashed the big ship into pieces.

In just a few rounds of salvos, nearly ten ships were bombed into the seabed. The so-called heavy losses may refer to such a situation.

"Damn! Fight back!"

On a certain pirate ship, a certain pirate captain shouted angrily, "Don't stand stupidly! Let those guys see how powerful we are!"

"No! Captain,"

The pirates under him exclaimed, "The scale gap is too big! Our firepower is completely useless!"

"Damn! Why on earth are we doing such a mission??"

The pirate captain's face was full of despair, "Damn, it must be the general who spread the news! How could Lord Kaido watch us come to death??"

"There's still time to look around??"

Loud laughter fell from the sky, and the huge black shadow had suddenly bombarded the deck. Then, under the cover of artillery fire, the ships at the forefront of the Fire Dragon Fleet had already rushed to this side, and the battle of picking up the ship could already begin.


The deck was shattered in an instant,


There was a tumultuous tumbling on the ground~www.readwn.com~ The pirate captain looked very surprised, "Snake??"

The huge snake fell from the sky like a pillar, the head part has been smashed into the bottom of the boat, and the tail part is held in the hand of a certain man, the man's name is Weipa!


Weipa had a playful smile on his face, "Where are you looking?"


His eyes suddenly stared, and he shot up from the deck. The pirate captain had already jumped into the air,


The deck shattered suddenly, and the huge snake head smashed the deck from below, and its mouth grew up and bit directly at the pirate captain.

"Hmph, naive!"

The pirate captain shouted in such a low voice.

"who is it?"

Weipa smiled softly,


A light suddenly flickered from the snake's mouth, which exuded a strong stench.



The scorching flames have instantly wrapped the Pirate Captain.

"Beautiful sword!!"

With a low roar, a dazzling slash shot up into the sky, and the ship under his feet instantly became two halves.

"Hey! Cavendish!"

Weipa was angry.

The battle is one-sided, and the pirates affiliated with the beasts who come here do not seem to be strong players, both in terms of quantity and quality.


The ships of the Fire Dragon Fleet on the opposite side were already sluggish, and a light suddenly lit up in the dim cabin.


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