Pirates: Fire Dragon Roar

Vol 2 Chapter 786: Fujitora: Fuji is the Neptune nemesis

On the sea, the huge warships are advancing like an island. The sails that cover the sky are not far from the Fire Dragon fleet commanded by Vlad before. The size of the warships is quite amazing. Such a gathering of warships will immediately make people understand what is called the strongest force in the world and what is the overlord of the sea.

"How far is it from Wano Country?"

Standing on the bow of the big ship, Fujitora asked without looking back.

"It will take about an hour at our speed, right? We will be able to see the coastline of Wano Country!"

Behind her, the skinny old grandmother spoke lightly.

"But is it really good for you to come with us?"

Fujitora turned around, with a warm smile on his face, "This time the battle will not be easy."

"Stop joking, just smile,"

Lieutenant General Crane said slowly, "Now that the sea is turbulent, the government has reached the most difficult time, and there is still a stable place in the world!"

"that's true!"

Fujitora scratched his head.

"To get real security,"

Lieutenant General Crane said, "It is more feasible to use the swords and guns in our hands to obtain them."

"Ha ha ha ha,"

Fujitora laughed out loud, "That's not like what an old woman should say!"


Fujitora was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, looking a little surprised.

"What's wrong?"

Lieutenant General Crane asked in confusion, "A smile?"

"how to say?"

Fujitora put his hand on the hilt of the knife in his hand, "A little surprised! Such a thing - I don't know where to start, in short, please take a look for yourself!"


The purple halo spread instantly, but in the blink of an eye, the entire fleet was shrouded, and the huge naval fleet escaped the control of gravity and flew into the sky.


Lieutenant General Crane was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand why Fujitora made such a big battle.


The sea suddenly began to swell, and there was no wind and waves, but it did indeed roll up the earth-shattering huge waves.

"This is-??"

There was a trace of panic in General Crane's eyes, and he had already seen that there seemed to be something under the sea? Huge shadows wandered under the sea, not one, but one, a huge black shadow.



Lying on top of his own boat, Vlad held a phone bug in his hand and spoke to the person on the other side of the phone, "Fujitora is on top! There's nothing I can do, it's a pity, if that guy wasn't there, It's not impossible to kill the navy in one wave. Forget it, let's retreat! It would be silly to have to do it even if you know you can't do it!"

"Yes! Boss Vlad!"

On the other end of the phone, a very sweet woman's voice came over, looking very depressed.

"Hey, there's no need to be upset, Little White Star,"

Vlad smiled, "You've done a great job! It's just not so lucky this time!"


On the other end of the phone, the girl looked very disheartened, "Obviously, I have already agreed that I can help Boss Vlad, but, but—I can't do anything without it! U—"

The girl seemed to be crying.

"Okay, little white star,"

Vlad comforted, "If it doesn't work this time, it's better to help next time. It's not the only chance! It's the biggest help that I need to cry at this time and let me dedicate my extra energy to comfort you. Get busy!"


Although she was still crying, she had stopped crying.

"Then protect yourself from now on! On my side, the battle is about to begin!"

Vlad said so, in front of you, you can already see a huge city appearing on the horizon, and the capital of Wano, the capital of flowers, has finally appeared, that is to say, the battle should begin!

Kaido is right there!

"Okay! Boss Vlad!"

The beautiful mermaid princess answered loudly, "I won't cause you any more trouble, boss!"

"Haha, so cute!"

Vlad said with a smile, it's really for a lovely girl.

"Did the battle fail?"

Vlad just hung up the phone when the maid behind him said so.

"Ah, failed,"

Vlad said casually, but he didn't seem to care too much, "It's really unfortunate, that guy Fujitora was sent over again, tsk, that guy's abilities are really troublesome enough!"


The maid also looked a little helpless. Fujitora's ability is really too strong in a sense, not only destructive power, but also various other uses are also surprising.

"But it is,"

Vlad sighed, "White Star's abilities are not fully developed!"

Bai Xing is naturally that Bai Xing, the mermaid princess of Ryugu Castle on Fishman Island, a non-staff member of the Fire Dragon Pirates, Vlad's younger brother, uh, younger sister, her true identity is Poseidon, the sea king who is one of the three ancient weapons, With the ability to command all the sea kings, this time against the navy is to let the white star come over and kill the navy fleet directly at sea~www.readwn.com~ The attack from the depths of the sea, even the general led the team may not be so easily spared , unless that guy Kuzan is still in the Navy.

But it is a pity that the battle failed, because even if Kuzan was not there, the navy brought in a smile, and the level of trouble of ability was even more than that of Kuzan, and the coverage of super-long-distance knowledge and domineering did not wait. When the attack was launched, the arrival of the Sea Kings was already foreseen. Then, the launch ability directly lifted the naval fleet into the sky, and the Sea Kings had no choice. They couldn't fly.

In other words, the plan to stop it failed, and it was difficult for Vlad to try not to be reckless.

"But it doesn't matter. Although the blocking plan failed, the current situation is much better than expected."

Vlad smiled and said, "That guy Dorag has shared a lot of firepower for us! Is he under a lot of pressure now? The government navy has focused their attention on him, and the next time we meet, we will have to ask for it. Thank him so much!"

"Let's talk about this later, Captain,"

The chef smiled and said, "It's already here! The capital of flowers, the battle, it's almost time to start!"

Ahead, in front of everyone in the Fire Dragon Fleet, is a huge city called the City of Flowers, the capital of Wano Kingdom, which is the battlefield of this war.

"Yes, let's say hello first!"

Vlad smiled, and his figure suddenly began to rise!

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